Cleaning Up Uninstalled Install Packages If Any Exist
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Cleaning Up Uninstalled Install Packages If Any Exist

Cleaning Up Uninstalled Install Packages If Any Exist

Most package managers attempt to be atomic and will do their best to clean up after themselves if interrupted. Well-behaved installation packages clean up after themselves, removing all traces of their existence from system configuration files and temporary directories. Another benefit of using these package management. Registry keys can be left behind if the host computer hangs or resets while you are uninstalling the previous product. It can also be left behind due to user permissions issue. When the installer finds these registry keys, it interprets their presence as an indication that the previous product is still installed.

Perhaps there should be an option to also remove the configuration on uninstall? I agree; & should be shown by the uninstaller & on by default. Most people expect to uninstall a program when they uninstall, not remove half the files & have the other half abandoned on their HD, unknowingly eating up space & adding confusion. Current behavior goes beyond leaving 'settings' (an init.ini).

Cleaning Up Uninstalled Install Packages If Any Exist

You are leaving in entire GH repos (packages) in a system folder. C: Users.atom can be 40Mb to several Gb.

Squirrel uninstallers have no UI There are other more flexable & mature installers around. This folder isn't deleted on Mac or Linux on uninstall If I was running those OSes, I'd want their.atom folders to be removed as well. Should I change the topic to include those also? I can see leaving user settings when the client was flaky & uninstalls/reinstalls were frequent. But now Atom itself & the updater seem more stable, so I'm assuming people will update without uninstalling. Does it seem reasonable that when people want to uninstall Atom now, they actually want to uninstall? You aren't suggesting it defaulting to removing the folder, are you?

That would be dangerous. If it can't have a setting then it has to leave the folder. All the personal setup is in there. On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Tom Byrer wrote: Squirrel uninstallers have no UI There are other more flexable & mature installers around. I can see leaving user settings when the client was flaky & uninstalls/reinstalls were frequent. But now Atom itself & the updater seems more stable, so I'm assuming people will update without uninstalling. Does it seem reasonable that when people want to uninstall Atom now, they actually want to uninstall?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub. The only reason I can see leaving the.atom file by default is if if you NEED to use that uninstall method during the built-in update process.

I can think of several other reasons. You might delete Atom and then move the folder to another computer. You might uninstall and later change your mind.

You might forget to copy your custom files before uninstalling. Removing custom settings files without warning is definitely a no-no. On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 2:40 PM, joshery420 wrote: Second this opinion. Leaving user settings/configuration and such when uninstalling is fine if it's optional during uninstall, but if it's all or nothing, I don't think uninstalling should leave extra data around. The only reason I can see leaving the.atom file by default is if if you NEED to use that uninstall method during the built-in update process.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub. I'd like there to be an option / dialogue to ask whether you'd like to keep user data or not. This is extremely common among Windows applications at the very least. On Archlinux's pacman, there exists the -n flag to say not to keep user settings. I'm sure similar options exist on most package managers. I just tried uninstalling atom to get a 'clean state' fresh install.

Very surprised when I re-installed it again, and everything goes back to the way it was, all packages still there. Since it gave me absolutely 0 feedback when I uninstalled it, I expected everything to be gone.

I think I may have found a reason for this error (at least in my case) and a possible workaround. (also posted on StackOverflow ) I got a similar message from the installer and found that I could go to command prompt and run the MSI with a command line option to make it create a log file (like node-v0.10.24-x64.msi /lxv C: Logs Nodejs.log), where you can choose what the log is called and where it goes. In my case, we are running in an Active Directory domain environment and some of our folders that are normally local are redirected to a network share so they are always there no matter what computer we log into. Mostly for the benefit of our 'My Documents' folder. When looking through the log I found the actual error that I was getting: • WixCreateInternetShortcuts: Error 0x80070005: failed to save shortcut ' ad.local system users[myAcctName] Start Menu Programs Node.js Node.js website.url' • WixCreateInternetShortcuts: Error 0x80070005: failed to create Internet shortcut • CustomAction WixCreateInternetShortcuts returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox).

