Densha De Go 3 Crackling
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Densha De Go 3 Crackling

Summary: As he makes his escape, the remaining government official is demanding answers from Van Argeno. With the intent of returning to Washington, the official talks about enacting “Option D,” and then keeps Van from entering the elevator because he’s not American, leaving him with only a handgun. Inside the theater, on the stage, Diva wonders if Saya is going to kill her. Saya does indeed intend to do so because their existence causes people sorrow. Diva, however, thinks that it can’t be helped because she doesn’t understand man and man doesn’t understand their kind.

Imported playstation 2 system - compare prices at Jan 31, 2014. Because I do. February 1, 2014 at 12:23 amMi-Chan. Link Thumb up 6 Thumb down. That is one selfish sea god, why does he want all the young girls who already have people loving them:( he should go find a fish and bring Manaka back! February 1, 2014 at 3:54 amSpike. Link Thumb up 1 Thumb down.

Saya of course disagrees since her important friends and family are human. Even if she’s not connected to them by blood, Riku was her little brother and George was her father.

But she also realizes that Diva doesn’t understand. Diva questions this, saying that they were born from the same mother. She finds it unfair that Saya gets to be happy and have fun. As the spotlight above them goes out, Diva returns to her original, long-haired form. She says that it’s really selfish since she was the one liberated by Saya from the tower. Saya replies that from that day on, the only reason she herself had been permitted to exist was to kill Diva. Looking hurt, Diva can’t believe that for the sake of proving her own existence, Saya would kill Diva.

Densha De Go 3 Crackling

Backstage, Hagi and Amshel’s fight has already started, but the two are able to dodge or deflect each other’s attacks. At first Amshel says that he hated Hagi, but then he corrects himself and says that he was jealous of how Hagi was to be Diva’s bridegroom. Stereo Tool 7 Keygen. But now that Diva is a mother, Amshel doesn’t hate or envy Hagi any longer. He recalls that in the old days, he could be happy in exchange for buying a piece of bread.

He suggests that they give thanks, causing Hagi to say that he is grateful to Amshel and Joel for letting him and Saya meet. Hagi then exposes his wings and both Chiropteran arms, showing Amshel that he’s serious. Amshel proceeds to take off his ring and place it on a mannequin bust, explaining that you need to behead or completely burn a Chevalier to kill him. He then turns into his Chiropteran form, which towers over Hagi. Hagi tries to attack him from above, but Amshel strikes first with a blast from his mouth. Saya and Diva notice that something’s going on when the stage starts shaking and a platform falls down under the stage. Diva turns Saya’s attention back to her, saying that the Chevaliers have the Chevaliers’ fight and the two of them have their own fun to be had.

Hagi got pushed out of the opera house by Amshel’s energy blast, but he manages not to take any damage. As the two Chevaliers fly over a stormy New York City, Amshel seems to have the advantage as he stays on the offensive and beats Hagi around. Back outside the Metropolitan Opera House, Lewis is playing decoy – because as he says, he’s tasty – as David and Kai run off. When Kai tells him not to die, Lewis responds by saying that he’s Invulnerable Lewis. But when one of the Chiropterans jumps at him, Lulu is the one to save him. She, in turn, calls herself Invulnerable Lulu. By this time, Hagi is hanging onto one of the eagle heads of the.

Amshel soon finds him and the fight resumes, this time with Hagi on a counteroffensive. He tears off a piece of Amshel’s shoulder, and then pierces through another energy blast to claw into Amshel again.

The two rip up each other’s left wings at the same time, but Hagi pushes Amshel downward. Amshel ends up getting impaled by the spire of the Chrysler Building, whereas Hagi lands safely below. Hagi sees that Amshel is trying to pull himself up, off the spire, but then a bolt of lightning completely fries Diva’s Chevalier. With Amshel out of the way, Hagi remembers that Saya is still facing off against Diva. Outside the opera house, David and Kai watch as Corpse Corps behead Chiropterans. Kai figures that the Americans wanted to bring the Corpse Corps to other countries, and David thinks that they would lie about a Chiropteran disease even though it was the Delta 07 that was really changing humans into Chiropterans. Kai then discovers the pink key that Saya had left in his pocket.

Back inside, Saya and Diva clash their swords. Diva again confirms that Saya thinks Chiropterans shouldn’t exist in this world, and then wonders if Saya is going to murder her children. Diva finds her daughters quite cute and asks what Saya is planning to do. Saya says that it’s because she’s also a Chiropteran, and then decides that she has nothing more to say to Diva.

Both girls wet their swords with blood, and the fight really begins. Nathan calls the sight beautiful, but then has to protect the two cocoons because Hagi returns. Nathan realizes that if Hagi is here, it means that Amshel was defeated. He tells Hagi not to overwork himself because he doesn’t have any intention of going against Hagi. He refers Hagi to the duel between the two queens and says that he’s only here to see it with his own eyes.

