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Wow Gm Addon Downloads

Comment by Magma92 So far since Cataclysm has been released I have killed Poseidus 4 times so far he has dropped from 80g-110g still no mount. In Beta it was 100% but now it seems that maybe Poseidus drops hes mount at 1%-2% drop rate. If somone gets mount it will be very rare. The mount will most likely be in price range of 10k-30k.

This will be a rare mount in-game. GM Ticket info To save poeple from the endless killes of Poseidus I opened a GM Ticket and I got this responce: From: Customer Support Subject: Blizzard Customer Service Salutations. Thank you for contacting the World of Warcraft Game Master Department.

Wow Gm Addon DownloadsWow Gm Addon Downloads

Game is working as intended. This NPC does not drop a mount. Should you require further assistance, please submit another help request the next time you are online.

We hope you continue to enjoy your experience in World of Warcraft! For any game play questions please refer to our site at Regards, Game Master Evereastra Customer Services Blizzard Entertainment I will post this screenshot of this if needed.

But at the looks of this it was in the beta but was not intended to be apart of the live retail version of Cataclysm. Hope this helps poeple from farming this rare and wasting time farming it with nothing in return. Comment by Glowyrm If you link the blue Reins he used to drop during Beta. It will say 'already known'. I wonder if they didn't plan on everyone getting a permanent version of a seahorse for Vashj'ir at first, but wanted people to have a chance at one.

Then they decided that everyone should have one since it makes the zone easier to travel. Now they are bringing back the idea of giving people a chance to get permanent version usable outside of the zone. Looks like this is how it might of went down at Blizzard HQ.

Comment by skynetp2p Here is the updated macro. Ty to some help! /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage('Shift-click this to place a link into a chat message: 124cffb048f8 124Hitem:67151:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 124h 124h 124r'); & ur right being an avid collector i didnt stop till the next reset. But 5 hrs not waisted farming somthing that has recently drop'd is still 5hrs. I admit this macro is only usfull after server resets for a day or two.

Victoria, la serie tv su Canale 5: anticipazioni della prima puntataVictoria: le anticipazioni della prima puntata. 249.02 KB, Sep 11, 2017, 7.3.0, 142. +1 More. 245.79 KB, Sep 10, 2017, 7.3.0, 3,287. R355-alpha +1 More. 245.48 KB, Sep 8, 2017, 7.3.0, 59. 7.3.0 +1 More. 245.91 KB, Aug 31, 2017, 7.3.0, 2,610. R353-alpha +1 More. 245.88 KB, Aug 31, 2017, 7.3.0, 3. R352-alpha +1 More. 245.84 KB, Aug 31, 2017, 7.2.5, 1.

But the Aeonaxx one worked great for me. In the mnths of farming that it took me to find Aeonaxx. It probly saved me 2-3 days of other wise waisted camp time. Comment by Ravij How about posting useful stuff like a proposed respawn time? All we see in this page is 'Possibly drops a mount,' 'Drops a mount' 'Doesn't drop a mount' Well now it does drop a mount so yeah. Useful info please.

Posting this again because people down rated my comment. This isn't a bad comment, it's actually asking people to post &*!@ who have killed him. I personally have never seen him but I'd like it if those who have would actually list &*!@ as to where they found him, what time they found him, ect. Down rating comments just to be a spiteful ass who probably has nothing better to do in their downtime, doesn't help. List useful info please people. Loot from the creatures Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus has been adjusted to be commensurate to their rarity and invested effort.

He has always been exceptionally rare, if you killed him daily then you are very very lucky and should be running raids instead of camping things for a RNG luck run like that. At the end of the day there are many rare cata NPCs that didn't have their loot upgraded, yet Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus did. Because blizz saw that since they were THAT rare a better reward was required. Stop hating and downrating because it's getting no where fast, this post was to serve as a health warning more than anything. It's so so sad that the evidence is now in front of your faces yet you would still consider blizz broke the game instead of the fact this NPC is ultra rare lol. Yeah that's sane. Comment by Khayr He is not in that same pool of mobs, and unless you can provide some evidence to prove such a statement you should stop posting it on all the related pages.

The mobs you listed are world bosses meant for small raids. Poseidus has 55k hp, meant for a casual kill. If they have since changed him then someone needs to update his page. Unless you have some solid proof that they share a spawn timer (which they do not, good luck finding evidence) don't post things like this, it confuses people looking for solid info.

Comment by Ozlem Stop being so fast downrating because you have a hunch. The patch note (pasted in my OP and below) clearly labels him as special because of his rarity and the evidence that he hasn't spawned or be looted on any US servers should have been the last bit of proof you needed. It kills me here I am with info, actual information and yet you're so fast on downrating it because you don't like what was posted. You would rather cry that he has been removed from the game rather then agree he is extra rare. If you killed him every hour on the hour before 4.1, that's lucky for you, you killed a uber rare without even knowing it and you have insane RNG luck.

If he wasn't so rare why has his loot been upgraded? There are a lot of rares out in cata that drop junk items yet their loot remians the same.

