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• • • Islam in Australia is a religious affiliation. According to the 2016, the combined number of people who as in, from all forms of, constituted 604,200 people, or 2.6% of the total Australian population, an increase of over 15% of its previous population share of 2.2% reported in the previous census 5 years earlier. Of that earlier 2.2% figure, 'some estimate more than half are non-practicing' stemming from all the varying denominations and sects of Islam present in Australia. That total Muslim population made, in all its denominations and sects, the second largest religious grouping in Australia, after all denominations and sects of (61.1%, also including practicing and non-practicing ). Demographers attribute community growth trends during the most recent census period to relatively high birth rates, and recent immigration patterns.

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Adherents of Islam represent the majority of the population in. The vast majority of Muslims in belong to the two major denominations of Islam, the and denominations, with the followers of each of these further split along different (schools of thought within for the interpretation and practice of ), there are also practitioners of other smaller, including Muslim Australians of various national backgrounds, Muslim Australians of descent, as well as some, and approximately 20,000 Australians whose religion emerged as an offshoot of Islam which arrived in Australia with the immigration of Druze mainly from Lebanon and Syria. There are also (Islamic ) minorities among Muslim practitioners in Australia. While the overall Australian Muslim community is defined largely by a common with 'Islam', Australia's Muslims are not a monolithic community, and it is only the Qur'an that unites them. The Australian Muslim community is fragmented not only by traditional divisions of what each sect defines as Islam, but also,, and. Members of the Australian Muslim community thus also espouse parallel non-religious with related non-Muslim counterparts, either within Australia or abroad.

Main article: Indonesian Muslims from the southwest corner of visited the coast of northern Australia, 'from at least the eighteenth century' to collect and process, a marine invertebrate prized for its culinary and medicinal values in markets. Remnants of their influence can be seen in the culture of some of the northern Aboriginal peoples. Regina Ganter, an associate professor at, says, 'Staying on the safe grounds of historical method. The beginning of the trepang industry in Australia [can be dated] to between the 1720s and 1750s, although this does not preclude earlier, less organised contact.'

Ganter also writes 'the cultural imprint on the of this contact is everywhere: in their language, in their art, in their stories, in their cuisine.' According to anthropologist John Bradley from, the contact between the two groups was a success: 'They traded together. It was fair - there was no racial judgement, no race policy.'

Even into the early 21st century, the shared history between the two peoples is still celebrated by Aboriginal communities in Northern Australia as a period of mutual trust and respect. Others who have studied this period have come to a different conclusion regarding the relationship between the Aboriginal people and the visiting trepangers. Ian McIntosh has said that the initial effects of the Macassan fishermen were 'terrible', which resulted in 'turmoil': 65–67 with the extent of Islamic influence being 'indeterminate'.: 76 In another paper McIntosh concludes, 'strife, poverty and domination.. Is a previously unrecorded legacy of contact between Aborigines and Indonesians.' : 138 A report prepared by the History Department of the says that the Macassans appear to have been welcomed initially, however relations deteriorated when, 'aborigines began to feel they were being exploited.. Leading to violence on both sides'.: 81–82 A number of ' were listed in the musters of 1802, 1811, 1822, and the, and a small number of Muslims arrived during the. Beyond this, Muslims generally are not thought to have settled in large numbers in other regions of Australia until 1860.: 10 Muslims were among the earliest settlers of while the island was used as a British in the early 19th century.

They arrived from 1796, having been employed on British ships. They left following the closure of the penal colony and moved to. Optical Flares Keygen Download Torrent. The community left no remnants; only seven permanent residents of the island identified themselves as 'non-Christian' in a 2006 census. 1860 to 1900 [ ]. The grave of an Afghan cameleer Among the early Muslims were the who migrated to and settled in Australia during the mid to late 19th century. Between 1860 and the 1890s a number of Central Asians came to Australia to work as camel drivers.

Camels were first imported into Australia in 1840, initially for exploring the arid interior (see ), and later for the that were uniquely suited to the demands of Australia's vast deserts. The first camel drivers arrived in,, in June 1860, when eight Muslims and Hindus arrived with the camels for the. The next arrival of camel drivers was in 1866 when 31 men from and arrived in with camels for. Although they came from several countries, they were usually known in Australia as and they brought with them the first formal establishment of Islam in Australia. Cameleers settled in the areas near and other areas of the and inter-married with the Indigenous population. The, South Australia to, Northern Territory, railway is named (short for The Afghan) in their memory.

The was built in 1861 at, South Australia. The was built in 1888 by the descendants of the Afghan cameleers.

During the 1870s, Muslim divers were recruited through an agreement with the Dutch to work on Western Australian and Northern Territory grounds. By 1875, there were 1800 Malay divers working in Western Australia. Most returned to their home countries. One of the earliest recorded Islamic festivals celebrated in Australia occurred on 23 July 1884 when 70 Muslims assembled for Eid prayers at Albert Park in Melbourne. “During the whole service the worshippers wore a remarkably reverential aspect.” 1900 to present [ ] In the early 20th century, under the provisions of the, immigration to Australia was restricted to persons of (including ).

Meanwhile, persons not of white European heritage (including most Muslims) were denied entry to Australia during this period. Thus, in the 1920s and 1930s Muslims, whose European heritage made them compatible with the White Australia Policy, immigrated to the country. Albanian Muslims built the first mosque in in 1960 and the first mosque in in 1963. Modern-day replica of an ice cream van owned by one of the terrorists involved in the in 1915. Notable events involving Australian Muslims during this early period include what has been described either as an act of war by the, or the earliest. The attack was carried out at, in 1915, in what was described as the. Two Afghans who pledged allegiance to the Ottoman Empire shot and killed four Australians and wounded seven others before being killed by the police.