Resolution (for me) Oddly enough, just running an admin escalated command prompt first, and then running the MSI lets it install correctly. I think the difference is that when you double-click on an MSI and it escalates, it runs as TrustedInstaller and while that account has access to everything on my box, it does not have network access. When I run an escalated command prompt, it is running as me, but already escalated (the MSI never needs to ask for escalation), so it works. I just downloaded node-v0.12.4-x64.msi and can confirm that this is indeed still an issue, albeit a slight different error message is presented, but it is still the same problem that I posted above on 1/6/2014. The messages now are: • MSI (s) (D4:68) [16:36:54:599]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=CreateFolders,Description=Creating folders,Template=Folder: [1]) • MSI (s) (D4:68) [16:36:54:599]: Executing op: FolderCreate(Folder= ad.local system users[myAcctName] Start Menu Programs Node.js,Foreign=0,SecurityDescriptor=BinaryData,) • Info 1926.Could not set file security for file ' ad.local system users[myAcctName] Start Menu Programs Node.js'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to modify the security permissions for this file. • MSI (s) (D4:68) [16:36:54:654]: Error in rollback skipped.

Return: 3 If you like, I can get you the entire log file. Also, due to the nature of the error (at least in my case) I understand that this is not easily recreated by most developers as you need an environment where your user documents (normally located at C: Users[myAcctName] is relocated to a network server. See for details.

I do not know if I am allowed to reopen this issue myself, so if I can't, then the owner may need to. Hey,, I think I have a clue. I looked at the file properties of your msi to see if I could determine what 'brand' it was (appears to be Microsoft's installer toolkit) to see if I could search for the issue via the installer docs. I didn't get quite that far since I found that probably gives the correct answer regardless of which installer you are using. In short, some installers give the option of asking the user if they want to install for 'Just for me' (not escalated) or for 'Everyone' (definitely escalated). If you are installing for 'Everyone', wouldn't it make sense to put the shortcut for the Start Menu under the 'All Users' Start Menu instead of the current user's? The All Users Start Menu would never be redirected by Folder Redirection, only the logged in user gets redirected.

If you really want to install to the current user's Start Menu, the accepted answer points to which may give you a clue as to how that is done. Since I don't use the Windows Installer, so I will have to leave the details of how either way that is actually done to you folks. If you tweak the install package, feel free to post a comment back on the forum of where I can find a new MSI and I will be happy to try it out for you. Thanks for the detailed report.

I think the difference is that when you double-click on an MSI and it escalates, it runs as TrustedInstaller and while that account has access to everything on my box, it does not have network access. When I run an escalated command prompt, it is running as me, but already escalated (the MSI never needs to ask for escalation), so it works. This sounds like a plausible explanation. I will try to reproduce it and do a bit of research to determine the best practice in this case. In the meantime, can you please share the entire log file?

Archicad Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf Creator. How would I get you the log file? The file is +11MB and I can't seem to attach a file to this post in github. As far as determining the best practice, that sounds great, but keep in mind even for users where the installation does not error out, I still think (in hindsight) the installation is not correct.

You are installing the software for 'Everyone', but only installing the start menu item 'Just for me' (the current user). I bet if you log on to your own computer as a different user you will find that there is no start menu item for jsnode. Mind you, I say all of this without testing it myself. The MSI install scope was set to the WiX default, which is per-user. However, with UAC, it could not be installed by a standard user because InstallPrivileges is elevated by default, hence the install scope should be set to per-machine. Furthermore, the default install path is a per-machine location and setting the system path requires administrator privileges.

By changing the InstallScope to perMachine, Start Menu shortcuts are placed in ProgramData and not the installing user's AppData folder, making the shortcuts available to other users. This also Fixes the installation when AppData is a network folder. The custom action is necessary to allow upgrades. Since a per-machine MSI cannot upgrade an application installed per-user, the custom action checks if there is going to be an upgrade to a previous version installed per-user and sets the installation as per-user to allow upgrading.

Hence, the advantages of installing per-machine will only apply in fresh installations. Fixes Fixes PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla Reviewed-By: Bert Belder. This is an adaptation of. Original commit message: The MSI install scope was set to the WiX default, which is per-user. However, with UAC, it could not be installed by a standard user because InstallPrivileges is elevated by default, hence the install scope should be set to per-machine.