Also if he was so common, why arn't there more posts about him under his page suggesting as such, one persons lucky finds does not mean it is like that for everyone else. @ Khayr - When did I mention his mechanics? You are the one who failed to understand the post and got confused over it. I didn't say once he is a world boss, I never mentioned he has been upgraded to their mechanics.

I was talking about spawners. In your Patch notes Blizz also groups him with the others when they talk about his loot upgrade. Comment by atjays First of all I didn't down rate your posts. Second of all I'm very familiar with the patch notes and have been hunting rares since they introduced TLPD and I've been successful with every single one.

While I can respect your stance on the issue, Poseidus has been killed 10x more according to kill stats than Garr by example. IF Blizzard changed Poseidus to a much rarer spawn pattern, similar to Garr or the others you listed, it still wouldn't explain how every single one of those bosses mentioned in the patch notes have confirmed kills in the last 36 hrs but Poseidus has not spawned on ANY server in the world. Surely you can see past your 'rare' argument to see there's something that's not adding up here. Loot from the creatures Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus has been adjusted to be commensurate to their rarity and invested effort. Well as we know Poseidus is not an effort to kill so what part of that short sentance can we relate back to him. List of all rares added when cata came out: Aeonaxx Armagedillo Blazewing Burgy Blackheart Captain Florence Captain Foulwind Cyrus the Black Ghostcrawler Golgarok Jadefang Karoma Lady La-La Madexx Yellow Madexx Black Madexx Red Madexx Green Madexx Blue Overlord Sunderfury Poseidus Sambas Shok'sharak Tarvus the Vile Terborus Terrorpene Thartuk the Exile Akma'hat Garr Julak-Doom Mobus Xariona Ok so let's forget that blizzard told you in their patch notes Poseidus rarity is so special they've upgraded his loot and let's forget the proof that Poseidus hasn't spawned yet.

Look at the above list and please ask yourself 'why would Blizz upgrade the loot of a lvl81 Seashorse in Vash'jir, what makes him so special?' We all ready have a seahorse mount so that can't be it. Sorry but for me Garr and Akna'hat spawn more often then the others. On all realms I'm on, both US & EU, all rares, even Aeonaxx and TLPD has spawned since 4.1 yet Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus have not spawned - if you look at their profile pages none of the new loot has dropped showing across all servers they haven't spawned yet. My original post was to serve as a public heatlh notice more then the path this has gone ( which is he is as rare as Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus, lol not that he is a boss or that he will never spawn just that he is as rare as those unique mobs) down but all I'll say is let's agree to dissagree. So far Poseidus is spawning just the way I expected him to. Which is not so soon and most likely not often.

You know if you do think he is broken lodge a ticket, wait for a response. *grabs popcorn, sits back and watches post get purged*. Comment by atjays Alright, there are 234 US realms.

IF a rare spawns every 14 days (which is about worst case scenario), that means that 16+ realms would see that rare EACH day. More than double that number if you're looking at the rest of the world. I really could care less what rares you've seen this week, judging by your initial stance for us to 'give up' farming, you're certainly in no position to know what has and hasn't spawned.

Even if you played on 2 servers, the odds that none of those rares were seen on those 2 servers is 0.006%. You don't have to look far to see that Poseidus was more common than the world bosses you speak of. ~2300 poseidus kills vs 196 avg between the world bosses. Even that stat is largely misleading because the odds that someone in a 5-10 man raid has a reporting add on compared to joe blow picking herbs is much higher. I don't know what you expect to gain from pushing your side of the argument, there is absolutely no data anywhere to justify Poseidus ever being as rare as the world bosses. Blizzard listing Poseidus with world bosses was merely to highlight it was given a mount to drop. All 30 rares you listed there had their loot tables altered with 4.1, and while they are all called 'Rare Elites' for a reason, they all have different rarities.

I'm just pointing out the simple facts that Poseidus is the only rare that has not been seen or killed since 4.1 went live. You practically have better odds of winning the lottery than no one seeing ANY certain rare for 3+ days.

Comment by Ozlem I respect and understand your logic - he drops a mount, Aeonaxx and TLPD drop mounts so his limit of rarity should match those two rares. That's sound and very possible. I'm just sorry my posts have ticked so many people off - up until now there has been a bunch of people who are freaking out and wasting sleep because they believe he should have spawned already and since he hasn't he must be broken.

To be truthful I can't believe people are fighting over how rare a rare is! I'm not just shooting my mouth off here hunting rares and working out timers is a huge part of my game now. Unlike you I have viewed these patch notes as straight up fact without any room for interpretations - patch notes normally are just straight up like that. I view the fact that none of the rares (Mobus, Xariona etc) have spawned since patch including this one is another indication he could be as rare as those. I'm not saying he won't spawn this week at all - only that I think, from the current facts at hand, he has a very long spawner and not to waste sleep over him. Comment by IdTheDemon I don't know what to say. I logged off at a spawn point before the patch, came home from work and waited for the servers to get up and camped.

