Download Gratis Masteran Burung Pleci
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Download Gratis Masteran Burung Pleci

Basic (4) Item Value Description Package com.diva.suarakicauburung A full Java-language-style package name for the application. The name should be unique. The name may contain uppercase or lowercase letters ('A' through 'Z'), numbers, and underscores ('_'). However, individual package name parts may only start with letters. VersionCode 7 An internal version number. This number is used only to determine whether one version is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent versions. This is not the version number shown to users; that number is set by the versionName attribute.

Semua penggemar burung pleci / kacamata pasti menginginkan agar momongannya bisa bersuara lebih kencang atau biasa disebut buka paruh. Dalam memancing burungnya agar mau rajin berkicau, berikut ini beberapa suara kicauan pleci ngalas panjang, yang bisa Anda dengar atau download.

Download Gratis Masteran Burung Pleci

VersionName 2.5 The version number shown to users. This attribute can be set as a raw string or as a reference to a string resource. The string has no other purpose than to be displayed to users. The versionCode attribute holds the significant version number used internally. Application: label Suara Kicau Burung A user-readable label for the application as a whole, and a default label for each of the application's components. Permissions (6) Group Value Description Other WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE An app can use custom settings provided by your device manufacturer or application-specific permissions.

Basic (4) Item Value Description Package com.diva.suarakicauburung A full Java-language-style package name for the application. The name should be unique. The name may contain uppercase or lowercase letters ('A' through 'Z'), numbers, and underscores ('_'). However, individual package name parts may only start with letters. VersionCode 7 An internal version number. This number is used only to determine whether one version is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent versions. The Goat In The Chile Patch Lessons. This is not the version number shown to users; that number is set by the versionName attribute.

VersionName 2.5 The version number shown to users. This attribute can be set as a raw string or as a reference to a string resource. The string has no other purpose than to be displayed to users. The versionCode attribute holds the significant version number used internally. Application: label Suara Kicau Burung A user-readable label for the application as a whole, and a default label for each of the application's components. Permissions (6) Group Value Description Other WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE An app can use custom settings provided by your device manufacturer or application-specific permissions. Device & app history WRITE_SETTINGS WRITE_CONTACTS read sensitive log data retrieve running apps Contacts/Calendar READ_CONTACTS read your contacts modify your contacts Cellular data settings INTERNET ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE change/intercept network settings and traffic Identity GET_ACCOUNTS read your own contact card Phone READ_PHONE_STATE modify phone state reroute outgoing calls directly call phone numbers read call log write call log.

Screens (4) Item Value Description Support-Screens small normal large xlarge Indicates whether the application supports smaller screen form-factors. A small screen is defined as one with a smaller aspect ratio than the 'normal' (traditional HVGA) screen. Indicates whether an application supports the 'normal' screen form-factors. Traditionally this is an HVGA medium density screen, but WQVGA low density and WVGA high density are also considered to be normal. Indicates whether the application supports larger screen form-factors.

A large screen is defined as a screen that is significantly larger than a 'normal' handset screen Indicates whether the application supports extra large screen form-factors. An xlarge screen is defined as a screen that is significantly larger than a 'large' screen, such as a tablet (or something larger) Densities '120' '160' '240' '320' The quantity of pixels within a physical area of the screen; usually referred to as dpi (dots per inch). At runtime, the system transparently handles any scaling of the dp units, as necessary, based on the actual density of the screen in use.

The conversion of dp units to screen pixels is simple: px = dp * (dpi / 160).

Pleci dengan suara ngalas panjang bisa untuk melatih burung yang hanya ngeriwik saja. Hal tersebut memang bersifat untung-untungan. Sebab tidak sedikit plecimania yang membeli burung hasil. Namun beberapa haru kemudian plecinya mau bersuara kencang alias buka paruh. Banyak pula plecimania yang sudah berbulan-bulan memeliharanya, namun burung tetap tidak mau bersuara kencang alias saja. Untuk mendapatkan pleci hingga level buka paruh, tentu tidak bisa dilakukan secara instan.

Burung harus melalui beberapa tahapan atau level. Maaf menyela: Dapatkan aplikasi Gratis.

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• Tanya Om Kicau? • Cek artikel menarik lainnya di bawah ini: ANDA PERLU DESIGN BROSUR DAN PIAGAM LOMBA? KLIK GAMBAR DI BAWAH INI YA.