Increased immigration [ ] The perceived need for population growth and economic development in Australia led to the broadening of Australia's in the post-World War II period. This allowed for the acceptance of a number of displaced white European Muslims who began to arrive from other parts of Europe, mainly from the, especially from. As with the Albanian Muslim immigrants before them, the European heritage of these dispaced Muslims also made them compatible with the White Australia Policy. Later, between 1967 and 1971, during the final years of the step-by-step dismantling of the White Australia policy, approximately 10,000 settled in Australia under an agreement between Australia and. From the 1970s onwards, there was a significant shift in the government's attitude towards immigration, and with the White Australia policy now totally dismantled from 1973 onwards, instead of trying to make newer foreign nationals assimilate and forgo their heritage, the government became more accommodating and tolerant of differences by adopting a policy of.

The Chullora Greenacre Mosque Larger-scale Muslim migration of non-White non-European Muslims began in 1975 with the migration of Muslims, which rapidly increased during the from 22,311 or 0.17% of the Australian population in 1971, to 45,200 or 0.33% in 1976. [ ] Lebanese Muslims are still the largest and highest-profile Muslim group in Australia, although Lebanese Christians form a majority of, outnumbering their Muslim counterparts at a 6-to-4 ratio. By the beginning of the 21st-century, Muslims from more than sixty countries had settled in Australia. While a very large number of them come from,, and, there are Muslims from,,,,,,,, the,,, and, among others. [ ] At the time of the 2011 census, 476,000 Australians (representing 2.2 percent of the population) reported Islam as their religion.

Since the 1990s [ ] Trade and educational links have been developed between Australia and several Muslim countries. Muslim students from countries such as,,, and, are among the thousands of international students studying in Australian universities. [ ] [ ] A number of Australian Arabs experienced during the. Newspapers received numerous letters calling for Arab Australians to 'prove their loyalty' or 'go home', and some Arab Australian Muslim women wearing hijab head coverings were reportedly harassed in public. The Australian government's Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission included accounts of racial harassment experienced by some Australian Arabs in their 1991 report on racism in Australia.: 11–13 On a few occasions in the 2000s and 2010s, tensions have flared between Australian Muslims and the general population.

The formed a much reported set of incidents in 2000; a group of Lebanese men sexually assaulted non-Muslim women. In 2005, tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims in the area of Sydney led to; the incident resulted in mass arrests and criminal prosecution. In 2012, Muslims against, an anti-Islam film trailer, resulted in rioting. There was an increase in anti-Muslim sentiment in the aftermath of the on 15–16 December 2014, including a threat made against a mosque in Sydney.

However, the Muslim community also received support from the Australian public through a campaign. The founding president of the has said that with moderate Muslims being sidelined by those promoting more fundamentalist views, there is a need to be more careful in regard to potential Australian immigrants. Has said moderate Muslims need to take back control. An article in in May 2015 opined, 'Most Muslims want the peace and prosperity that comes from an Islam that coexists with modernity; it is a fanatical fringe that seeks to impose a fabricated medieval Islam'. It describes Dr as a brave insider who is working to assist 'the cause of good Muslims who are struggling for the soul of Islam'.

Schools of jurisprudence in Australia [ ]. See also: Most Australian Muslims are, with then and as minorities. Sunni [ ] In Sydney, adherents of the denomination of Islam are concentrated in the suburb of and surrounding areas such as,, and. In Australia there are also groups associated with the 'hardline' branch of Sunni Islam, including the and (ASWJA). While their numbers are small, the ASWJA is said to 'punch above its weight'. There are communities of NSW Muslims who adhere to form of Islam and worship at the Granville,, which is led by Sheik.

Similarly many Bangladeshi Tablighi Jamaat, Muslims worship at mosques in Seaton, NSW and in Huntingdale Victoria., which is a 'non-political Islamic organisation based in Pakistan', has adherents in Australia. In 2015, Wikileaks cables released information that Saudi Arabia closely monitores the situation of Islam and Arab community in Australia, whilst at the same time spending considerately to promote its fundamentalist version of Sunni Islam within the country to counter, what it perceives as a threat, the spread of peacful Shia Islam in the country. Shi'a commemorating outside the Opera House, Sydney. The denomination of Islam is centred in the,, Fairfield, Auburn and Liverpool regions of Sydney, with the, built in in 1983, and the serves the region in. In 2008, the mainstream Shia community numbered 30,000 followers nationally.

In October 2004 Sheikh established the Imam Hasan Centre in, NSW. In November 2014, up to 3,000 Shi'a Muslims marched in Sydney on the annual to mark the death of the prophet's grandson. In November 2015 there was Ashura march in Sydney and a Victorian school observed. There are also others from smaller non-mainstream sects of Shia Islam, including approximately 20,000 from Turkish, Syrian and Lebanese backgrounds. They have at least one school called Al Sadiq College, with campuses in the Sydney suburbs of and.

There is also a population of the related, though distinct,. There is also an population of unspecified size. While, a small Ismaili Shia sect has its Sydney located in. Additionally, the, who practice, a religion that began as an offshoot of 11th-century Ismaili Islam, are reported to have around 20,000 followers living in Australia. Sufi [ ] There are communities of, estimated to number about 5,000, most notably the, who operate under the name. The communities are linked to and run, as well as a mosque and a in suburban Sydney. There have been tensions between the Ahbash and other Muslim communities.

Ahmadiyya [ ]. The community is reported to have 3,000 followers in Australia. There are 4 Ahmadiyya mosques in Australia in Sydney;, Melbourne; Masjid Bait-ul Salam, Brisbane; Masjid Bait-ul Masroor and Adelaide; Masjid Mahmood. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has its headquarters located at the Masjid Bait-ul Huda, to the west of Sydney.

The leaders of the Ahmadiyya community condemn terrorism, support law enforcement authorities, advocate speaking English and being loyal to Australia. Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia national spokesman Aziz Omer said, 'We are loyal to Australia and we want our kids to be loyal to Australia', with association members delivering 500,000 Loyalty to Homeland leaflets. Ahmadi Muslims have been subject to various forms of intra-Muslim religious. Sectarian tensions [ ] Conflict between religious groups in the are reflecting as tensions within the Australian community and in the schools. Religious life [ ] The Australian Muslim community has built a number of mosques and Islamic schools, and a number of imams and clerics act as the community's spiritual and religious leaders. In 1988, the (AFIC) appointed Sheikh as the first of Australia and New Zealand. [ ] In 2007, Hilaly was succeeded by in June 2007 who was succeeded by the current Grand Mufti, in September 2011.