Hagi lowers his Chiropteran arm and says that that’s why he’s also here. Diva and Saya meanwhile have cut each other’s clothes to the point where they have to rip off pieces of their dresses that are getting in the way. Both of them re-bloody their swords and rush at each other in a final charge. Diva’s sword succeeds in piercing through Saya and Saya’s succeeds in piercing through Diva. Afterwards, the girls get rid of their weapons as they start bleeding from their wounds.

As expected, Diva starts to crystallize, but surprisingly, Saya does not. A scared Diva doesn’t understand why it’s only happening to her, and a concerned Saya runs up to her to try to reattach her crystallized arm. As Diva collapses onto the ground and her face starts to crackle, Nathan brings over the two cocoons so that she can touch her babies one last time. Her final thoughts envision herself as a mother playing with her two daughters on lush green grass. Nathan pities Diva, saying that she only wanted a family, but that Amshel didn’t understand this.

Still, Nathan thinks that Diva obtained it in the end – she hadn’t noticed that her own blood lost its power from bearing children. Nathan then approaches Saya, who starts taking steps backwards in order to keep her distance. He also explains that since Diva is dead, her Chevaliers have lost their meaning.

Transforming into his Chiropteran form, Nathan hands Saya her sword and asks her to kill him, believing that as long as he’s alive, Saya’s wishes won’t get granted. Saya ends up doing just that with a slash upward right through Nathan’s body. Just before he collapses, Nathan thanks her. With the fight over, Saya sees the rain coming through the roof, dripping onto Diva’s crystallized face as if she were crying. Hagi walks over and hugs her from behind, causing Saya herself to start bawling, though she stops when she sees Diva’s two babies emerging from their cocoon. Hagi volunteers to kill them for Saya if it’s too painful for her, but Saya decides to do it herself.

However, after she bloodies her sword once more, Kai interrupts her and asks her what she’s doing. She apologizes to him, saying that she’s going to die.

Her promise with Hagi was for him to kill her when everything was over. That’s why she has to kill these children and die herself. Preview: Ok, I gotta say WTF.

NO ONE on the good guys’ side died. Not even Saya. Heck, Nathan even asked Saya to kill him.

In other words, there was no big final boss with a secret master plan that I had been hoping for. I’m a tad disappointed. I wouldn’t necessarily say that Saya and Hagi suddenly became more powerful, but it did seem like Amshel and Diva weren’t as intimidating as they were before. Which is to say that the producers needed to bring the enemies down to Saya and Hagi’s level so that those two could win. And the whole thing about Diva losing her powers because she gave birth seemed like a convenient way to kill off Diva and keep Saya alive. Actually, it reminds me just a tiny bit of Mai-Otome where the girls lost their powers if they had sex.

Getting back to the final boss thing, I was really hoping that after what Nathan said last week, we’d learn more about him and who he previously was. But no, he just asked to die and that was it. If he knew that Diva’s blood was powerless, why did he let Diva fight? Did he really just want to see what happened that badly? I’m not happy that all those threatening looks to Amshel led up to just this. But hey, maybe they’ll try to send a political message in the last episode by having the American Government be the “final boss”or maybe not. I guess I should be glad that with pretty much all the good guys still alive, there’s a good chance now for a happy ending, at least much more so than I would have thought last week.

As predicted, Kai did indeed come to interrupt Saya, and I’ll bet that he’ll probably prevent her from killing those kids – if they wanted to show her killing the kids, they wouldn’t have had the children stick their cute heads out. Still, I’m not going to try to guess if Saya and Hagi are going to survive (and how Kai factors into it) in next week’s final episode – I’ll wait to see what happens. But with a title of Nankurunaisa (everything will work out), I’m thinking it’ll be fairly happy. 0 i just thought of something. Since everyone said that nathan was possibly from the previous mother, i thought it might be that he might be up to something like saya’s blood doesnt kill him and it mixes and does something.

Iono i find it suspicious that the animators didnt show him dying and instead had him fall into that pit. Doesnt it remind you of what happend to james? In anime no1 is really dead unless you see it is what im saying.

I dunno possible portion for ending, he comes back somewhere kills some character and end it w/ a triple ko hagi saya and nathan. Wouldnt that be cool? • • September 17, 2006 at 10:57 pmJeckel. Diva lose her power because she have baby. Btw in biology explaination mother and bady DO NOT share blood at all.! Amshel said want to create more queen sigh. Netsupport Keygen Download. How can that plan work cos the queen will lose their power when they give birth.

Meaning queen will be weaker then those Cheavaliers. Saya and Diva should have their true Chiropteran form rite?

Cos their mother is dead in her chiropteran form. I been waiting to see diva true chiropteran form but she DIE with just one stab. • • September 18, 2006 at 8:18 amchaosdemon06. 0 I really am hoping that Saya spares the two kids. Also, I really am hoping that Kai pays attention to Mao. I can’t help rooting for her as she clearly is so in love with Kai, and he still focuses on Saya. One thing I am not sure I liked was how Nathan just dropped out of the picture.

I wanted to see a bit more explaining his tie to Saya and Diva’s mother. Also, how is it that Diva can create such gi-normous (yeah I know that ain’t a real word) Chevaliers, and Haji looks like the runt of the litter.