Raid was canceled so I literally spent the entire day underwater while doing the occasional ZG/ZA and taking breaks for making food and stretching etc. I have contact with a couple of friends and guys on the Alliance side and no one has seen a thing. I've camped and gotten both TLPD and Aeonaxx so I'm a pretty patient guy. It's very possible that Poseidus' spawnrate is bugged, at least in the U.S. There are hotfixes almost every day so I wouldn't be shocked if we see 'Certain rare spawns have not been spawning.

That has been fixed. Enjoy your hunting' or some response like that. Then the mass camping (Especially those who never even camped till then) will begin. I hope I'm wrong but something seems very wrong here with no one reporting any kills. Comment by ponderance I haven't been able to see any quicker spawns for Aeonaxx in Cataclysm so far.

Have done some rare hunting for one week then not another while people I know are totally covering all six spots for Aeonaxx/Blood Seeker (as in, all six exactly, so no missing blood seeker) and there hasn't been any difference between keeping rares dead and not keeping rares dead like TLPD in Northrend. So I kind of doubt that is the case in Poseidus. But, like even Aeonaxx right now IMO, too early in the game to call it one way or the other. As people have speculated, it's entirely likely they switched the spawn frequency to TLPD/Aeonaxx/Gray Camel grade slowness.

And also Blizzard doesn't have a history of having the new rares up when patches go live, like they tend to have TLPD / Aeoanxx up at expansion launch. - Area 52, been camping since 4.1 went live. Haven't seen Poseidus yet.

I'm not using rein linking as that's been a joke for years now. Comment by atjays Finally got my GM ticket answered today too.

About the only information I could get out of him was the 'he's operating as intended' line and he wouldn't offer any information regarding server restarts effecting him. However we had another round of restarts this morning, and I imagine we'll see them this weekend to push further hot fixes. No point in camping for him until we can get a 24+ hr period without a server restart, or a freak kill with some good info. We're now up closing in on 5 days and no sightings on over 500 servers. Comment by Seahnjin The person who said the reins linked might have been me.

I just realized today that I've been doing reins linking wrong. Apparently, now you have to actually link yourself the item to see if it's cached. Last time I tried reins linking (which was during WotLK), the only thing that mattered was whether or not you got the 'Retrieving information.' When I tried linking the Reins of Poseidus, it did display mount information, which led me to think it 'linked'. But when I tried inserting it in a chat line, the link did not show up properly, 'Reins of Poseidus' was just written in plain text. When was this changed?

Anyway, I guess that's off-topic so it's going to get rated down, but if the person you were thinking about was me I just wanted to apologize. Comment by atjays Because Poseidus doesn't have a loot table. He only dropped gold.

We've also confirmed that the seahorse he was supposed to drop in Beta is the quest reward you get early in the zone. You can link the spell/mount and it will say that you already know it. As far as the linking goes, that largely depended on if Blizzard cleared the server cache, which isn't always done every week. When you link an item in game, if it isn't cached in your client side cache, it requests the information from the server. If the server hasn't seen the item, it won't return any information, meaning that that item has not dropped since the last full reset. Hope that helps.

Comment by Smuffins So I'm not sure if this helps but. I've been at this overall like 21 hours total camping for Poseidus I killed Burgy Blackheart at 230am 4/28 and Florence at 11pm 4/29 Throughout the day however I have killed Mobus and Shok I don't remember the times but they have spawned. I constantly check Poseidus' spawn areas about 8 times per hour a piece and I was checking on the other silver elites once to kill time. So just out of boredom I'm assuming that seeing how the other Silver Elites have all spawned within a 21 hour time and I've killed them that Poseidus should spawn fairly soon. I'll post if I have any further info/sightings/killing him, etc Smuffins, Magetheridon, 82 Holy/Disc Priest.

Comment by wyntersabers the funny thing is someone posted a screenie of a GM convo right after patch that clearly stated his rarity has been improved and he is working as usual but poster got flamed and post got purged. Proof is in the pudding is it not? Apparently some spawns on EU servers - I don't have a list of what servers but two people were bragging on the EU wow forums and had screenshots. Not everyone has wowhead client so even if wowhead client shows no current loots it doesn't mean it hasn't been looted. I got the new raptor from ZG a good day before the first one showed up on here, now seven people in my guild has one yet that is not reflected on loot table on wowhead as all of those people do not have the addon either. There is no way for anyone other then Blizzard to know what has spawned where.

Comment by GEM1337 All the very rare mounts had a trigger! Time-Lost Proto Drake ->Vyragosa Aeonaxx ->Blood Seeker this mount must have a trigger. Usually its another mob 1. It should be something you can solo 2. It's in Vash'jir 3.

It shares a spawn timer with Poseidus 4. It's usually a unique mob (find the only 1 mob in vash and it will be the trigger), can be any level! I've also decided to run the complete map of Vash'jir using my bot, i'll update if i find anything (i have that whisper self macro) Hopefully someone else does the hard work and sets of the trigger so i get the mount. Comment by wolfdivr This is getting to be quite frustrating:( Are there still no Poseidus sightings or reins on the AH since the release of 4.1?