Main article: A number of organisations and associations are run by the Australian Islamic community including mosques, private schools and charities and other community groups and associations. Broad community associations which represent large segments of the Australian Muslim public are usually termed 'Islamic councils'.

Some organisations are focused on providing assistance and support for specific sectors within the community, such as women. Two organisations with strong political emphasis are which describes itself as a, 'political party whose ideology is Islam' and (ASWJA). A number of financial institutions have developed products, with university courses leading to Islamic financial qualifications also being established.

Other Australian Islamic organisations have been set up to manage, superannuation, Islamic wills and management. Halal certification [ ]. Main article: There are close to two dozen Halal certification authorities in Australia. Halal meat and meat product exports to the Middle East and Southeast Asia have greatly increased from the 1970s onwards; this expansion was due in part to efforts of the AFIC.: 151 Halal certification has been criticised by anti-Halal campaigners who argue that the practice funds the growth of Islam, results in added costs, a requirement to officially certify intrinsically-halal foods and with consumers required to subsidise a particular religious belief.

An inquiry by an Australian Senate committee, which concluded in December 2015, found the current system is 'lacklustre' and made recommendations for improvement. It found there was no evidence to support claims that the profits of halal certification are used to fund terrorism. The report recognised that halal certification has economic benefits for Australia because of increased export opportunities.

It recommended that the federal government increase its oversight of halal certifiers to address fraudulent conduct, with halal products to be clearly labelled and for meat products sourced from animals subject to religious slaughter, to be specifically labelled. It said that it had heard, 'credible reports suggesting that the lack of regulation has been unscrupulously exploited'. In tabling the report, committee chairman said, 'Some certifiers are nothing more than scammers.' The committee recommended a single halal certification authority. The committee in recommending clearer labelling, specifically referred to the need for meat processors to label products sourced from animals subject to religious slaughter. Demography [ ]. See also: and Trends [ ] Historical population Year Pop.

±% 1981 76,792 — 1991 147,487 +92.1% 2001 281,600 +90.9% 2011 476,291 +69.1% 2016 604,200 +26.9% During the 1980s the Australian Muslim population increased from 76,792 or 0.53% of the Australian population in 1981, to 109,523 or 0.70% in 1986. [ ] In the 2011 Census, the Muslim population was 479,300 or 2.25%, an increase of 438% on the 1981 number. The general increase of the Muslim population in this decade was from 147,487 or 0.88% of the Australian population in 1991, to 200,885 or 1.12% in 1996.

[ ] In 2005 the overall Muslim population in Australia had grown from 281,600 or 1.50% of the general Australian population in 2001, to 340,400 or 1.71% in 2006. The growth of Muslim population at this time was recorded as 3.88% compared to 1.13% for the general Australian population. From 2011-2016, Muslim population grew by 27% from 476,291 to 604,200 with majority residing in New South Wales. The following is a breakdown of the country of birth of Muslims in Australia from 2001: There were 281,578 Muslims recorded in this survey; in the 2006 census the population had grown to 340,392. 48% of Australian-born Muslims claimed Lebanese or Turkish ancestry.

The distribution by state of the nation's Islamic followers has New South Wales with 50% of the total number of Muslims, followed by Victoria (33%), Western Australia (7%), Queensland (5%), South Australia (3%), ACT (1%) and both Northern Territory and Tasmania sharing 0.3%. [ ] The majority of people who reported Islam as their religion in the 2006 Census were born overseas: 58% (198,400). Of all persons affiliating with Islam in 2006 almost 9% were born in Lebanon and 7% were born in Turkey. At the 2011 census, people who were affiliated with Islam as a percentage of the total population in divided geographically by postal area According to the, the Muslim population numbered 604,235 individuals, of whom 42% live in Greater, 31% in Greater, and 8% in Greater.

The states and territories with the highest proportion of Muslims are (3.58%) and (3.32%), whereas those with the lowest are (0.95%) and (0.49%). Many Muslims living in are and.

Melbourne's Australian Muslims live primarily in the northern suburbs surrounding (mostly Turkish) and a few in the outer southern suburbs such as and (mainly Bosnian). Very few Muslims live in regional areas with the exceptions of the sizeable Turkish and Albanian community in, which has Victoria's oldest mosque, and Malays in. A community of have settled in on the in Victoria. Also has a Muslim community focussed in and around the suburb of, where there is a mosque. Perth's Australian Islamic School has around 2,000 students on three campuses. And contain predominantly communities.

The oldest mosque in Perth is the Perth Mosque on William Street in Northbridge. It has undergone many renovations although the original section still remains. Other mosques in Perth are located in Rivervale, Mirrabooka, Beechboro and Hepburn. There are also communities of Muslims from, the (, India and ) and, in Sydney and Melbourne, the Turkish communities around and and and the South Asian communities around., are more widely distributed in. Communities [ ]. See also: According to Australia's 2011 census, 1,140 people identify as Aboriginal Muslims, almost double the number of Aboriginal Muslims recorded in the 2001 census.

Many are converts and some are descendants of Afghan cameleers or, as in the people, have Macassan ancestry as a result of the historical. In north east Arnhem Land, there is some Islamic influence on the songs, paintings, dances, prayers with certains hymns to Allah and funeral rituals like facing west during prayers, roughly the direction of Mecca, and ritual prostration reminiscent of the Muslim.