Anyway, the Battle between the first Chevaliers was fun, but I wish it had gone a little longer. One more to go!

• • September 19, 2006 at 3:32 ammolbio. 0 I think the whoever scripted the final battle between Saya and Diva could have done a much better job. I would have preferred it to have gone more like this: 1. Haji kills Amschel 2.

Saya and Diva start to duel, looking like a pretty evenly matched battle 3. Haji and Nathan start to fight 4.

Diva starts to win, Saya gets beat up 5. Nathan kills Haji. This really gets Saya’s blood boiling (not literally) 6. Saya just completely overwhelms Diva with her newfound anger 7.

Saya stabs Diva. The audience thinks Saya won 8. Diva musters enough strength to stab Saya (surprise number one) 9. Diva crystalizes; Saya doesn’t (surprise 2) 10.

Haji isn’t really dead (surprise 3). • • September 19, 2006 at 9:04 ambloodloco. 0 I’m fairly sure Nathan bit the big one. When his body fell down the pit, it landed with an audible (and fleshy) thud. But after a little while, you can hear some crackling of glass echoing from down below, implying that his body crystallized after the impact (Saya’s blood had to have a little time to spread through his system, I’m guessing). Nathan hinted at a lot of things, some of which surprised even Amshel (who thought he was fully in control – arrogant bastid), and it sucks that we’ll never know for sure know unless ep 50 fills in the blanks (doubtful) or IG makes a sequel (also doubtful). We also never see how Nathan became a Chevalier, while all of Diva’s other Chevaliers have had their origins explained to some degree (with maybe the exceptions of Gregory/Ratsputin and Martin, but they were very minor characters).

Speaking as a member of the American military (and currently stationed in Okinawa, no less), this show does seem to have a thinly veiled (and preachy) undercurrent of anti-Americanism to it. But I can forgive that since it’s just a show (and fantasy too) and the theme of the shadowy government conspiracy as a major villain isn’t exactly anything new. The original Blood movie had the same strangely mixed message of American involvement in foreign affairs around the world; what that message was, who really knows except the writers. But speaking from firsthand experience, yes, there is a bit of anti-American sentiment here in Okinawa, but it’s mostly coming from older generations of Okinawans (who tend to think of themselves different from mainland Japanese anyway). Without American dollars supporting the local economy, Okinawa would have serious problems (it’s certaintly the prefecture that receives the lowest funding by the Japanese government).

Who knows, Van Argeno may do something really crazy and unexpected, seeing how he now has nothing left to lose. I really wouldn’t mind seeing Hagi die. He needs to serve some greater purpose than just take bullets (or spikes or claws through the stomach) for Saya and be her yes-man boy-toy. The whole promise about him killing Saya when everything ends seems like a really weak excuse for having him around. Saya; well, with all that she’s been through, the girl deserves a bit of happiness, however brief, before she dies or goes into her 30-year sleep cycle. I don’t think she has it in her to love anyone romantically; she’s too afraid to let anyone get that close to her and so she distances herself from everyone except Hagi.

I think she even sees Hagi as more of a brother than anything else (she gave him her blood so he could become her Chevalier, so technically, they DO share the same blood), even more so than Kai. But now that her purpose for her entire existence thus far (killing Diva) has been accomplished, she may ease up a little, but what can she really do in the little time she has left before falling into hibernation again? The series did have entirely too much KaixSaya moments though.

• • September 19, 2006 at 11:08 amanamesis. 0 the whole story is like pandora’s boxsaya opened the box and out poped diva (sounds stupid doesnt it) anyways after diva gets out all thats left is saya(hope) to go killer her also as for the whole blood poison thing just think of one as poison and the other base and seeing as riku was a chevalier and had sayas blood when diva erryeah “did him” there blood mixed thus making it neutal so the poison is gone. Twin sword wielding school girls vs. Van argeno and the chiropterran menace.hmmmmm mabye they should make a sequel. • • September 19, 2006 at 2:01 pmdori.

0 Officially my favorite episode. I think it would’ve been better if Saya had gone with Divaat first I thought Diva was a whore or whatever, but she’s actually just misunderstood. REALLY misunderstood. But Saya was spoiled, and Diva killed people, so I guess they both should’ve died?

Too much dying, but I guess that’s “Blood+” for you. Nathan was weird, I agree. Still, this is my favorite anime.:] Thanks for the summary! Oh yah, and I agree with Dori.:[ Seems like those Sif were just thrown in. X__x • • September 19, 2006 at 9:31 pmkamishiro. 0 this is a truly disappointed ep. They try to squeez so much things in one ep (by cutting the whole series short).

I agree with this web-host’s idea. “it did seem like Amshel and Diva weren’t as intimidating as they were before” and “Nathan even asked Saya to kill him”. Diva, Amshel, or even Nathan could have kill saya and haji easily. Since saya has been fairly weak for the past few eps(due to her sleep-period is near).

