Python Install Pyqt4 Windows
010218by admin

Python Install Pyqt4 Windows

You can install the PyQt4 version from a separate channel, but it will downgrade the PyQt5 version that you currently have installed. Conda install --channel pyqt One way around this is to create an additional anaconda environment and install it from there. In the Windows Command Prompt: # Create the environment conda create -n py35_qt4 python=3.5 anaconda # Activate the new environment activate py35_qt4 # Install the PyQt4 package in the new environment conda install --channel pyqt Then, when you want to use the new PyQt4 environment, you will need to use the activate py35_qt4 command to get into that environment, or add the path to that environment (similar to C: Anaconda3 envs py35_qt4 python.exe) to your IDE.

Python Install Pyqt4 Windows

Configuring PyQt4 After unpacking the source package (either a.tar.gz or file depending on your platform) you should then check for any README files that relate to your platform. If you are using the commercial version of PyQt4 then you must copy your license file to the sip directory, or to the directory specified by the option of You need to make sure your environment variables are set properly for your development environment. In order to configure the build of PyQt4 you need to run either the or the script. is the original configuration script that uses the build system of SIP v4 (i.e. The sip.sipconfig module). It will be supported for the life of PyQt4.

How to install pyqt4 on windows, I'm using Python 3.4 on Windows. When I run a script, it complains ImportError: No Module named 'PyQt4' So I tried to install it, but pip install PyQt4 gives Could., Videos of how to install pyqt4 on windows, Click to view5:14HDPython PyQt:Install PyQt4 In Windows 10YouTube. is the new configuration script that uses Qt’s qmake program to do all the heavy lifting. It has the following advantages: • it supports cross-compilation • it is the basis of PyQt5’s configuration script • generated Makefiles have an uninstall target • it will work with SIP v5 (which will have no build system). Users are encouraged to switch to using in order to ease the future transition to SIP v5 and/or PyQt5. C: python34 python configure - ng.

Py If you have multiple versions of Python installed then make sure you use the interpreter for which you wish to build PyQt4 for. The full set of command line options is: --assume-shared Normally Qt is checked to see if it has been built as shared libraries. Some Linux distributions configure their Qt builds to make this check unreliable.

This option ignores the result of the check and assumes that Qt has been built as shared libraries. --bindir, -b The pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 utilities will be installed in the directory.

--concatenate, -c The C++ source files for a Python module will be concatenated. This results in significantly reduced compilation times. Most, but not all, C++ compilers can handle the large files that result. See also the option.

--concatenate-split, -j If the option is used to concatenate the C++ source files then this option determines how many files are created. The default is 1.

--configuration contains the configuration of the PyQt4 build to be used instead of dynamically introspecting the system and is typically used when cross-compiling. --confirm-license Using this confirms that you accept the terms of the PyQt4 license. --dbus, -s The dbus-python.h header file of the dbus-python package can be found in the directory /dbus. --debug, -u The PyQt4 modules will be built with debugging symbols.

On Windows this requires that a debug version of Python is installed. --designer-plugindir The Python plugin for Qt Designer will be installed in the directory. --destdir, -d The PyQt4 Python package will be installed in the directory. The default is the Python installation’s site-packages directory. If you use this option then the PYTHONPATH environment variable must include.

--enable, -e Normally all PyQt4 modules are enabled and are built if the corresponding Qt library can be found. Using this option only those modules specifically enabled will be checked for and built. The option may be specified any number of times.

--help, -h Display a help message. --license-dir The license files needed by the commercial version of PyQt4 can be found in the directory. --no-deprecated All Qt v4 features that have been deprecated in Qt v5 will be disabled. This is useful when porting PyQt4 applications to PyQt5.

--no-designer-plugin The Qt Designer plugin will not be built. --no-docstrings The PyQt4 modules will not contain automatically generated docstrings. --no-python-dbus The Qt support for the standard Python DBus bindings is disabled. --no-qsci-api The PyQt4.api QScintilla API file is not installed even if QScintilla does appear to be installed. --no-sip-files The.sip files for the PyQt4 modules will not be installed. New in version 4.11.

The pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 tools will not be built. --no-timestamp, -T Normally the header comments of each generated C/C++ source file includes a timestamp corresponding to when the file was generated. This option suppresses the inclusion of the timestamp. --plugin, -t If Qt has been built as static libraries then the static plugin will be linked with the appropriate PyQt4 module. The option may be specified any number of times.

--protected-is-public On certain platforms the size of PyQt4 modules can be significantly reduced by redefining the C++ protected keyword as public during compilation. This option enables this behaviour and is the default on Linux and MacOS/X. --protected-not-public The default redefinition of protected to public during compilation on Linux and MacOS/X is disabled. --pyuic4-interpreter is the name of the Python interpreter used in the pyuic4 wrapper. The default is platform dependent. --qmake, -q Qt’s qmake program is used to determine how your Qt installation is laid out.

Normally qmake is found on your PATH. This option can be used to specify a particular instance of qmake to use. This option is not available on Windows where qmake must be on PATH. --qsci-api, -a The PyQt4.api QScintilla API file is installed even if QScintilla does not appear to be installed.

This option is implied if the option is specified. --qsci-api-destdir, -n The QScintilla API file will be installed in the python subdirectory of the api subdirectory of the directory. Dutch Driving Theory Book. --sip The sip program is used to generate PyQt4’s C++ source code.

Normally sip is found on your PATH. This option can be used to specify a particular instance of sip to use. --sip-incdir The sip.h header file can be found in the directory.

--sipdir, -v The.sip files for the PyQt4 modules will be installed in the directory. --spec The argument -spec SPEC will be passed to qmake. The default behaviour is platform specific.

On Windows will choose the value that is correct for the version of Python that is being used. (However if you have built Python yourself then you may need to explicitly specify.) On MacOS will try and avoid macx-xcode if possible.) --static, -k The PyQt4 modules will be built as static libraries. This is useful when building a custom interpreter with the PyQt4 modules built in to the interpreter. New in version 4.11. Is the major and minor version (e.g. 3.4) of the version of Python being targetted.

By default the version of Python being used to run the script is used. It is typically used when cross-compiling. --trace, -r The generated PyQt4 modules contain additional tracing code that is enabled using SIP’s sip.settracemask() function. --verbose, -w Compiler commands and any output issued during configuration is displayed instead of being suppressed. Use this if is having problems to see what exactly is going wrong.

--version Display the PyQt4 version number. Any remaining command line arguments are expected to be in the form name=value or name+=value. Such arguments are added to any file created by C: python34 python configure. Py If you have multiple versions of Python installed then make sure you use the interpreter for which you wish to build PyQt4 for. The full set of command line options is: --assume-shared Normally Qt is checked to see if it has been built as shared libraries. Some Linux distributions configure their Qt builds to make this check unreliable.

This option ignores the result of the check and assumes that Qt has been built as shared libraries. --bindir, -b The pyuic4, pyrcc4 and pylupdate4 utilities will be installed in the directory. --concatenate, -c The C++ source files for a Python module will be concatenated. This results in significantly reduced compilation times. Most, but not all, C++ compilers can handle the large files that result. See also the option. --concatenate-split, -j If the option is used to concatenate the C++ source files then this option determines how many files are created.

The default is 1. --confirm-license Using this confirms that you accept the terms of the PyQt4 license. --consolidate, -g Normally each PyQt4 module (except for the Qt module) is linked against the corresponding Qt library. This option creates a module called _qt which is linked against all the required Qt libraries and the other modules are stub modules that populate their module dictionaries from this one. This is useful when linking against static Qt libraries to eliminate the need to distribute the Qt libraries while minimising the memory footprint of the PyQt4 modules.