I have been camping this spawn since the servers went live, I have even tried scouring every inch of Vash'jir just in case there is a new spawn point and still, nada. I put in a ticket and received a GM reply yesterday telling me that Poseidus is working as intended and is just a very rare spawn.

I wish somebody at least knew something. This has to be the worst rare spawn timer that I have seen implemented in WoW.

Loot from the creatures Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat, Xariona, and Poseidus has been adjusted to be commensurate to their rarity and invested effort. I'm not saying if you kill a world boss Poseidus will spawn, what I'm saying is his timer is just as long now and most likely if you kill a world boss it improves the chances of Poseidus spawning. RNG is still RNG I wrote this right after patch and got flamed because most thought Blizz had broken this NPC since before the patch Poseidus spawned daily. I still believe his spawn timer is the same as the lengthy timers of the other rares listed in the patch note. Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat & Xariona do not guarantee a weekly spawn, instead it is random which one does spawn, some weeks you can get the same mob spawning. I strongly believe Poseidus has joined these mob spawners and now shares the same type of long spawn timer. I have GM mails confirming he is working as intended and one that cryptically hinted that his spawn is incredible lengthy that's why his loot has improved.

Now I know some of you think that the only reason why Poseidus was added in the above patch note is because his loot was upgraded and that's it, but I think if that was the case then there would have been a separate comment about his loot, instead Blizz has listed him here with the other super rares which to me at least is a sign that something about him is the same as these mobs, since he is not a world boss that would lend me to believe that it's his spawner that has changed. With regards to placeholders, and this is speculative, I think every time one of the five (Garr, Julak-Doom, Mobus, Akma'Hat & Xariona) are killed it improves the chance of Poseidus spawning next. Of course it's going to be a while before we know this but in the case of both Aeonaxx and TLPD those placeholders were spawning on day one and I've yet to see any other unique mob in the area. (Edited to remove some old redundant facts ). Comment by R4ndomizer was just a theorie ^^.

But there must be a reason why it was seen so rarely since 4.1. HAS it been seen till now on any server? Aeonaxx for example is extremely rare too BUT he was killed several times in the first days after cata-release. But this one was not.something must be different here. I do not believe in any relation between Poseidus and the worldbosses like Xariona. Why he should? Hes extremely rare and im convinced this is because another reason.

I think it has to work in a similar way as at TL and Aeonaxx, but no one knows. Comment by Ozlem How so? Patch is not only less than a week old but since the major rares do not spawn in a week means this theory is still plausible /shrug I'm sorry I don't have a EU account nor speak any other languages so unable to do the leg work for you about someone elses post.

(did some leg work and found this blue post on the eu wow forums take note of 'very rare' When Aeonaxx was out and I sent tickets about him all I was told was he was rare, never very rare. In the GM convo about Poseidus I was also told it was 'VERY rare' as well as working as intended.) Just found these screenies surfing, unsure of age: (actually haven't been checking this area so swimming there now:o) Of course this doesn't give us any clues & even if my theory is wrong it shows us 1) Possible EU spawn/Kill 2) 'Very' rare spawn 3) Working as intended.

Comment by Ozlem Sorry did say unsure about screenie, I thought this youtube clip was the PTR proof: This site is a think tank site so have only been speculating theories, I also hope I'm wrong, very wrong, I hope he is like TLPD/Aeonaxx, I just haven't found a placement spawn yet and when TLPD and Aeonaxx went live on my servers (except one for Aeonaxx) they both spawned that week regardless of resets. And since Blizz is saying he is working as intended this is the only theory that looks plausible (the other one is culling the rares in the new zones to speed up possible spawn that someone else posted a few days ago.) Killed and helped other kill Burgy too many times for him to be the link, same with Ghostcrawler (tame only wouldn't do that to hunters) and fugly tentacle face guy in AD. My worry is unlike Aeonaxx and TLPD this is a confirmed BoE mount, for the first time. Do you think they're going to make it a frequent spawn? (frequent as in weekly). Comment by IdTheDemon It's possible it was given its own Bloodseeker or Vyragosa placeholder mob in 4.1. And we don't know about it.

What we already know or can guess: 1) The spawn timer pre 4.1 was a standard 6-24 respawn timer. He was killed several times a day sometimes and only dropped gold. 2) Now that he drop's a mount, Blizzard obviously changed his spawn timer so people won't get a TPLD or Aeonaxx like mount a potential several times a day. The fact that no one has seen him pretty much confirms this. 3) Since the mount is confirmed to be BoE by GM's, some people will camp over and over and over to sell for gold. 4) So far has NOT spawned is the US servers.

I gave up camping for now. I've spent almost the entire day underwater on the day of the patch like so many others and got nothing. I've camped and gotten both TLPD and the Aeonaxx mount because of the mechanics were known. For all we know there could be a level 20 Seashell mob we have to kill to trigger a potential Poseidus spawn. Until then, I'm back to digging in the sand for a dumb camel statue that won't break into dust. Comment by R4ndomizer It seems that poseidus has not been sighted on ALL servers since 4.1. I think there a only these reasons left for that: 1.