And haji never had much powers(compare to the Diva’s Chevaliers). It seems that all saya’s Chevaliers are weaklings, they can’t transform fully as those big powerful and ugly monster Chevaliers, yet all Diva’s Chevaliers could. And Amshel’s death is so pathetic, it seems that everyone could have killed him. And Nathan had been a very interesting Chevaliers, he comes and goes and shows a very interesting side from all other Chevaliers. I also thought that they wud show some background info, about how he became Diva’s Chevalier. They could have let him take Diva’s baby and rise them.

Altho he did say that he wasn’t interested in her babies, but only her – Diva. Im just very disappointed how this ep turned out. Now Diva is dead, i guess that last lil purple haired girl is going to die too, since Diva’s blood is gone.

Unless she uses her babies’ blood or something. And as the web host referring to mai otome. Isn’t Diva suppose to know that she will lost her blood-power, before Nathan? Afterall, Nathan is at least the 4rd person became Diva’s Chevalier.

1st the Amshel from way back to the Zoo, then is his pretty-lil-bro and then is the Phantom. If they brings in tons policial statment and stuffs on the last ep. I wud rather not to see it.

So many ppl shouldn’t die, they died. Many ppl should been have died many times, yet they are still alive. And it seems that the last ep gonna be a happy ending. WTF is wrong with the producers?! Do they actually expect that saya can go back to what she used to be?

And where is haji’s place? • • September 21, 2006 at 11:05 pmNoir. Yes, Hagi did indeed die. He was attacked by Amshel, who, surprise surprise, refused to stay dead and surprise attacked Saya after she decided to spare Diva and Riku’s daughters (with some convincing by Kai, and surprisingly, Hagi). Hagi pinned Amshel against a wall with Saya’s bloodied sword, and knowing that her blood was going to kill him, Amshel stabbed Hagi through his chest with his claws and refused to let go just as Option D was set in motion: this being a smart bomb dropped by an American fighter jet to vaporize any evidence at the Metropolitan Opera House.

Some huge debris crumbled from Hagi and Amshel’s fight and fell on top of both chevaliers, trapping them. Saya and company barely had enough time to escape the opera house before Option D destroyed everything. At least Hagi got to show some damn emotion finally and convinced Saya to live on, and they even got to kiss, however briefly. He did whisper something in her ear, what he said, it was between him and Saya alone, before Amshel attacked. Way to go, Hagi, some character development at last... And it only took, what, 49 episodes for us to see it!

What really surprised me was that Nathan is still alive and kicking. Which leads me to believe that he was originally the chevalier of Saya and Diva’s mother.

Saya’s blood had no effect on him because he was immune to blood he himself shared with her. Another alternative is that he is Saya and Diva’s father, but there doesn’t seem to be much evidence supporting this nor any resemblance between him and the queens. Nathan appeared briefly disguised as a reporter when Van Argeno was brought into questioning by the authorities during the aftermath of the Met Opera House’s destruction.

So he faked his own death for Saya’s sake (to put her mind at ease, most likely) and slips quietly back into the world. In the end, he wasn’t such a villain after all, but rather he best understood Diva and is the oldest of all the characters, by my guess. Julia being pregnant I can only guess since she made a point to place Saya’s hand on her stomach when they were both back in her clinic in Okinawa. David does wear this ridiculous pinkish-purple Hawaiian shirt with flowers on it, so I wasn’t lying about that, lol.

I also guess that Julia created a cure for Lulu using the blood taken from Diva’s children, seeing how she gave Lulu a packet of something (blood) to suck on. Kai does, unfortunately, cut Saya’s hair and gives her back her old tomboy doo. In a very bittersweet ending, Kai takes Saya back to the Migyusuku family grave site on his old motorcycle so she can finally rest during her 30-year hibernation cycle. Carrying her on his back up the stairs, Kai notices that Saya drops something from her limp hand: a picture of herself, Kai, and Riku together.

He tries to talk to her but it’s too late, Saya is already asleep. End credits (featuring the first ending theme song of the show, shows Saya and Hagi in various scenes together in the snow – from the Russia arc, I’m guessing), then it shows Kai visiting the family grave with two little girls in tow (both have short hair and wearing blue dresses) before they go on their picnic. They never actually show the girls’ faces, sadly, but they seem like a happy family and the girls are excited about the picnic. The final scene features a blue rose with Hagi’s hair ribbon tied at the stem, left at the family grave site. I’ll have to have some time to think about this last episode as far as how I feel about Blood+ finally coming to a close.

But there you have it. • • September 23, 2006 at 10:51 amRyuma. 0 Poor Diva, I like her because she wasn’t a bad person, she just wanted a family, I always cry in this episode, she looks really cute with her babies!!! Mmm I don’t care if Saya doesn’t die, she is the protagonist, isn’t she? And I think is a good ending and an excellent anime, You guys really want a tragic ending?? Because it’s a sad ending; solomon, moses, george, riku, Diva and a lot died in this anime Do you want to kill Saya too??, and Hagi disappears!!! And, maybe, if Saya wakes up, she’s going to kill herself, because she’s going to be alone, are you happy?

Jeje • • July 7, 2007 at 3:22 pmSlayer.

