How To Install Silverlight Linux Mint
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How To Install Silverlight Linux Mint

Advertisement With If you haven’t installed Windows 8 yet; don’t worry, we’re technology writers - it’s our job to test these things out for you. Quite a few MakeUseOf staff including myself have taken the plunge and. Casting a long shadow over the PC industry and Microsoft has a lot of work to do to come out of 2013 with a spring in its step. 2012 was not Redmond's year, and demand for Windows 8 can be described as lukewarm, with., there’s never been a better time to start using Linux. For many users, the Linux desktop is now there — It matters less and less every year what operating system you use, because every year we all spend more time on our computer using nothing but the browser. And browsers are cross-platform. Want to have., hardware support has improved, and the desktop has been polished.

How To Install Silverlight Linux Mint

You can even watch Netflix and play a variety of games on Steam — two big holes that have been filled recently. We’ll be starting with for this tutorial. Ubuntu 12.10 is a more complete desktop than Windows out-of-the-box, coming with the LibreOffice office suite, Firefox and Thunderbird for web browsing and email, Transmission for BitTorrent, and applications for everything from watching videos and playing music to instant messaging and tweeting. Installing Ubuntu While installing Ubuntu, you’ll be asked whether you want to install some third-party software. This package includes Flash and codecs for listening and watching a variety of common music and video formats. Unless you have an ideological objection to installing closed-source software and patent-encumbered codecs, be sure to install this. Once you’ve installed Ubuntu and rebooted into your new system, ensure you install the latest updates using the Software Updater application that appears.

Videos & DVDs First we’ll look at ways to play videos — either from your hard drive, DVDs, or the cloud. • VLC: You may also want to install VLC, although the default Movie Player application (Totem) should work fine for most users.

If you want VLC, open the Ubuntu Software Center after rebooting into your installed Ubuntu system, search for VLC, and install it. • DVD Support: Ubuntu — and other Linux distributions — can’t play DVDs out-of-the-box.

All commercially produced DVDs are protected with CSS encryption, which only licensed DVD players can decode normally. However, the CSS encryption is incredibly weak, and it’s trivial to break the encryption whenever you insert the DVD into your computer — breaking the encryption will allow you to watch the DVDs you legally own and have paid for. However, breaking the encryption — yes, even to watch DVDs you’ve paid for — is Governments across the world have tried to tame the Internet as a tempest of new technology threatens everything from strict government censorship and control over the media to entrenched media conglomerates and old concepts of. The Ubuntu wiki has, but you should check your local laws before installing it. • Netflix: While most web apps will work normally in Linux, Netflix won’t — it’s using Microsoft’s Silverlight for its video player.

With Windows 8 casting a long shadow over the PC industry and Valve committing to create Linux-based gaming PCs, there's never been a better time to start using Linux.

In spite of Microsoft’s promises about Silverlight being cross-platform, they’ve refused to cooperate with the Moonlight project on this. If you’re a Netflix subscriber, you’ll want to install the Netflix Desktop app so you can play Netflix. Netflix Desktop contains a patched version of Wine that has Microsoft’s Silverlight plug-in working properly — however, it’s a very slick and easy-to-use solution. To install Netflix Desktop, open a terminal and run the following commands: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install netflix-desktop You can then open the Netflix Desktop app from your Dash and follow the instructions.

Press the F11 key to toggle between full-screen and windowed modes. You may also want to install the excellent Make XBMC even better by adding these amazing add-ons. Whether you're into TV, sports or gaming, these plugins will help you get the most out of your television. Last time, I lamented the end of., which you can grab from the Ubuntu Software Center. Web Browsers Ubuntu’s default Firefox browser is okay, but I’ve preferred Chrome for a long time. If you also prefer Chrome, visit and download the DEB file for Ubuntu. Double-click it and install it — you can then open Chrome and log into Chrome sync with your Google account details.

The Linux version of Chrome supports web apps, extensions, and all the other good stuff the Windows version supports. If you’re an Opera fan, you’ll be happy to know that Opera also provides. Instant Messaging and Voice Chat Ubuntu supports a variety of instant messaging and voice chat applications, from Google Talk to Skype. • Pidgin: Ubuntu’s default There are still plenty of people who use instant messaging networks to talk with each other, as it's very quick to exchange messages or ask a simple question. In fact, there are plenty of corporations.

Is okay, too — but I’ve always preferred Pidgin is a free instant-messaging client that combines all your IM accounts in one simple application. Instead of running several different IM clients that display ads and eat up memory, just use Pidgin. Like most open-source apps you might want, Pidgin is available from the Ubuntu Software Center. It’s cross-platform, so you can easily move your Pidgin settings between Linux and Windows. Capcom Vs Tatsunoko Iso Wii U. • Google Voice and Video Chat Plugin: The allows you to participate in Hangouts, have voice calls, and call phones from within Gmail. • Skype: You may also want to install the official. However, Skype for Linux has always been a bit behind the times — even before Microsoft purchased them.