He really has a understated mob he shares his timer with and no one knows wich mob it is:-(. An EXTREMELY long timer that started on wednesday and simply is not over yet. Timer works as before 4.1 BUT chance for poseidus to spawn has been dramaticaly decreased, maybe 1%(remember, no kill WORLDWIDE) 4. Something is broken I personally think that its 1, because the mechanics of the 2 other mobs that drop a mount(TL and Aeonaxx) work in a similar way. If that is really the reason, we have to search for a mob that: - is unique, with a unique ID - does not respawn as fast as 'normal' mobs if you kill it, because it has that rare-timer - looks understated Im already searching for such a mob, but didnt find anything till now. Comment by subinagee Much like a lot of you, I have had both zones camped since the patch and seen nothing of our friend Poseidus.

I have, however, been regularly killing other rares and elites in both zones in the hope that it somehow triggers a spawn. Until now I have had no such luck but thought that I might share my activity with you in the hope that it adds some value to arguments above. With a view to tracking down this unique NPC that we are theorising around I have also been scouring the sea bed in search of a suitable mob. Aside from the other rares/elites I did find one such npc that, AFAIK, is unique: the that kicks around near Burgy. Been killing this whenever it is up, along with Burgy, Shok, Lady La-La, Captain and still nothing though. Since the patch I have killed all the rares and elites approximately 6 times each.

I wish I'd had the foresight to record times but on reflection I'm not sure that their respective spawn times were following any sort of pattern; at least not a pattern that has materialised after 5-6 days. Kill times were seemingly random for individual mobs but at least one every 24 hours. It's entirely possible I missed a spawn of burgy as a guildy has the hat but I have otherwise been pretty lonely down here all week in both zones. Reins are not linking in chat.

The Venture Co. Comment by subinagee Forgive me if I'm wrong but if that were the case, the retired version might still be kicking around? Maybe the new cooking dailies didnt make it into live. But they didn't just remove the old dailies though! I don't think anybody would trust this linking tactic with their life.

I'm sure it's not foolproof. I'm also sure it has proved fruitful in the past. Hell, it even seemed to not link/then link PSD when my guildies and I got it. For me it's at least something to discuss/do as I wait.

The notification of successful linking renewed my enthusiasm after 5+ days straight camping in the dark. Comment by Aesiria People saying it got killed on a certain realm: is it hard to provide a screenshot of the player on the mount? Or atleast give us the name of the player that killed it? And no; there's no way you can 'defend' linking. It's bull!@#$.

Edit: Yes - maybe the reins wont link, then you kill x rare that drops x mount, and then the link starts working. But after a while the linking may stop working again! There have also been people camping all spawn points of e.i PSD when the link all of a sudden starts working - even though these people have used ways to stay logged in while sleeping(so if someone else got the rare they would still have cached it in NPCScan). Yes, someone that got it earlier when they didnt 'mass-camp' and didnt learn it, maybe logged right at that moment so it started linking. And either way there's the scenario of the link stop working after he's been killed(without any server restart). Trust it if you want, but I would advice you not to.

Comment by robertol I can confirm another sighting: Logged in with my 'parking' DK (level 82) - he died, got there with my 85 main Hunter! Kill Sucessful! Char: Server: EU - Dun Morogh Time: 15:22 Abyssal Depths Screenshot: Loot: Reins, green Juwelery Recipe, Dory's Finery, ca.114 gold The Reins can be sold in the auction house!

They don't occur in the looting guild menu (Dory's Finest did)! Amory hasn't updated so far, surely because Dory's Finery is missing too ( may be later xD)! Poseidus is a wild animal, Hunter can see it on their Minimap! - Don't know.probably not! Good Hunting. Comment by Ospreyfalcon He seemed to be showing up on EU servers, so I had a fly-by every now and then with my parked alt.

I killed Shok'Sharak this morning, and just now did a casual fly-by. I saw Burgy, dead, and lost pretty much all hope, so the adrenaline rush, when npcscan found him in the Glimmerfeep Gorge, was comparable to a TLPD/Aeonaxx sighting. Server: Steamwheedle Cartel EU Time: 4:30pm Date: Spot: 44.50, Glimmerdeep Gorge, Shimmering Expanse Last known kills: Shok'Sharak same day at 10.24am (my kill). Burgy was dead at 4:30 already when I targetted him just before I found Poseidus.

Ghostcrawler was tamed later that evening at 10:14pm. Targettable from the air, although he was very deep down.

Npcscan found him. He dropped and 87 gold.

Comment by Reckie I just got it on Kul Tiras (EU) some ten minutes ago (19:20 server time). Camped for it the first couple of days after patch and then gave up. Been in the area with my chars to herb and mine though and tonight I took tour while waiting for a battleground spot.

I found it at the southern edge of the Underlight Canyon (39,77). It dropped the mount that ive only tested in one of the ponds in Orgrimmar but its slow 100 or 108% with pathfinding (Beastmaster hunter talent) Havent tried in Vashj'ir yet. It also dropped a epic shield, some gold and a normal jewelcrafting design. Comment by Reckie Got it around the same time as the poster above but on Kul Tiras (EU). Dropped some gold, a epic shield and a normal JC design. Camped it the first two days after patch but gave up when I read on here that it might be on that very rare spawn timer. Kept my miner and herbalist in the area so Ive been gathering an hour or two every night while keeping an eye out for that horsie.