As a result of Malay indentured laborers, plenty of families in Northern Australia have names like Doolah, Hassan and Khan. Notable Aboriginal Muslims include the boxer and Rugby League footballer. Many indigenous converts are attracted to Islam because they see a compatibility between Aboriginal and Islamic beliefs, while others see it as a fresh start and an aid against common social ills, such as alcohol and drug abuse. Some academics who have studied these issues have come to less positive conclusions regarding the relationship between the Aboriginal people and the visiting.: 65–67: 76: 138: 81–82 Bangladeshi Muslims [ ]. See also: Muslims form the core of Australia's Muslim population, particularly in Sydney where most Arabs in Australia live. Approximately 3.4% of Sydney's population are. In November 2016,, said that it was a mistake of a previous administration to have brought out Lebanese Muslim immigrants., said Mr Dutton was making a specific point about those charged with terrorism offences.

'He made it quite clear that he respects and appreciates the contribution that the Lebanese community make in Australia'. Somali Muslims [ ]. See also: Muslims are a significant segment of the Australian Muslim community. Some statistical reports forecast the Turkish Muslim population in Australia surpassing the Lebanese Muslim population in the 2020s and 2030s. The majority of Turkish Muslims in Sydney are from Auburn, Eastlakes and Prestons.

Despite still having a large Turkish population in Auburn and Eastlakes, many Turks moved out of these areas and moved to Prestons to be close to the new and growing Turkish private school, which is run by people closely affiliated with the Galaxy Foundation (formerly Feza Foundation). Issues [ ] Concerns and contemporary issues facing the Australian Muslim community include rates of unemployment, the rights of women, concerns over and, among others. Islamic preachers and clerics in Australia have been covered in the Australian press on account of the messages they have delivered publicly to the Muslim community or have otherwise shared with others in public settings. In some instances, various ideas and viewpoints espoused by these preachers have been subject of public or internal debate. Statements viewed as misogynistic and radically paternalistic have come under criticism. Radical Islam [ ]. A number of incidents have highlighted the issues associated with in Australia, including and militant activity.

Several foreign have sponsored the establishment of cells in Australia, including, and.: 111: 38 is believed to have been behind the. A man known as 'Ahmed Y' established a small militant group in Australia in 2001 and advocated the idea of establishing an Islamic State in Australia.: 14 Groups led by and were active in Melbourne and Sydney, respectively, until police arrested their members in 2005. Instances of domestic terror inspired by radical include the plots by, and. The (ISIL), proscribed by the government as a terrorist organisation, has targeted Australian Muslims for recruitment.

Making use of, recruiters target those vulnerable to radicalisation, and encourage local jihad activities. Some of those targeted have been minors, including a teenager who was arrested in Melbourne in May 2015 for plotting to detonate. In June 2014, the government claimed that roughly 150 Australians had been recruited to fight in the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. A list released in April 2015 showed that most were young males who have come from a range of occupations, including students. It was also reported at the time that 20 Australians had been killed fighting overseas for terror groups, with 249 suspected jihadists prevented from leaving Australia. The Border Force Counter-Terrorism Unit, tasked with stopping jihadists from leaving the country, had cancelled more than 100 passports by the end of March 2015. Several jihadists have expressed the desire to return to Australia, but Prime Minister has said that any who do would be prosecuted on their arrival.

In December 2015 the Director General of ASIO stated that the number of Australians seeking to travel overseas to fight with groups such as ISIS had 'plateaued a bit' due to better awareness of the issue among the Islamic community, few young Australians being attracted to ISIS and improvements to the speed with which passports could be cancelled. He also stated that a 'tiny, tiny' proportion of Australian Muslims were influenced by ISIS. At this time the government believed there were around 110 Australians fighting with extremist groups, which was slightly lower than previous levels, and 44 Australians had been killed in Syria. In an Australia-wide survey published in November 2015, which was based on 1,573 interviews, which asked, 'What is the likelihood that Islamic State will carry out a large scale terrorist attack in Australia?'

24% of the respondents said 'it is inevitable', 23% said 'very likely' and 29% said 'likely'. Greens' voters were least concerned about an attack. In May 2017, answering the questions during the -hearing,, the director-general of the, stated that there's de facto no connection between refugees and terrorism in Australia whilst adding: 'But the context is very important. The reason they are terrorists is not because they are refugees but because of the violent, extremist interpretation of that they have adopted.' Saudi influence [ ] has been involved in the funding of Sunni-Salafi mosques, schools and charitable organisations, a university and Australian Islamic institutions, with estimates up to $120 million. This funding has generated tensions between Australian Muslim organisations.

In 2015, it was uncovered by, that the has provided finance to build mosques, to support Sunni Islamic community activities and to fund visits by Sunni clerics to 'counter influence'. Promotion of antisemitism [ ]. Main article: The leader of has said that the Jews 'are evil creatures', and the principal of told students that is a scheme created by Israel.

An Islamic bookstore in was found to be selling a children's book that describes Jews as 'much conceited' and intent on world domination., former said, 'Jews try to control the world through sex, then sexual perversion, then the promotion of espionage, treason and economic hoarding' with Christians and Jews being, 'the worst in God's creation'. At a, a held workshops based on the teachings of Islamic scholars who have recommended the death penalty for homosexuals and apostates, promoted terrorism and preached hatred of Jews and Christians. A Sheik who leads a Sydney prayer hall, told a group including children, that Jews, 'don't have mercy.

They don't have anything in the heart. They've got only envy (and) they've got hatred'., a Jewish community leader, said he was deeply troubled by Sheik Hassan’s 'divisive rhetoric'. Promotion of extremism [ ]. Main articles:,, and Material sold at some Sunni Islamic bookshops have raised concerns.

For example, the Islamic Information Bookshop in Melbourne was stocking literature 'calling for violence against non-Muslims'; the Al Risalah Bookshop was said to be 'encouraging young Australians to fight in Syria'; and the Al-Furqan Bookshop was said to be polarising members with extreme views. The Bukhari House Islamic Bookshop in, which is aligned to the has featured heavily in counter-terrorism raids. The gunman responsible for the is said to have spent his final days under the influence of Bukhari House leaders. In Brisbane, the iQraa Bookstore was said to promote extremism.