—, Food porn is two things: • Food artfully portrayed in a manner reminiscent of the way one would show and/or • Food given exceptional focus in any manner which causes the audience to drool over it and lust for it as if it were porn. The second has probably existed forever, but the first is a trope primarily popularized by the modern, advertising, and other visual media where the food is the main focus. In visual media, the presentation goes beyond or straightforward depictions of the food and tantalizes the viewer with careful close-up shots of artfully arranged dishes or the pristine appearance of their raw ingredients, choreographed action shots of its preparation and accompanying moans of pleasure produced by the people eating them. In written media, the same can be accomplished by writing at great length about the food in a similar manner. The production of professional, high-octane food porn is an involved process.

Go into detail of the technique and principles. The camera operators borrow a lot of techniques from the conventions of actual porn: 'pornographic gaze', extreme close-ups with shallow depth of field, careful cropping and lighting,, even shapes and arrangement. Isn't this trope, but may be employed in it.

The fact that the perfect food presented to the camera will be unobtainable to most people only adds to the porn appeal. Like real porn, there are also thousands of amateur examples, as plugging the term into a Flickr search will quickly illustrate.

Alas, as in real porn, many of these orgasmic delights are. This is especially true in commercials note though by law they have to show the actual food being sold; the cereal may be real but the milk is white glue, the lettuce in the burger is protected by a hidden piece of cardboard., but it is also necessary: under hot studio lights, frozen foods will melt, hot foods go cold, cereal gets soggy, veggies wilt. Cooking shows, cookbooks and food magazines, on the other hand, will generally show you the real deal, even though it has been gone over by a stylist to look as good as it can. If you've ever puzzled over the term 'food stylist' in credits, that's what this person does. While food porn may be, exotic or, food porn by itself isn't (Not Safe For Diets, on the other hand.), and doesn't involve sex. This is not to say it can't be combined or used in ways with actual sex appeal.

Also no relation to. Compare,, (where the act of eating the food is a blatant ), or ( versions), (where you take unhealthy foods and ). See also and. Contrast and. • The entire premise of dining advertisement is to make the diners want to go out and order the food being sold. Equating food with sex by having attractive individuals eating the food is one thing, but most food ads will pornograph the food itself on top of that. To achieve this end, commercial advertisements will make sure that: • The food is viewed from angles which make its portions appear larger than they truly are.

• Certain foods (like ice cream) that cannot keep long enough to take the perfect shot are often passed over in favor of longer-lasting substitutes. • Only the best takes make it in. A cook could burn 99 burgers and make 1 perfect one. Guess which one appears in the commercial?

• Actors that consume food for commercials may appear to enjoy it on camera, but spit it out afterward. This is because they must do several takes. For the same reason that many actors do not drink unless they spit, or smoke unless they don't inhale, they can't eat too much fatty food lest it interfere with their acting abilities. • qualifies as well. • ads for M&M Premiums combines Food Porn appeal with regular sex appeal, complete with reaction shots of the other M&M characters. (Well, you know what they say about the ) •, • featuring lovingly videoed Food Porn accompanied by Dervla Kirwan's seductive voice proclaiming 'This is not just (food), this is (list of superlatives and special techniques, food).' A very common target for parody (arguably showing it's a successful campaign and has ).

For example, when Kirwan guest-starred in, ' These are not just Cybermen.' • The music is less pornographic, but the voiced by Matthew Macfadyen is pretty sexy. • is a fine and shining example of radio Food Porn. • An 'I can't believe it's not Butter' commercial has the narrator describe the product in the same tone one would use to describe a beautiful naked woman. • There's a in which the scooped-out ice cream forms the somewhat stylized image of a naked woman. Commercials are arguably an example of this trope taken to its logical conclusion.

They feature scantily-clad young ladies eating burgers. But the way the women are dressed and made up makes them look incredibly skanky, and the burgers are so large and dripping with.

Stuff that they barely look appetizing. It's a bit like watching bad porn: rather than be titillating, the commercials make you feel ashamed and nauseous. • A Payday candy bar, which consists of a nougat center covered with peanuts, is shown in a TV commercial 'in all its naked glory' where, when the wrapper peels off, a stripe about 1/3 from the bottom section of peanuts is pixelated out as if it was showing genitalia. The thing is that the entire candy bar looks the same from end to end.

• In a possibly banned but humorous Doritos commercial, a nerd feasts on a bag of Doritos, only to get some of the cheese powder on his face, which an attractive athletic girl licks before running off. Intrigued, he intentionally spills Dorito crumbs all over the crotch of his pants and as he was hoping, the same attractive girl runs towards him. Only to be knocked to the ground by a very fat dude who has his eyes on the same prize.

The Nerd's eyes widen considerably and we fade to black. • Doritos also has a banned commercial in which a man's girlfriend decides to lie down on a bed and cover her naked body in Doritos for his birthday. He comes home and digs right in.

• The commercial for the 'Devour' brand of frozen meals takes this trope and arguably to Squick. The man in the commercial is taking to his bowl of macaroni and bacon in an increasingly babyish tone.

He speaks about how creamy the noodles taste and how the crunch of the bacon drives him crazy before calling his lunch naughty and hitting it with the fork. A co-worker asks 'Did you just your lunch?' The man simply nods. A bit racy, but it's ok right? It was just being. Their slogan?