Bit sad that its slower than the normal sea horse though. Its just 270% in Vashj'ir compared to 370%. In other areas its 100% so I hope my engineer can make some kind of turbo boost water jet system to get it moving. Comment by Bowme Obviously EU servers are getting some action with this NPC and the US is not (at least i've seen nothing here on wowhead or anywhere else). Posting that you know someone killed him on your server without any proof means absolutely nothing and isn't helping anyone.

If you know of a kill on a US server, please: post a SS of the NPC (dead or alive), someone on the mount, or the reins for sale on the AH. Be sure that the time and date on your mini-map are visible in the SS so we can confirm they are from a live server and not PTR.

Time, date, name of your server are all mandatory facts you should include in your posts, character name and coords are really optional (we know where he spawns its random between 5 locations) and please include when your server was last reset/down for maintenance! Server downtime might not have anything to do with why we haven't seen Poseidus on US servers but it's a reasonable explanation why we haven't so we might as well pursue the possibility until it can be dis-proven. If you don't know how to take a Screenshot in game, make this following macro>>/run Screenshot() Screenshots can then be found in your world of warcraft folder >Screenshots and then uploaded to whatever picture gallery site you prefer. To our mates on EU servers, please make sure you provide us with your last server restart/maintenance time so we can hopefully figure out why we aren't seeing any spawns on US servers. Thanks Bowme >:D Edit for typo.

Comment by atjays Alright to pull all this info together, here's where we stand: *US Servers have not seen Poseidus spawn on live realms yet. US servers have not had a 72 hr period w/o a server restart yet. *EU servers began seeing Poseidus spawns a little over 72 hours after their last server restart. *Respawn timer following first kill is still unknown. *Each kill Poseidus has dropped BoE and a random BoE 359 Epic + gold/misc item.

*Kills have been reported at all five of his normal spawn points. *Poseidus still has 55k HP and is soloable by anyone 80+. Reported kills are as follows: 09:20am- Abyssal Depths 11:00am- Abyssal Depths 03:22pm - Abyssal Depths 09:20am- Shimmering Expanse 03:41pm- Shimmering Expanse 07:10pm - Biel'aran Ridge 01:09pm- Abyssal Depths 07:15pm- Abyssal Depths 06:41pm- Biel'aran Ridge 09:55am- Abyssal Depths 01:39am- Shimmering Expanse.

Comment by Alterraia Ok, here is the thing about linking and linked items: Linking only actually works if you do it in a normal chat or whisper. Real ID does not work. It links EVERYTHING! Now, if I'm on say.Perenolde, and I'm farming the mount, I keep checking for the link to work, but it doesn't. Ok, I think it's safe. Then say someone on Proudmoore, or any realm that's the same battlegroup, gets the mount.

Everyone on that realm will see it, because if one guy has it, the system will communicate with every player around them, caching or making this item linkable. It jumps and jumps till it's cached. Now, if one of those ppl join a random heroic or a BG, it will be cached to everyone who was in that group. Then you bring it back home, and it becomes linkable at home.

I know this because, when I was farming Aeonaxx, the mount wasn't linkable all week. Then, I was offline Friday for 30 minutes, wasn't linkable prior to that. I come back on, and it was linkable.

I was bummed. However, I got the kill the next day. Many people do the randoms & whatnot, so it's possible someone got it cached and it spread to me. So, linking is not 100% reliable. There isn't really a way to prove it's spawned or been killed w/o seeing the corpse. And there's no way to prove it to us on here, w/o an SS w/ ToD, location, & possible spawn time. Comment by Alterraia I wish I posted this on the first page, but hopefully it will be seen.

When posting about this mount, we need to keep it clean. Give use information we can use. If he spawned in one of the 5 known locations or possibly another one we don't know about. Time of spawning, when the last reset was. That is all useful information.

Now, as from what I've seen, people who post 'oh I just posted it on the AH for 250k', your post WILL be downrated! The majority of the people who use this website and information, want this mount for their collection. We don't come here to make gold, farmers don't need it, because w/ as many rares as we kill and as much stuff we loot, we have plenty.

We want this mount for the prize that it is. So, if you have any useful information about this mount, post it on this page or on the page regarding the mount itself (some people post there too). However, refrain from posting ANYTHING about you making profit off of it or posting it on the AH, because it will make others mad, and you will be downrated. Not saying I'm one of those people, but many people with accounts on Wowhead tend to have a trigger-happy downrating finger! Comment by Alterraia I don't usually post on rare mounts until I have some solid evidence.

However, I've been farming Poseidus since patch hit, 12+ hours a day. I'm on Perenolde-US. Vashj'ir is a unique zone in that, it's broken into 3 parts, but it's still considered one zone.

