Ut Business Honors Program Interview Questions
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Ut Business Honors Program Interview Questions

We have put together a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help address some of the most common concerns students have about the Honors Program. If you need more clarification or have questions that we haven't covered, please do not hesitate to get in touch! Why should I consider joining the Honors Program? The CBU Honors Program offers a variety of ways to enrich your college experience by balancing a rigorous curriculum with a plethora of cultural, artistic, and social activities.

Ut Business Honors Program Interview Questions

What are the benefits of being in the Honors Program? You become a member of an interdisciplinary organization that encourages learning beyond the classroom and will be able to participate in a variety of educational and social activities throughout each semester at little or no cost. The classes taken in the Honors Program are smaller in size and a variety of special topics courses are offered.

Many Honors Program students are visible leaders on the CBU campus and in the community who are involved in a variety of areas such as Student Life, Athletics, and Campus Ministry. Upon graduation with an Honors Diploma you receive a special designation on the diploma itself, are publicly recognized at the commencement ceremony, and receive an Honors medallion to wear at commencement.

Frequently Asked Questions. What is the difference. We encourage all students who have been selected for the Business Honors Program to also enroll with the Honors College. Students will. The program each year. The earlier the application and supporting documents arrive, the sooner an interview can be scheduled.

Additionally, graduating students receiving the Honors Diploma will receive a special gift and a swanky dinner. Does the Honors Program offer scholarships? While you may receive scholarships from the University due to your academic merit, there are no scholarships offered by or based on your membership in the Honors Program. Is this a service-based Honors Program?

The Honors Program does not require you to perform community service nor prove any hours of work. Quake 4 Download Torent Iso Kickass. The Honors Program supports and sometimes hosts community service activities where all members are invited to participate, such as September of Service 30 Days of Good Deeds. What are the admission entrance requirements to be considered for the Honors Program? High School students must have at least an ACT composite score of 26 or its SAT equivalent, a GPA of at least a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, extracurricular involvement, and demonstrate writing ability. What is the admission process like for becoming a member of the Honors Program?

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Honors Program, you should complete application materials for admission at CBU and then the separate application for the Honors Program, accessible on the Honors Program website, in the “Related Links” area. Applicants are required to attend an Honors Program information session (usually held once per month in the spring semester), write an essay, and then be contacted for a personal interview with Dr. Tracie Burke, Honors Director. The Honors Program information session is a lively meeting presented by Dr.

Burke and members of the Honors Program Board of Directors. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere so you can learn everything you need to know if the Honors Program is a good fit.

Can I enter the program if I do not apply before my freshman year? Students who are currently enrolled at CBU but are not members of the Honors Program or students who are transferring to CBU from another university are encouraged to apply if they meet the above requirements or feel they have other academic qualifications that would make them eligible. What if I join but later decide I am no longer interested?

The CBU Honors Program requires a basic level of participation. As a member, you are required to participate in at least a certain number activities each semester (10 for freshmen, 8 for sophomores, 6 for juniors and seniors).

Activities can include Honors classes, extracurriculars, service projects, etc. However, students are encouraged to take advantage of the extensive extracurricular opportunities, enriched courses, and social environment offered by involvement in the program beyond the minimum requirement. If you are no longer interested in the program, it is recommended you express this to the Honors Program Director instead of falling inactive. Can I be kicked out of the Honors Program? There are participation requirements for Honors Program members.

As a member, you are required to participate in at least a certain number activities each semester (10 for freshmen, 8 for sophomores, 6 for juniors and seniors). If you fail to meet these participation requirements for two semesters you will no longer be considered member of the Honors Program. Is it possible that I am in the Honors Program and do not realize it? You must apply to be in the Honors Program and you will be notified by the Honors Program Director, Dr. Tracie Burke, whether or not you are admitted into the program for that academic year.

Selection is not determined by criteria alone, but through the application process. Do I have to maintain a certain GPA to remain in the Honors Program? The Honors Program does not require you to maintain a certain GPA throughout your four years. However, in order to graduate with an Honors Diploma, you must possess a 3.2 cumulative GPA at graduation along with having taken at least seven Honors Program classes and received a “C” or better including Honors Capstone (HUM 498).

Is there an additional cost to being in the Honors Program? The overwhelming majority of Honors Program activities are free.

One exception is during the freshman year, students are expected to cover a portion of the cost of the overnight, freshmen retreat which includes all meals, lodging, and activities. Other exceptions include other road trips and the rare “You Pay” event. How many classes does it take to earn an Honors Diploma? A total of seven Honors courses must be taken with a grade of “C” or better including Honors Capstone (HUM 498). You must also possess a cumulative GPA of 3.2 at graduation to receive the Honors Diploma. What classes do students usually take to earn an Honors Diploma?

There is no prescribed list of Honors courses that must be taken but most students begin by taking Honors World Literature I and II during their first year which substitutes for English Composition I and II and English Literature. One course that all students must take in order to receive an Honors Diploma is Honors Capstone (HUM 498) traditionally taken during one’s senior year. Do I have to take a certain number of Honors courses per year? No, the Honors Program does not require the student to enroll in Honors courses, but Honors students get first priority in the many interesting Honors courses, often including special topics not usually covered in regular studies. What is the Honors Program's Board of Directors?

The Honors Program's Board of Directors is a group comprised of standout, enthusiastic individuals in the Honors Program that serve in an active and advisory capacity to the Director. Honors Program's Board of Directors members help plan, organize, and execute all of the activities sponsored by the Honors Program. Board members typically “adopt” a few activities or events each semester in which they are in charge of publicizing, organizing, getting materials, and hosting. They also are ambassadors for the Honors Program in general by encouraging members to participate in Honors events, take Honors courses, and help recruit potential CBU Honors Program students.

How To Install Apps From Pc To Lumia 510 Pictures. How do I become a member of the Honors Program's Board of Directors? In the spring of each year the Honors Program Director solicits applications for the Board from current Honors Program.

Board members are selected based on personal and academic characteristics, participation in/commitment to the Honors Program, and their fit within the current constellation of the board (with regard to majors, years, personalities, etc.). What types of extracurricular activities does the Honors Program host and/or attend? Each semester, the Honors Program's Board of Directors along with the Director plan a variety of events for honors students. Activities may consist of outings to art galleries, a freshman retreat, a camping retreat for upperclassmen, lectures, professional development events, a murder mystery night, game nights, attending Broadway and other theatrical productions, a dance, attending Honors conferences, extravaganzas, and many more. So, If I have an ACT score of 26 or higher, a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher, and leadership and service experience, why wouldn’t I want to be a member of the Honors Program? If you meet the requirements to join the Honors Program, then there is no good reason to miss the opportunity to be a member by not applying.

The Honors Program enables students to make the most of their educational career at CBU.