It was reported in 2015 that the al-Furqan and al-Risalah bookshops had both closed, but concern has been raised that this might be the 'worst thing that could happen' as they provided a place for people to go to 'express their frustrations'. Responses [ ] A number of forums and meetings have been held about the problem of extremist groups or ideology within the Australian Islamic community. After the, Prime Minister established a to assist governmental relations with the Muslim community. Sydney's Muslim leaders, including, have condemned the actions of suicide bombers and denounced ISIS. The community in Australia have also expressed their concern regarding ISIS. In February 2015, former president of the called on religious leaders to oppose Islamic State as, 'I haven't heard so far any single imam in this country that has named IS and condemned it.'

Glenn Mohammed a Muslim lawyer has written, 'Muslims need to be able to discuss these issues openly and denounce barbaric behaviour. Instead, we choose to remain silent and then criticise a government that tries to make Australia safer.' Psychiatrist has examined underlying causes and has identified the significance of issues relating to 'family' and to 'denial'. He has said, 'Muslim youths have unique difficulties in coming to terms with their identity, especially when they have conflicting value systems at home compared with school or work'.

In September 2014, the external affairs secretary of Australia's muslims, urged the Islamic community to denounce ISIS, 'because they know very well that ISIS is responsible for brutal, reprehensible killings of Muslims in Syria and Iraq'. Peter Jennings, Executive Director of the has said Australian Muslim leaders need to recognise that there are a 'disturbing number of radicalised ideologues' who do not believe Islam is peaceful. He says, 'some dramatic self-healing is needed'. In May 2015, the committed a further AU$450 million to fight home-grown terrorism. Muslim leaders have criticised the current, following the Muftis response to the. Has said, 'The problem I have with the Mufti is he cannot communicate in English. That means he has to rely on the people around him.'

Described the Grand Mufti's contribution as 'completely unacceptable'. Along with other senior politicians have urged moderate Islamic leaders to speak with one voice against extremism. The founder of Australia’s biggest Muslim media organisation is seeking a 'revolution' within the Islamic community and has called upon Muslim leaders to unequivocally repudiate violence conducted in the name of Islam. Dr Recep Dogan of Centre for Islamic Sciences and Civilisation, said as Muslim leaders in Australia do not seem to be engaged at a community level.

During an interview on ABC program, the authors of a book entitled,, an atheist and neuroscientist, and, a former member, argued that Islam has failed to modernise. Harris said, 'We have a task ahead of us, a monumental task ahead of us, and that is to begin the process of adapting, reinterpreting our scriptures for the modern day and age.' Politician has said, 'Modern Islam needs to cohere with the Australian way of life, our values and institutions.

In so far as it doesn’t, it needs reform.' Former federal Treasurer, has said, 'Islamic scholars need to tell would-be jihadis, why these difficult sections of the Koran and the Hadiths,' which may have been acceptable in the 7th century, 'are not to be taken literally and not to be followed today'. Former Prime Minister, has said, 'there needs to be a concerted ‘hearts and minds’ campaign against the versions of Islam that make excuses for terrorists'. However, spokesman, Uthman Badar, said, 'Islam is not up for negotiation or reform. Islam is what it is.'

Hizb ut-Tahrir advocates for. Australia's Race Discrimination Commissioner, has said that Hizb ut-Tahrir's views are, 'absurd.' In December 2015 the Grand Mufti of Australia and several high profile imams issued a new year's message supporting a fatwa against Islamic State.

In the message they stated that 'most Islamic Legal Circles and Fatwa Boards have condemned ISIS', and warned young people to avoid the organisation's propaganda. In March 2017, the Prime Minister said that since September 2014 Australian security forces have disrupted 12 planned domestic attacks and charged 62 people with terrorist-related offences. Discrimination [ ]. See also: According to some scholars, a particular trend of anti-Muslim prejudice has developed in Australia since the late 1980s. Since the 2001 in New York, and the, Islam and its place in Australian society has been the subject of much public debate. A report published in 2004 by the pointed to many Muslim Australians who felt the Australian media was unfairly critical of, and often vilified their community due to generalisations of terrorism and the emphasis on crime. The use of ethnic or religious labels in news reports about crime was thought to stir up racial tensions.

After the immigration laws were replaced with policies the social disadvantage of Muslims was thought to have been alleviated. Some sources, however, note that Muslims now face some disadvantages on account of their religion.: 15–16 At times there has been opposition to the construction of new mosques in Australia. A 2014 report from the Islamic Sciences and Research Academy,, on mosques in New South Wales found that 44 percent of mosques in the state had 'experienced resistance from the local community when the mosque was initially proposed'. In around 20 percent of these cases opposition was from a small number of people.

According to Michael Humphrey, a professor of at the, much of Islamic culture and organisation in Australia has been borne of the experiences of Muslim migrants. This 'immigrant Islam' is often viewed by the host society as a force of 'cultural resistance' toward the multicultural and secular nature of the general Australian culture. Muslim practices of praying, fasting and veiling appear as challenging the conformity within public spaces and the values of gender equality in social relationships and individual rights. The immigrant Muslims are often required to 'negotiate their Muslimness' in the course of their encounters with Australian society, the governmental and other social institutions and bureaucracies. A poll of nearly 600 Muslim residents of Sydney released in November 2015 found that the respondents were three to five times more likely to have experienced racism than the general Australian population. However, approximately 97 per cent of the Muslim respondents reported that they had friendly relations with non-Muslims and felt welcome in Australia.

In an Australia-wide survey published in November 2015, which was based on 1,573 interviews, which asked, 'Are Muslims that live in Australia doing enough to integrate into the Australian community, or should they be doing more?' , only 20% of respondents thought Muslims are currently 'doing enough'. A poll conducted by the University of South Australia's International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding which was released in 2016 found that 10 per cent of Australians have hostile attitudes towards Muslims. The accompanying report concluded that 'the great majority of Australians in all states and regions are comfortable to live alongside Australian Muslims'. A has been established.

An Australian speaking tour by, was proposed for April 2017. Because of her alleged Islamophobia, the Council for the Prevention of Islamophobia told organisers that there would be 5,000 protesters outside the in Melbourne if she was to speak at that venue.