Furthermore, the default install path is a per-machine location and setting the system path requires administrator privileges. By changing the InstallScope to perMachine, Start Menu shortcuts are placed in ProgramData and not the installing user's AppData folder, making the shortcuts available to other users. This also Fixes the installation when AppData is a network folder. The custom action is necessary to allow upgrades. Since a per-machine MSI cannot upgrade an application installed per-user, the custom action checks if there is going to be an upgrade to a previous version installed per-user and sets the installation as per-user to allow upgrading.

Hence, the advantages of installing per-machine will only apply in fresh installations. Fixes Fixes PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla Reviewed-By: Bert Belder The original commit was adapted to search all upgrade codes listed in the upgrade table, as the current installer tries to upgrade from two different upgrade codes. PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla. This is an adaptation of. Refx Nexus Christmas Expansion Download Yahoo.

Original commit message: The MSI install scope was set to the WiX default, which is per-user. However, with UAC, it could not be installed by a standard user because InstallPrivileges is elevated by default, hence the install scope should be set to per-machine.

Furthermore, the default install path is a per-machine location and setting the system path requires administrator privileges. By changing the InstallScope to perMachine, Start Menu shortcuts are placed in ProgramData and not the installing user's AppData folder, making the shortcuts available to other users.

This also Fixes the installation when AppData is a network folder. The custom action is necessary to allow upgrades. Since a per-machine MSI cannot upgrade an application installed per-user, the custom action checks if there is going to be an upgrade to a previous version installed per-user and sets the installation as per-user to allow upgrading. Hence, the advantages of installing per-machine will only apply in fresh installations. Fixes Fixes PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla Reviewed-By: Bert Belder The original commit was adapted to search all upgrade codes listed in the upgrade table, as the current installer tries to upgrade from two different upgrade codes.

PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla. Hello, I see this issue is closed. But am trying to install nodejs on Windows 10 64 bit. Fails with 1603. Please see message extract below. Complete log file attached.

Appreciate solutions. Tried most of the ones already mentioned above.

`MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:839]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction D: Downloads node-v4.4.6-x64.msi MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:839]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (s) (50:A8) [19:34:10:843]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:850]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:850]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0 MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:850]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown.

Counter after increment: 0 MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:850]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Installer Rollback Scripts 3: 2 MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:852]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Installer Rollback Scripts 3: 2 MSI (s) (50:A4) [19:34:10:852]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1 MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:10:856]: Back from server. Return value: 1603 MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:10:856]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied. Counter after decrement: -1 MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:10:856]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting SECONDSEQUENCE property.

Its current value is '1'. Action ended 19:34:10: ExecuteAction. Return value 3. MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:10:857]: Doing action: FatalError MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:10:857]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: ActionText Action start 19:34:10: FatalError. Action ended 19:34:11: FatalError. Return value 2. Action ended 19:34:11: INSTALL.

Return value 3. MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:842]: Destroying RemoteAPI object. MSI (c) (20:58) [19:34:11:842]: Custom Action Manager thread ending. === Logging stopped: 27-Jun-16 19:34:11 === MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:849]: Note: 1: 1708 MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:849]: Product: Node.js -- Installation failed. MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:853]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Node.js. Product Version: 4.4.6.

Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Node.js Foundation. Installation success or error status: 1603. MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:857]: Grabbed execution mutex. MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:857]: Cleaning up uninstalled install packages, if any exist MSI (c) (20:D0) [19:34:11:858]: MainEngineThread is returning 1603 === Verbose logging stopped: 27-Jun-16 19:34:11 === `. The MSI install scope was set to the WiX default, which is per-user. However, with UAC, it could not be installed by a standard user because InstallPrivileges is elevated by default, hence the install scope should be set to per-machine.

Furthermore, the default install path is a per-machine location and setting the system path requires administrator privileges. By changing the InstallScope to perMachine, Start Menu shortcuts are placed in ProgramData and not the installing user's AppData folder, making the shortcuts available to other users. This also Fixes the installation when AppData is a network folder.

The custom action is necessary to allow upgrades. Since a per-machine MSI cannot upgrade an application installed per-user, the custom action checks if there is going to be an upgrade to a previous version installed per-user and sets the installation as per-user to allow upgrading.

Hence, the advantages of installing per-machine will only apply in fresh installations. Fixes Fixes PR-URL: Reviewed-By: Alexis Campailla Reviewed-By: Bert Belder.