Lady La La is in Kelp'thar Forest, Poseidus, Burgy, & 2 useless Horde/Ally rare are in Shimmering Expanse, and Poseidus, Ghostcrawler, Shok'sharak & Mobus are in Abyssal Depths. I'm very certain that rare world bosses only share a spawn cycle with one another. They don't act like or with the other rares.

Hunter rares are new to Cata, at least the ones that are made just for hunters and don't drop any blues or useful items. So, I can't say for sure if Ghostcrawler is on his own timer, or if he shares a global cycle with the other hunter rares.

It's too soon to tell. I don't know what's up with the Ally/Horde captains, but they're there for whatever reason I guess. In my many many hours, no, days, of farming Poseidus, the only rare who takes longer to spawn, is Burgy. He has one spawn area, but he's not up as much as La La or Shok are.

Both Shok and La La drop useful loot. A spirit/haste trinket from La La and 346 pally heal boots. Burgy however, drops a fun item.

A hat that gives you a buff and makes you look like him. The reins of poseidus would be considered a fun item as well. Seeing that Burgy is up only every 8 hours maybe more, and the others are on smaller CDs, I believe that Burgy could possibly be the Vyragosa to Poseidus. This is all speculative now, but keep an eye on your Burgy sightings compared to your Poseidus sightings. There's a good chance Burgy could be the (I want to say 'Sith Lord we've been looking for', lol), the rare we've been trying to find that has a Vyra-TLPD relationship with Poseidus.

Comment by TrySomethingWild Whoever is downrating posts, needs to STOP. This is a good post, and if you haven't noticed, there is a full page of downrated posts cluttering this thread. People need to have their privileges taken away, because they are ABUSING them. The reason Alt posted that comment was to keep this page clean and resourceful. I believe he/she had a similar post on the front page of Aeonaxx, which had like 200+ ratings?

So yeah, keep this comment up so people can learn how to post better on Wowhead! Story Structure Architect Ebook Login. Edit: Fixed a word in there.: P. Comment by einsteiin Confirmed kill on EU-Dunemaul 04/05/11 Killed it at 04:12:21 at Abyssal Depths - Underlight Canyon at the confirmed spawn location. Last reset was a couple of days ago. (From what I know.

I haven't been online 24/7) I tried to farm Aeonaxx for weeks, nothing but 1 bloodseeker showed up. Decided to try my luck out in vashj'ir. Turned out pretty damn great! I spend around 2 hours camping in vashj'ir before I got bored and decided to put on a movie. The second I put it on the darn seahorse spawn. God, I seriously got a heartattack, but it was so worth it!

Next up - Camel statue! Comment by ibogdandx So, since i posted my kill on May 3rd. There have been LOTS of kill reported in the EU. This may be because in EU there were less server RR`s and stuff i suppose.

Im gonna keep updating my posts when the 2nd kill will happen on my server. Atm there is maintainance. We can safely asume that server RRs is directly affecting this guys spawn i guses since there was NO KILL IN THE US which is extremly weird.

PS: Since this mount is BoE reins linking will be almost impossible since a lot of people will be selling it at the AH or just keeping it in the bags to try to find an apportunity to sell it.:/, so keep in mind this. Comment by Ziglidum Well I dont know if this helpes ( I know the linking is not trustworthy) but I'm on a EU server and before last reset (today at 11h am) the Reins werent linkable and today at 23.25h server time the reins are linkable. So if they are working properly that means Poseidus have already spawned and was killed 12h after server reset. I will try to know I f some one git it and If I have some more information I will share it here with you. OFC I will keep on canping for it. So cross your fingers for me.

Comment by jtballer Well the reins are suddenly linkable on my realm. Daggerspine US. I was not going to start camping until tomorrow night since the server was last reset yesterday (Tuesday morning).

This is the first time they are linkable since last weeks 4.1 patch. I have been flying through the area every few hours not expecting to see anything until at least tomorrow, but. Reins are linkable and I haven't heard anything about anyone killing him.:/ edit: I linked it in Real ID chat, and as the commenter below me pointed out, Real ID will link everything. Tried again in a whisper and it didn't link. Comment by Evolutionadam Can anyone take an ounce of reason to this horribly flawed '72 hour minimum spawn' B.S. That was clearly not thought out?

If this was true, then you would NEVER EVER EVER see a spawn from Tuesday at 11am server until Friday at 11am server. Do you honestly think that the wow devs are so short sighted that they made a rare spawn that would only spawn on 4 days of the week? Case in point, my Aeonaxx kill was on a Wed at 2am EST, about 12 hours after server.

My TLPD kills were on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, and he doesn't have a 3 hour respawn. The following are theories which might hold more water than this B.S., but please don't start 800 posts relating to them. Poseidus didn't go live with the patch. Maybe the devs were working out last minute model changes or something. Just because no one killed it doesn't mean it was active. There's no logic in it. EU spawns may be due to the fact that they had EU bugs worked out. Crack Para Autocad 2000i Tutorials.

If they aren't having the same amount of restarts as US servers, clearly they aren't carbon copies. Poseidus is now a chance spawn off of another mob.