Her Australian tour was cancelled. Women's rights [ ]. Main article: As part of the broader issue of, the gender inequality in Islam has often been the focal point of criticism in Australia through comparisons to the situation of women in Islamic nations. Muslim women can face hurdles both from within the Muslim community and from the wider community. Following a successful appeal to the by a, who believes it is a sin to be seen without a, the policy of the is now for female doctors to attend to female patients, if requested. Several Melbourne councils have women-only sessions in their swimming pools.

Has provided a curtain to ensure privacy for Muslim women. It has been reported that a 'growing number of Muslim men [have] multiple wives'; the same story cited Islamic Friendship Association of Australia president as stating that there were 'not many more than 50' polygamist Muslim families in Australia. Has been paying spousal benefits to Islamic families with several wives, with Centrelink saying that the payment of spousal benefits for multiple wives is done to save taxpayers’ money, rather than paying single-parent-benefits for each wife. The AFIC has advocated Australian Muslims being able to marry and divorce under the principles of law, saying that Australian Muslims should enjoy 'legal pluralism'.

There are Sharia law based mediation centres in Sydney and Melbourne. To expedite a religious divorce, Australian Muslim women often agree to sharia law principles which result in an unequal distribution of assets and rights. A Melbourne based, Muslim lawyer has said, 'his clients, almost all female, say they have been disadvantaged by Sharia settlements.' At a major women are required to remain behind tinted glass on the second floor. The leader of the, Samir Abu Hamza has told his followers that it is permissible to hit women as a, 'last resort' but, 'you are not allowed to bruise them... Or to make them bleed'. In response, he said that his message was taken out of context.

In March 2016 the determined that separate male and female seating arrangements at public events hosted by Hizb ut-Tahrir contravened section 33 of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act. The Tribunal ordered that all future publicity materials for public events hosted by Hizb ut-Tahrir must clearly inform attendees that segregated seating arrangements are not compulsory. In May 2016 the United Muslims of Australia held a conference in Sydney where genders were separated by a fence. The president of the, Sheikh has said that women would be 'hung by their breasts in hell' and women should not look at men. He has also said that women must obey their husbands to enter paradise.

In February 2017 the promotional flyers for an Islamic Peace Conference, organised by the, the three females had their faces replaced with black ink, while the faces of all other 12 male speakers were displayed. In February 2017, in response to a question regarding the meaning of Quran, president of the AFIC said a husband can beat his wife, but only as 'a last resort'. He later apologised for his statements conceding Islam does allow for this, but saying he was 'clumsy' in the television interview, adding that he condemns all violence against women. In April 2017 produced a video in which two women discussed how to resolve marital conflicts. One of the women said, 'a man is permitted to hit a woman as an act of discipline' and described the as 'beautiful' and 'a blessing'.

The video was strongly repudiated by Muslim leaders, with the women subsequently saying, 'more thought needs to be given to the question of purpose, worth and risk of sharing content online. We acknowledge our mistake in this respect in this instance'. Children's rights [ ]. Main article: It has been reported that female circumcision has been carried out in New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. The act has been a criminal offence since the 1990s. The first criminal trial concerning female circumcision in Australia ended with the conviction of three members of the Shia Muslim community in November 2015 and in 2016 a community leader was imprisoned.

There are reportedly 120,000 migrant women living in Australia who have had their genitals mutilated. A study, conducted by researchers from the Australian paediatric surveillance unit at in Sydney, has determined at least 60 Australian girls, from the age of 6 months, have undergone. The school uniform at Sydney's 'thought to have the strictest uniform policy for girls in the country' requires summer and winter, ankle-length dresses, long-sleeved shirts, plus head covering, for girls, while the boys can wear short-sleeved shirts - has been described as discriminatory. There have been prosecutions under in regards to involving underage girls. There have been allegations of failure by Australian authorities to respond to reports of child brides. However, the Australian Federal Police has stated that it is unable to follow up on the reports as they concern alleged child marriages which occurred before specific legislation outlawing the practice came into effect in March 2013, and the legislation was not retrospective.

At a Sydney school, Muslim boys were told not to shake the hands of females presenting awards at the school. The instruction is understood to derive from an Islamic which says, 'it is better to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle than to touch the hand of a woman who is not permissible to you'. There are claims that another Sydney public school is, 'run like a mosque' with the school refusing to adopt a program aimed at countering violent. The principal of the school was removed. Views on homosexuality [ ]. Main article: In line with the views of most Islamic scholars world wide, Islamic leaders in Australia generally believe that homosexuality is not permitted by their faith. In June 2016, the president of the (ANIC), Sheikh participated in an dinner at hosted by the.

The Prime Minister said he would not have been invited Alsuleiman had he known of his position regarding homosexuals. The sheikh had previously spoken about the 'evil actions' of homosexuality. Australia's Grand Mufti, has defended Alsuleiman, saying Islam has a, 'longstanding' position on homosexuality' which 'no person can ever change'. He said that any attempt to call out its teachings could lead to radicalisation.

ANIC treasurer Imam Mohamed Imraan Husain said, 'Islam prevents lesbianism and being gay.' Uthman Badar spokesman for, said that Mr Turnbull was condemning the 'normative Islamic position on homosexuality'. Yusuf Peer, president of the Council of Imams Queensland, in referring to the sharia law death penalty for homosexuality said, 'that is what Islam teaches and that will never change.' The Imam of Australia's largest mosque, located in, Shaykh Yahya Safi has said, 'In Islam we believe it's a major sin to have such relations between men and men, a sexual relation. We don't discuss this because it's obvious.'

In August 2017 the National Imams Council issued a statement opposing the proposed introduction of same-sex marriage in Australia, and several individual religious leaders have also argued against same-sex marriage. However, some Australian Muslims support same-sex marriage, and the Muslims for Progressive Values and Muslims for Marriage Equality groups have campaigned in favour of such a reform. As of September 2017 there was no polling data on the Australian Islamic community's views on this issue. Employment, education and crime [ ] As of 2007, average wages of Muslims were much lower than those of the national average, with just 5% of Muslims earning over $1000 per week compared to the average of 11%. Unemployment rates amongst Muslims born overseas were higher than Muslims born in Australia. In New South Wales, at 9% to 10% of the prison population, compared to less than 3% within the NSW population.