--dbus, -s The dbus-python.h header file of the dbus-python package can be found in the directory /dbus. --debug, -u The PyQt4 modules will be built with debugging symbols. On Windows this requires that a debug version of Python is installed. --destdir, -d The PyQt4 Python package will be installed in the directory.

The default is the Python installation’s site-packages directory. If you use this option then the PYTHONPATH environment variable must include. --enable, -e Normally all PyQt4 modules are enabled and are built if the corresponding Qt library can be found. Using this option only those modules specifically enabled will be checked for and built. The option may be specified any number of times.

--help, -h Display a help message. --no-deprecated All Qt v4 features that have been deprecated in Qt v5 will be disabled. This is useful when porting PyQt4 applications to PyQt5. --no-designer-plugin The Qt Designer plugin will not be built.

--no-docstrings The PyQt4 modules will not contain automatically generated docstrings. --no-qsci-api The PyQt4.api QScintilla API file is not installed even if QScintilla does appear to be installed. --no-sip-files The.sip files for the PyQt4 modules will not be installed. --no-timestamp, -T Normally the header comments of each generated C/C++ source file includes a timestamp corresponding to when the file was generated. This option suppresses the inclusion of the timestamp.

--plugin, -t If Qt has been built as static libraries then the static plugin will be linked with the appropriate PyQt4 module. The option may be specified any number of times. --plugin-destdir, -p The Qt Designer plugin that manages plugins implemented in Python will be installed in the designer subdirectory of the directory. --protected-is-public On certain platforms the size of PyQt4 modules can be significantly reduced by redefining the C++ protected keyword as public during compilation. This option enables this behaviour and is the default on Linux and MacOS/X.

--protected-not-public The default redefinition of protected to public during compilation on Linux and MacOS/X is disabled. --qmake, -q Qt’s qmake program is used to determine how your Qt installation is laid out.

Normally qmake is found on your PATH. This option can be used to specify a particular instance of qmake to use. This option is not available on Windows. --qsci-api, -a The PyQt4.api QScintilla API file is installed even if QScintilla does not appear to be installed. This option is implied if the option is specified.

--qsci-api-destdir, -n The QScintilla API file will be installed in the python subdirectory of the api subdirectory of the directory. --sipdir, -v The.sip files for the PyQt4 modules will be installed in the directory. --static, -k The PyQt4 modules will be built as static libraries.

This is useful when building a custom interpreter with the PyQt4 modules built in to the interpreter. --trace, -r The generated PyQt4 modules contain additional tracing code that is enabled using SIP’s sip.settracemask() function. --use-arch When pyuic4 calls the Python interpreter on MacOS it will be run using the architecture. See the section. --verbose, -w Compiler commands and any output issued during configuration is displayed instead of being suppressed. Use this if is having problems to see what exactly is going wrong. --version Display the PyQt4 version number.

Configuring SIP and PyQt4 for MacOS Note that this section only applies if you are using the script to configure PyQt4. The script leaves it to Qt’s qmake program to handle the details. does not support the creation of universal binaries. Building applications for MacOS can be a complex process. Typically the following need to be taken into account: • the architectures (i.e.

I386, x86_64, ppc) that you want to support • the earliest version of MacOS you want to support (i.e. The deployment target) • the version of the SDK you want to use. If you are using a binary installer for Python and/or Qt then you also need to consider how they have been built regarding the above, and what bugs they have. SIP’s and PyQt4’s scripts provide the necessary command line options to allow the correct configurations to be specified - the trick is to work out which options to use depending on the versions of Python and Qt you have installed. SIP provides the following command line options to its script.

• --arch specifies the target architecture and may be specified a number of times. • --universal is a shortcut for --arch i386 --arch ppc. • --deployment-target specifies the earliest version of MacOS you want to support. This sets the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable and should be used rather than setting the environment variable in the shell (to work around bugs in some versions of Python). • --sdk specifies the SDK to use. PyQt4 provides the option that specifies which architecture certain PyQt4 tools (actually only pyuic4 at the moment) will use when running Python. For example, if your Qt installation is 32 bits, and your Python installation is 32 bits and 64 bits then you will need to specify --use-arch i386 to ensure that pyuic4 runs the 32 bit version of Python.