'Food you wanna It's even said in a sultry and seductive voice. Borderline-ubiquitous in Japanese media. Almost every anime and manga has a scene of food-focus, and many are entirely about food — and. • is famous as the show that says it's about conspiracies, but is actually about bread and cakes. • has a great deal of focus on elaborate foods. • is filled with drawings of food that invoke this trope.

• Fumi Yoshinaga, creator of, also made a manga called Not Love But Delicious Foods Make Me So Happy! There's a new restaurant visit in every episode.

• has sparkling pastries that send their eaters on adventures. •: Half the manga revolves around mealtimes, with panels devoted to displaying Sunako's culinary creations before they dig in. •: Imagine how hungry people get after seeing all the yummy food Goku got to eat. • deserves a mention as it consists mostly of. • The entire point of, plus • is like an oenophiliac's dream. It's a manga that not only has a plot based on wine, but goes into loving detail about wine whenever the chance arises.

It even spawned the /a/ meme 'decantering [sic]', where the restaurant is stunned into silence as he •: Sanji's cooking, and other fancy dishes. • revolves around a restaurant in Rome. Naturally, lots of attention is put into both food and wine. •: The titular Emma is a maid at a rich household and cooking for her mistress is one of her tasks. Thus, we get to see (in close-up) her bake bread, make scones, serve tea, etc.

As well as wealthy people attending fancy dinners where they are served numerous courses of a variety of foods. •: Do NOT read this manga on an empty stomach. The manga itself regularly spends at least a third of each chapter simply having people eat. The genius of the artist is that somehow it manages to make you salivate — even when the food is in black-and-white! • What is possibly even worse is that, unlike with most other examples of Food Porn, the food described in Toriko doesn't exist, but the flavors the food is based on do. So during the description of say a meat that is a perfect combination of the best pork you have ever eaten and the best crab in the world, you salivate and imagine eating, only to be brought back to the cruel reality that this meat doesn't exist. Sheer mental torture.

• Taken a bit more literally than most in, where Haruhi starts off intending to have Mikuru strip down so a life-sized Chocolate!Mikuru can be made. Played more straight with the chocolates they do make. • shows Chikage having a food porn moment by apparently getting a sugar high just from looking at food. She isn't normally allowed to have sweets. • Besides its extravagant animation, abundance of and attention to detail, also takes great care to make you feel hungry every time the characters sit down to have a meal. • revels in this trope. To the point most of Ranma's suitors realize that they have more chance to win him over by going rather than.

• has a lot of this. Especially evident whenever got to eat something. •: Whenever eats something or thinks about food we get to see a lot of it in all its delicious detail. • had this in its first episode when thought about the food she wanted to eat.

And in a few episodes beyond. • is this in spades just about every episode/chapter. From the type of tea Sebastian is serving, to the meal being prepared that day, everything is described and portrayed in such away that you can't help but start to salivate at the very sight of it. • will make you want the sundaes that Minamo and her friends eat. Generally, food is depicted beautifully in the series,. • Although is more well-known for,, and, there was a case of this in a manga chapter where tried to woo by preparing him a huge, elaborate feast 'which insisted on being eaten'.

Even after that fiasco, Keii proved he was and still had a nice, light dinner with. • It is impossible to watch an episode of without drooling over cakes. • Most of the dishes in are presented nicely, but extra points go to the sweets prepared by Fuu's grandmother. • Surprisingly, given the nature of the show this comes up more than a few times in. •, appropriately translated into 'What Did You Eat Yesterday?' , is based off of this. It can go for pages just listing food ingredients, how you make the food, and just showing off food.

At times it can be hard to remember it's a series. •: Usui is an. You will be drooling by the end of chapters in which he cooks. •: In episode 9, 'Sweet Trap,' the desserts that Hiromi makes are simply divine. • Sometimes shows up in like in episode 15.

• Any meal that shows up in is pretty much this. Some examples: ◊, ◊, ◊, ◊, ◊. • likes showing off their food, especially the desserts. One instance then subverts this when parfait samples in the images of Polar Bear, Panda, and Penguin are quickly demolished by two enthusiastic patrons, causing Polar Bear to change his mind about serving the desserts as a special item on his menu. • has multiple food-based characters (ranging from prepared meals to single ingredient items, the titular hero himself is one of the best foods in the universe of the show), so this is natural. The finished dishes always end up looking perfect when prepared by the right person, and a lot of times, the food is the most detailed-looking items in the show.

• Two works by Chica Umino, and, portrays most of the meals shown with loving detail. Despite being extremely dark, ominous, and/or philosophical for 99% of the runtime, a scene is still devoted to enjoying Mami's beautiful and delicious cakes. The sequel movie has all the characters sing a song about food to turn a monster into a giant multilayer cake. • The 'Let's Go Eat Italian Food' episode of is a subversion.

The dishes are presented in a quite appetite-whetting manner, but the depiction of the effects of eating them kills that appetite pretty fast. • is filled with and this trope. From food in daily meals to food-stands in markets and feasts in wedding, you will hungry when you read those chapters. At one point, there is verbal Food Porn. Amir's brother: I want some mutton.