In literature and film [ ] There are a number of notable works in that discuss the Muslims during the 'Afghan period' (1860-1900).: 10 • The Camel in Australia, by Tom L. McKnight • Fear and Hatred, by Andrew Markus • Afghans in Australia, by Michael Cigler • Tin Mosques and Ghantowns, by Christine Stevens • Ali Abdul v The King, by Hanifa Deen • Australia's Muslim Cameleers: Pioneers of the inland, 1860s–1930s, by Dr Anna Kenny is a documentary created by Rebel Films for the network following a Lebanese-Australian woman named Frida as she opens a shop selling fashionable clothing for Muslim women on Melbourne's Sydney Road. The documentary follows Frida as she develops her business in Melbourne while juggling a husband and home in Sydney and a pregnancy. Veiled Ambition won the Palace Films Award for Short Film Promoting at the 2006. Notable figures [ ]. Archived from on 10 July 2017.

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Further reading [ ] • Aslan, Alice. 'Islamophobia In Australia' • Al‐Momani, Kais; Dados, Nour; Maddox, Marion; Wise, Amanda (2010). Department of Social Security. •, By Islamic Museum of Australia. Author: Moustafa Fahour • Cleland, Bilal.. Melbourne: Islamic Council of Victoria, 2002.

• Deen, Hanifa.. Online: National Archives of Australia, 2007. • Drew, Abdul Shaheed. • Kabir, Nahid. Muslims in Australia: Immigration, Race Relations and Cultural History. London: Kegan Paul, 2004. • Kabir, Nahid (July 2006).

'Muslims in a 'White Australia': Colour or Religion?' 24 (2): 193–223.. • Saeed, Abdullah. Islam in Australia.

Crows Nest, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 2003. • Saeed, Abdullah and Shahram Akbarzadeh, eds. Muslim Communities in Australia. Sydney: UNSW Press, 2001. • Stevens, Christine.

Tin Mosques and Ghantowns. • Woodlock, Rachel and John Arnold (eds). Isolation, Integration and Identity: The Muslim Experience in Australia. Special Issue of The La Trobe Journal. Melbourne, Victoria: State Library of Victoria Foundation, 2012.

External links [ ] • - at Oxford Bibliographies Online • • • – historical community biography produced by the National Archives of Australia • • • • Garry Wotherspoon (2015)... Retrieved 4 October 2015.

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I finally made it to SIN City to shoot some Thai porn in Bangkok Thailand. There are fine thailand pussy everywhere it's like 5 women for every man out there.

Every Night was like a Friday Night out there. Asian pussy everywehre. I traveled to all the Asian pussy Hoe spots in Thailand from Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza & Patpong to Walking Street Pattaya, Thailand.

If u never fucked thai pussy, its some of the best asian pussy in the world. This beautiful Thailand Pussy I met in front of Nana Plaza, which is a 3-story Plaza that has notthing but Strip bars & Hoes. It is wild out their. She's 26 years old & has a Phatt Ass, with a born talent of sucking dick. Watch her complain & tell me how 'Special' I am while I fuck the Shit out of her for 30 minutes thanks to Viagra. All the thai pussy is in my Members area. Tattoo from a homie of mine.

Tattoo a charcter, he talks alot of shit to his bitches, he had me rolling. He's been shooting videos on his cellphone of all his females hes fucked for years and now he was down to be on thehabibshow. This Rican Nigga is crazy, he got some big ass balls; He brought his BABY MAMMA'S BEST FREIND TO FUCK, I repeat. 'HE BROUGHT HIS BABY MAMMA'S BEST FREIND TO FUCK' whom hes been hittin on the down low for a minute and wanted to film her. She a 43 year old puerto rican MILF.

Her face aint the greatest, But she has a banging body with some nice perky tities for an 43 year old puerto rican MILF. Her pussy looked nice and tight just like an 18-year old. This video is wild as fuck and its all in the members area. I want you all to meet my Asian persuasion Ms. Stephanie Kim, she a 20- year old Cambodian American.

She 100% Cambodian and got them dick sucking lips to match her phat juicy ass. You all going to love her, she just a real cool chick! Ive been talking to her for a minute and found out she is single. So i thought i would do something nice for her and hook her up with my homie, Jose Burns. He's an almost typical, kind of young, skinny, 28 -year old, Mexican man who's only been in America for 10-years. I thought they would be a perfect match, But, once they both met, the sparks kind of fizzled and i had to bring in the homie Stretch in. You all have to watch this video.ITS WILD and CRAZY and its all in the members area.

Woot, Woot we found the thickest, fattest big booty, shit talking ho, straight from Gary, Indiana. She 23 and THICK AS HELL red bone!

Her body reminds me of a younger Cherokee d ass back when she was in her prime. This was the first time I am filming her and ill have to admit when i seen her with her clothes on i wasn't too impressed until she took her clothes off and showed her nice thick body, her ass is just perfectly thick, juicy and smooth. One thing I like about this ho, she a shit talking, real cool down for whatever type of female. So, i thought lets do a gang bang. I had Dshot, Hennessy and Redzilla take her out. Man, when Redzilla seen that ass on her, he was her, she wasn't moving a inch without him being there.

That's what i like about Redzilla he was ready to tear that pussy up! Dshot and Hennessy joined in and tagged team her. This is a wild 1hour crazy,wild gangbang.

You all going to love Snicka. She a badddddd bitch!

Its been awhile since ive been in Houston and man, thanks to the homie Buddha (buddhabang) which i got to say hes a stand up dude. He hooked me up and made sure I was happy while i was in houston.

He gave that southern hospitality to Habib. I went with him and some of them fine houston girls he hooked me up with.