• Mumble: The Mumble improves on other voice chat applications for gamers and offers quite a few advantages. It's optimized for low-latency communications, making it perfect for hectic game situations where every second counts. If you're coming from., often used by gamers, also has an official Linux version. You’ll find it in Ubuntu’s Software Center.

PC Games Steam for Linux was recently released, and it’s — you can and download the installer package for Ubuntu. Steam for Linux currently offers about 62 supported games. If you’ve purchased, you should have quite a few games that already support Linux — although the Linux versions may not have been added to Steam yet.

Even if you’ve never used Steam before, Content delivery service Steam is a real money-spinner for Valve, prompting publishers like EA to shy away from it in pursuit of their own system. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a couple of free gems. And works on Linux. Expect to see many more games come as Valve releases their own Linux-based console, porting all their own games over and giving third-party developers a good reason to support Linux. Cloud Storage These days, almost everyone has some sort of cloud storage service they use — if only to transfer files between a few computers or other devices. Many cloud storage services offer official Linux clients: • Dropbox: Dropbox is the most mature cloud storage service in many ways, so of course it offers a Linux client.

You’ll want to. • Ubuntu One: Don’t count Just a little over a week ago, a lot of news was made in the world of personal cloud storage, where Dropbox added more sharing features, SkyDrive introduced their new synchronization application for desktops, and. Out — it works great on Ubuntu, where it’s preinstalled. However, Ubuntu One also offers Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS clients, so you can use it almost anywhere. • Google Drive: This is a sore spot — Google promised the Linux version of After more than 6 years of rumors and a long-ago cancellation because 'files are so 1990', Google Drive is finally here. Coming with 5 GB of free storage space, a Dropbox-like desktop sync client, and.

Was “a priority” but it hasn’t materialized in the nine months since. If you’re a Google Drive user, your best option is probably the third-party client for Google Drive. And also offer official Linux clients. Office Documents Ubuntu and most other Linux distributions come with the, which is based on OpenOffice, already installed. It’s a great package of software that will be fine for most people. You can even use it on Windows to save money on Microsoft Office. However, its compatibility with Microsoft Office documents is not perfect.

If you don’t like LibreOffice, you have some other options: • Office Web Apps: Microsoft provides free. They run in your browser, so they can be used on Linux. If a Microsoft Office document isn’t loading properly in LibreOffice, you may want to give the Office Web Apps a try. • Google Docs: My personal solution of choice. If you don’t care too much about compatibility with Microsoft Office documents, Google Docs works well on Linux, too. • Microsoft Office on Linux: If you want the real Microsoft Office, you can to install it. Wine allows you to run Windows programs on Linux — however, it’s also not perfect.

If you have a more recent version of Microsoft Office, it won’t work in Wine. All versions of Office will run perfectly in a virtual machine like VirtualBox, so that may be your best, most stable option.

(See below for more information about VirtualBox). Tools of the Trade As a tech blogger, I need a few tools that you might be interested in, too: • GIMP: It’s no longer installed by default, but is the most powerful image manipulation program for Linux (short of running Photoshop in Wine). As a fan of We all edit images to some degree.

How To Install Silverlight Linux Mint

Whether it’s a simple crop or resize, or maybe just adding some text, it’s nice to have an image editor that is reliable, fast, easy to navigate and. On Windows, I gave the Paint.NET-inspired a try — but Pinta just isn’t powerful enough for me yet. You’ll find GIMP and Pinta in Ubuntu’s Software Center.

• Shutter: Shutter is a powerful screenshot-taking tool that you can install from the Ubuntu Software Center. Most users will probably fine with the screenshot tool included in Ubuntu, though — press Print Screen or search for Screenshot in the dash to activate it. • VirtualBox: allow you to run other operating systems in a window on your desktop. If you don’t want to play any Windows games, this is a great solution for running the occasional Windows program on Linux.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Free Download more. Is in the Ubuntu Software Center That’s about it for my Linux desktop — between web apps like Feeling some heat? That might be coming from the battle of the streaming music providers, which currently includes a number of competent competitors, each trying to find some edge against the others. Now Rdio has. For playing music (there’s a if you’re a Spotify user, however), and the default apps for everything else ( When you think of plain text editors, the first thing that may pop into your head is Windows' Notepad application. It does exactly what its job description states - plain features for a plain text.

Can take the place of This summer, I’ve used Notepad++ for my internship quite a bit, so I can see why almost all developers and programmers I know actually prefer it, not to mention, the thousand of Notepad++ fans that. As a solid text editor), Linux is a better alternative to Windows than it’s ever been. The one dark spot is still games, but there’s While desktop Linux may be a tempting platform, there's one thing stopping a lot of people from making the plunge: PC gaming. Like it or not, Windows is the de facto platform for PC gaming. if you want to get your hands dirty. We’ll be seeing many more games with Valve’s Linux-based Steam Box on the horizon, too. For more great Linux applications you might be interested in installing, check out our list of.

For gamers, check out our page of the best. If you’re interested in learning more about Ubuntu, download our free. Are there any other must-install applications you use on your Linux desktop? Leave a comment and share them!