Slices fresh off the grill, piled high on a plate. The really juicy kind! Some fried rice might work, too.

Pour soup all over it and shovel it in! Oh, that stuff's good! • is essentially food porn in every possible aspect. On any given page/in any given episode, you will find lovingly-drawn, mouthwatering images of food (including fresh ingredients, completed dishes, and beautiful shots of in-progress cooking); the plate of Eggs Benedict in the top-right corner of the page image?

That's this series. The series also features almost-explicitly-sexual 'foodgasms' (in which delicious food causes characters to lose their clothes and experience quasi-sexual ecstasy), along with descriptions of the why of cooking that can only be described as a culinary. • From, Holo loves food of all kinds, and her wolf nature means that Lawrence often has to describe new human foods to her. No one will blame you if you drool over the description of honey-pickled peaches with figs and almonds. • In, the second episode is dedicated to the crew looking for the perfect ramen. While there is some present, the characters eat it all without complaint, and it's hard to finish the episode and not want to fix yourself a giant bowl of the stuff.

• The food is is so deliciously drawn that you want to reach into the screen and pull it out. The feast Balsa is served in Episode 1 is a standout example. In Japan, the novel series even includes a cookbook. • can safely be called 'Food Porn: the Anime.' This trope and appears at least, but usually more. • Ramen Daisuki Koizumi-san and her classmate Yuu who loves watching her do it. The sole purpose of the series is apparently a)giving the reader a sudden urge to eat ramen and b)making the male readers wish they were ramen.

• is quite guilty of this throughout its first season. L spends almost every moment on screen eating some form of sweet and each scene focuses on his food quite heavily.

• are stuffed with this. From the assorted piles of spirit food in, to fresh vegetables being picked and washed in, to bacon and eggs sizzling in a pan in, it's liable to make mouths water in viewers who haven’t eaten in a couple of hours. • combines this with D&D-style monsters to produce lusciously illustrated depictions of Grilled Kelpie, Holy Water Sorbet or any manner of strange (but delicious-looking) creations.

• has multiple chapters centered on young Nina, who has until then grown up in Europe, getting to try out Japanese foods with her uncle. The food itself frequently receives great attention to detail. • is about a restaurant, so the food porn has narrative justification. The people in the fantasy world them some Japanese comfort food. • has an in-universe example; the Catians decide to launch a diplomatic mission to Earth just because of Eris's description of Okinawa cuisine.

• A strip features Portnoy watching a late night commercial for 'Boo-Boo Burgers'. The viewpoint is from the side, so you can't see the screen, but the soundtrack of 'someone eating a Boo-Boo Burger' could have been lifted verbatim from one of the more.

Scenes of just about any convenient porno. The strip ends with Portnoy grumpily paying for a Boo-Boo Burger, while commenting on his hatred for them. • One Sunday strip had nothing but detailed panels of Peter making coffee, bacon and eggs, peanut buttered toast, and orange juice. In the last panel, Peter is smelling his breakfast, and Roger, with a glass of brown liquid nearby him, comments ', to which Andy responds 'Roger, pipe down and drink your breakfast.' •: • The main character's girlfriend is a food critic with the ability to describe food so accurately and vividly that people actually taste the food. She writes Food Porn Literature.

• For a literal example, a oneshot character is a food photographer whose works actually induce orgasms in the viewers. • This series routinely subverts this trope.

The main character is an FDA agent that can tell the history of a thing by eating it. As a result, he ends up eating some very nasty stuff through the course of the comic.

He also can't enjoy normal food, because his powers show him all the unsavory details of its production. • While 's is first and foremost a satire on trendy cuisine, it is also a love letter to good cooking. • All the dishes presented throughout are drawn with lovingly detail. This is a comic about restaurants after all. • Quite common in whenever food is being served, especially since Obelix is a. The Pirate Captain's birthday feast in Asterix and the Great Crossing is a prime example. As the dark steaming liquid swirled inside the porcelain, the fragrance of cinnamon wafted to her nose.

Mixed with the sweet aroma of apple pie, it was simply divine and Pearl couldn’t help the dreamy, almost obscene sigh that left her lips. She then grabbed her fork, carefully stabbing the tip of the pie. It was a delight to hear the crust crunch as the tines sank into it, and then watch the filling ooze out as she brought the fork further down, breaking a piece off. Ah, such decadence! • The doujin series titled Koishi the Loving Gourmet, in which the eponymous character (who is, btw) is sharing the meal with other Gensokyo residents.

And by 'sharing', we mean that she's dining without paying — if they don't know you're there, they can't charge you any. • The fanfiction parodies 's tendency to use this. Jon had broken his fast on only a small sliver of garlic sausage and a raw onion. And a fresh bun, filled with raisins, pine nuts, and apple. And half a duck. And a bowl of lamb stew, simmered in ale and wild herbs. • is shameless about this trope to the point where later in her fanficcing career half the story is just talking about what the characters ate.