We had the sexxy chocolate Kimberly Brinks, the petite yella boned Sheli Ice, the phat booty louisiana chocolate Bugatti Bubblez, the sexy petite sisters the sexy freak Nelli Tiger and the phat Juicy booty Safarri Tiger. I call them The Houston Five. They are some real freaks we went to CLub Utopia in houston and man it was a wild ass time, I couldnt stop filming them five were going wild especially Safarri and Jimmy D.

Jimmy D was going buck wild, he was banging Safarri until the early morning. Safarri was everywhere shaking her nice, juicy phat booty and fucking and sucking on Jimmy D. Their was some real chemistry in that club with them. This video is over 2 hours long SO, join Now and see it all.

Much props to Gary,Indiana for raising this beautiful, sexy red boned mixed Puerto Rican and black porn hoe in in the hood! She is a baddd 21 year old freak.her name says it all! She naturally beautiful, this bitch dont need no makeup, weave or any of that fake shit. Shes just an all natural sexy Rican red boned. From her cute face to them sexy eyes to that pinky pussy. Just a cute hood bitch and I luv these type of hoes!

One thing i liked about her, she was real down to earth type of bitch. She was down for whatever and didnt give a fuck! So, i had my homie Rome Major and Hennessy gangbang and tear that pussy up.

She took them like a true soldier! You all can watch the 90min video all in the Members Area. HABIB: @T BOY All that negativity.

You probably one of them dudes that cant get any pussy from women of color so u go on a rant about them. @bamm cant help you bro. @Darnell thanks bro @SAM @john @fungai great!!

@My name is Pascal Lol. Cant help u bro.

@solompn thanks bro. @Minnie misorry gril i dont celebrate peoples bdays. @Blessed228 hit me up. My numbers on my site. Will make u an expert swallowing nut. @Kimmy hit me up my numbers on my site.

@james karanja thanks bro @Elizabeth hit me up my numbers on my site. @Bennie thanks bro @Ace yes laylared in the members area 2 video so far with her. @Hard dick sorry bro break bread. Steven: Hello I am writing this mail to make you a grievance I am one of your biggest fan I had in the past was a member of your website.

But I find that the girls you choose does not reflect the likes of everyone please tried to turn a scene with pornstar thebuttxxx or with sinnabunnz they have very big butt you could well have fun with it.You can contact thebutt from its website thebuttxxx and sinnabunnz through the mssuperdomebooty website by betting from temp to temp safe girls to big ass you will attract a wider audience. But greeting and good luck for the rest. Ps sorry for my english i'm french. HABIB: @John Ya @she bad next month with thickred and STretch @lionman @BIAFRA. You cant its an exclusive crew.

You all have to be Loyal like a Pit. @Pete Murphy thanks bro @Jui yep @BIAFRA too far @BIAFRA @lionman great @Boris The Spider Thanks bro.i charge $400/hour for advice. If u membe for 6months its $200/hour. @Roosevelt s***** hey bro u too far we in chicago @Fallopian thanks bro. @Chrisluv@ademola sorry bro cant help you all @Spoiled Sophie hit me up on my phone number its on the page. @Cor thanks bro. @88TrapStar My brother no problem.

@ROMEO @wisdom nope I think I replied to everyones comment:). HABIB: @ranks Thanks dawg. @image NO my nigerian brother. @Johnatha thanks bro. No clue what u asking. @LatinKingKush yeah i filmed her with macana man and jose theres a preview their somewehre and filmed her with redzilla getting head only.

@Susie too bad, you will be spit on espeically if u a white girl. @Bam No @bryan thanks bro @ALISCO lol. Mp4 is the format in the usa. Most you africans dont break bread. You allwant free shit.

@ALISCO Me too. @Tomika AKA Red textl me. My numbers on my site. JOHNS: hallo Mr.Habib. I saw ur website (habibshow) yesterday. One video is very very hot. Lady blu is a clear bbw star.

Big white plum body v/s small hard black body. Amazing.She is perfect colour,body,manerisms.hooo. Wonderful lady.

Bt i request u few suggestions. Plz shoot lady blu's gangbang video. With interracial boys.atleast two black king sizers. Plz include boobs,nipple sucking scences. Two boys n two sides.

Handling both tits hard play. Like mom- baby style. 10-15 minutes drinking scene. Lady blu in a mom roll. Its very funny and hot scene from my imagination.

Plz consider my suggetion. I wish u all success to the I expect ur kindly reply. Dude: Yo Habibi.

Please help me out. I've contacted you before but got no response. I'm plannin a trip to Sosua Dominican. I've been there before so I know what it's all about. This time I want to shoot some porn but I'm terrified because I heard all kinds of horror stories about girls havin fake ID and how the girls, police, judges all work together to lock you up for bogus charges so they can split the money it will cost you to get out. The money that I don't have. I need some advice brother because I do not want to end up in prison down there for filmin some pussy.

I'll do my best to make sure the ID's are legal, and have the girls sign model release forms but I heard that can't even save you. Please give me some advice on what to do in order to avoid gettin locked up. Chris: Ive look at your sight and yah do bitches on dirt like i do in springfield,mass im looking for a job or to be part of the crew i just like fucking bitches and clowning them well if there not dimes ofcourse and who ever is runing the site they got a couple of missing words or miss-spelling but your too hood for that correction shit lol im a big fan of your work and how u go with the flow just a young goon looking for a crew to be apart off and fuck latin hoes since u be looking out for some of the cats on the videos lol look foward to hearing from you. Dwitit Da Mac: whats good with you CEO Mr. Habib I'm a serious fan in your website I visit everyday I can a chance because the way you guys get down with these hoes is a reminder to my personality with me being a REAL Mac Out Here In Cali.

I always wanted to be a pornstar fucking with the bitches along with putting them on to the live sex world. Just peep this out Im 26 & I feel if I join your crew that I can bring something to the table that the other members may not be able to bring Im very ambitious & persitant with my talent with these hoes so if we can connect then you can call me at @@@@@@@@.