It could be tied to anything. Every time 10k critters are killed on your server, any time someone actually steps foot in Desolace, who the hell knows. It could be tied to a rare spawn in Northrend or Outlands, giving it a low chance tied to the fact that the rare might be up for long periods of time.

The moral of this rant is that complaining about server restarts instead of using half a gram of logic won't win you a mount. It won't get you anything. Leave your toon on a spawn point, go read a book, plant a tree, or do something more productive than filling a page full of your useless unfounded complaints. Comment by atjays BS huh? Well you're explanations sure made me giggle. ALL EU servers began seeing Poseidus after 72 hrs of the servers being live, all their servers got kills, some possibly got multiple kills.

None reported having done anything out of the ordinary.Their servers restart for weekly maintenance, suddenly Poseidus vanishes and hasn't been seen on EU servers (they're still in the 72hr CD window). US servers have not gone 72 straight hours without a restart, Poseidus has not been seen nor killed, in what will be 12 days by the time the next 72hr period goes. Quite honestly with the dozens of other bugs in 4.1, we're likely to see another hotfix this weekend and won't see Poseidus at all this week either. My 72 hr theory isn't that hard to believe, they've done similar cool downs with world bosses in BC and Vanilla, and although it's a really cheap trick to artificially make him 'rare', it's obviously working. Comment by eli2112 @evolutionadam you don't know a thing about statistics do you? Anyways, I do think blizz didn't thought this one very well, or maybe just implemented it wrong.

I'm sure they were aware that a LOT of ppl were going to be at the spawn points the day 4.1 went live so I guess they didn't want 1 person with a mount (and boe expensive epic item) on every server like that for free basically, so they implemented the 72h CD. After the initial CD the mob would enter a regular spawn cycle like any other rare-mount-dropping mob. Most of the people that just wanted to take advantage of the 1st spawn right after the patch went live would not wait the 72h wondering around the bottom (or surface, w/e) of the sea, and only real collectors and hardcore campers would remain (and the occacional lucky basterd). But, enter server restarts. They trigger the CD on the spawn making the mob not only predictable but also unobtainable in this hotfix-and-restart filled days. I would guess they didn't plan that, and if they did (thinking that restarts would make a lot of ppl go back to camping) it sucks. Sorry for the long post, anyway if they do fix it or if it enter a normal cycle intended after a few weeks (or a few spawns) we'll never know, but I doubt it'll stay spawning every 72h after a reset for ever.

Comment by Nerdelbaum I know that the whole linking stuff has been discussed before, however I wanted to at least share this: Reins have not been linkable all last week until now on EU-Destromath. They just became linkable, only about 36 hours after realm restarts. Unfortunately I was too late to see if someone really killed Poseidus and spot his corpse due to me finally leaving my campspot after one week of almost constant camping to do a bit of archeology (thinking I'd have 2 more days till a possible spawn). Maybe there really is more to the respawn timer. Comment by atjays Regardless if Blizzard's 72hr timer was 'short sighted', wrong/right/dumb/lazy/etc, it is what it is until they change it. It sucks we keep getting restarts while the EU got lucky last week and dodged a few so they got kills, but it's just a short term annoyance for us. EU is closing in on 48hrs since their maintenance without any kills, so far I'd say the 72hr theory is fairly sound.

Just waiting for a chance to confirm it on US realms. While I can accept plenty of other ideas and theories, I just feel sorry for those endlessly camping for something that isn't coming. One particular person on my server wouldn't listen to a word I said, that's fine, I'll enjoy raiding and getting a full nights sleep while he blows bubbles in Vashj'ir. Comment by Nerdelbaum Nah, all kills were on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday (CEST) with the downtime starting at Wednesday 3am or 5am, I don't know exactly, making the time frame only a few hours instead of two days.

Plus the reins were never sighted on the auction house so the lucky killer didn't learn them, he didn't put them on the ah and he didn't log on for 1 1/2 days after being either VERY lucky or camping a long time like the rest of us. Well, if you find that more likely than the theory about the respawn timer that is only based on a handful kills being flawed (I don't say completely wrong) fine with me.

Comment by Alterraia I remembered something recently. This book, was DIRECTLY effected by restarts, maintenance, and crashes. Each time the realms went down for whatever reason, the timer would reset on the spawns of each book. A soon as realms came up, either the needed books, or the duds, would be there. EVERY restart. That's how I farmed this on my characters.

I'd just be on after a restart had finished. So, restarts do directly effect spawn timers, and I am very certain that the US has not seen Poseidus since 4.1 and EU has, because of restarts. That's the only explanation. Every time I bring this up to a GM, they act like they don't know anything, which they probably don't, and they don't seem to care about finding out what they can. And yes, there will be restarts.AGAIN.for the US realm, on the morning of May 6th. So yeah, it seems like I'm wasting time in Shimmering Expanse & Abyssal Depths waiting for this guy to spawn, but he's my last world drop rare, and I'm not giving up. So any US posters, please post asap if there is a kill & and actual mount on your realm.

Time & date please. EU realms, it will help to strengthen this theory of restarts effecting spawn timers, because for some reason you guys have less restarts than US.