The lady could have had a promising career in writing restaurant brochures. • has this in the last chapter whenever the author is describing pancakes. • In Peeta gets elevated from 'baker's son who's pretty good with icing' to who seems to be trying to win Katniss' heart by going. About 20% of the entire story is dedicated to lavish descriptions of luxurious and delicious food and Katniss' rapturous reactions to it. • Disney's features Food Porn during the 'Be Our Guest' musical number when the servants treat Belle to dinner. • The Pixar animators that worked on made careful studies of food and chefs to get the look right and it shows, complete with carefully crafted closeups. The sensual enjoyment of food is one of the themes that drives its main character, Remy.

Most of the other entries on this list are about the pleasure of eating. Ratatouille emphasizes the artistry involved in cooking the food. • And then there's the closeup of the titular ratatouille itself at the climax. Who would have thought a basic vegetable stew could look so delicious?

• contains way more of this than you'd expect, even considering that the female lead wants to open her own restaurant. • features this during the scenes where Coraline ate dinner with the Other Mother. Never wanted to have a chandelier that double as a milkshake dispenser so badly. Also, who could forget.

•: That crab and shrimp gumbo family dinner looks goddamn delicious. The White Castle commercial that sends Harold and Kumar on their quest. It even includes sleazy-sounding porn music. There's also the Burger Shack drive-thru guy's description of White Castle burgers. Brief in-universe example: due to the nature of his curse, Barbossa cannot taste anything.

So he invites Elizabeth to dinner and just watches her eat and drink. The look on his face while this happens is, in the, 'like a vampire seeing blood.'

Notoriously and literally. Tom and his lady friend have an orgiastic meal over a banquet. Chocolate cake. This turns into, though.

• featured some Food Porn during the scene where steerage passenger Jack joined the first-class passengers for dinner as a reward for preventing Rose from almost falling off the boat. • (1971), and (2005): Food Porn is pretty much a given in both. But if you want to experience true chocogasm, be sure to watch the opening of the 1971 version. •: It blurs the line between and fetish in the romantic scenes featuring a good deal of Erotic Eating, the rest of the movie is focused on the protagonist producing the perfect ramen, with visuals to match. • Common with. • Quite a few food-related scenes in: The one in when Jules enjoys Brett's burger and soda, or Mia and Vincent in the diner standing out. •: The strudel scene.

Set in WWII, so the strudel was rather something. • features the tastiest-looking beer you'll ever see. The cake's not too bad either.

And the iced tea looks really refreshing. •: The Stuntman Mike eats his nachos does not diminish how appetizing they look. •: The stew at Minnie's looks amazing. Particularly the way they present the filet of sole in the scene with Julia Child and her husband at the Parisian restaurant soon after transferring over from China, the scenes dealing with the boeuf bourgignon, and even the scenes with pre-Julia era Julie Powell making a bruschetta with a tomato salad topping that looks mouthwateringly delectable. Some of the recipes Julie recites, too, such as the chocolate cream pie ( is that's Nora Ephron's recipe, not Julie's) and chicken with mushrooms, port, cream and butter.

•: The shots of not just the gorgeous pies, but how lovingly they were made. •: The protagonist of this movie, Tao Chu, is a who cooks a scrumptious dinner for his three unmarried daughters once a week. The movie starts by showing him cooking one of those with gorgeous cinematography, and other similar scenes of food preparation and serving appear throughout the movie. The entire film could be considered one big Festival of Food Porn for Chinese cuisine. • (the 2006 movie) contains several displays of mouth-watering desserts.

•, with multiple displays of yummy. Soul food (with a theme being how important those meals are to the family). Collard greens, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, etc. You will walk out of that movie hungry. • (2001) film had this during scenes where Mia is training to be a princess by learning how to eat properly, as well as the State Dinner scene where we get close-ups on each food item.

• lovingly displays the entire process of preparing the meal. Like Tampopo, this is a movie that will make viewers suddenly realize they want to eat.

• Films from have a suspicious tendency to do this. 2006 film has several shots showing the large meals the family eats. Enough to give one the impression that the film is yelling, 'Hey, look at how much food we have! Our nation is so prosperous and ' 1994 film! Does the same, with several lavish dinners, which is even more remarkable since it was produce in the depths of the horrible famine of that killed something like 10% of the North Korean population. • parodies it with a video of a girl cutting a piece of steak with her feet on the porn channel. •: A movie about a woman trying to change the world through a chocolate shop wouldn't be complete without beauty shots of it to match.

• In, the feast of imaginary food, which once Peter, is seen by the audience in full splendor. • has a flicker of this when Avatar Grace tosses Avatar Jake a Pandoran fruit and, well, let me put it this way: 'He takes a bite of her big, juicy fruit.' • In, the 'Big, Blonde, and Beautiful' is Food Porn set to music. And when Edna crashes Maybelle's party to take Tracy away, Maybelle entices her to stay with a soul food spread. • In the two protagonists spend most of the film ravenously eating as much food as they can stuff in their mouth.

The infamous sequence with the is a supreme example. Never watch this movie with an empty stomach. • The Pale Man in sits in front of a.