Configuring with Configuration Files The script normally introspects the Python installation of the interpreter running it in order to determine the names of the various files and directories it needs. This is fine for a native build of PyQt4 but isn’t appropriate when cross-compiling.

In this case it is possible to supply a configuration file, specified using the option, which contains definitions of all the required values. A configuration file is made up of a number of named sections each of which contains a number of configuration items.

The format of a configuration file is as follows: • a section name is a single line with the name enclosed between [ and ] • a configuration item is a single line containing a name/value pair separated by = • values may be extended to lines immediately following if they are indented by at least one space • a value may include another value by embedding the name of that value enclosed between%( and ) • comments begin with # and continue to the end of the line • blank lines are ignored. Those configuration items that appear before the first section name are automatically added to all sections. A configuration file defines a section for each version of Qt that requires a different configuration. will choose the most appropriate section according to the version of Qt you are actually using. For example, if a configuration file contains sections for Qt v5.3 and Qt v5.1 and you are using Qt v5.2.1 then the section for Qt v5.1 will be chosen. provides the following preset values for a configuration: py_major is the major version number of the target Python installation. Py_minor is the minor version number of the target Python installation. Sysroot is the name of the system root directory. This is specified with the option.

The following is an example configuration file. # The target Python installation. Py_platform = linux py_inc_dir =% ( sysroot ) / usr / include / python% ( py_major ).% ( py_minor ) py_pylib_dir =% ( sysroot ) / usr / lib / python% ( py_major ).% ( py_minor ) / config py_pylib_lib = python% ( py_major ).% ( py_minor ) mu # The target PyQt installation. Deer Hunter 2010 Download Torent Pc. Pyqt_module_dir =% ( sysroot ) / usr / lib / python% ( py_major ) / dist - packages pyqt_bin_dir =% ( sysroot ) / usr / bin pyqt_sip_dir =% ( sysroot ) / usr / share / sip / PyQt4 pyuic_interpreter = / usr / bin / python% ( py_major ).% ( py_minor ) pyqt_disabled_features = PyQt_Desktop_OpenGL PyQt_qreal_double # Qt configuration common to all versions.

Qt_shared = True [ Qt 5.1 ] pyqt_modules = QtCore QtDBus QtDesigner QtGui QtHelp QtMultimedia QtMultimediaWidgets QtNetwork QtOpenGL QtPrintSupport QtQml QtQuick QtSensors QtSerialPort QtSql QtSvg QtTest QtWebKit QtWebKitWidgets QtWidgets QtXmlPatterns _QOpenGLFunctions_ES2 This example contains a section for Qt v5.1. We have defined a number of values before the start of the section as they are not specific to any particular version of Qt. Note that if you use this configuration with a version of Qt earlier than v5.1 then you will get an error. The following values can be specified in the configuration file: qt_shared is set if Qt has been built as shared libraries. The default value is False.

Py_platform is the target Python platform. Py_inc_dir is the target Python include directory, i.e. The directory containing the Python.h file. Py_pylib_dir is the target Python library directory. Py_pylib_lib is the target Python interpreter library. It should not include any platform-specific prefix or suffix.

Pyqt_disabled_features is the space separated list of features (as defined by SIP’s%Feature directive) that should be disabled. Pyqt_module_dir is the target directory where the PyQt4 modules will be installed. It can be overridden by the option. Pyqt_modules is the space separated list of PyQt4 modules that will be built.

It can be overridden by the option. Pyqt_bin_dir is the name of the target directory where the PyQt4 related executables will be installed. It can be overridden by the option. Pyqt_sip_dir is the name of the target directory where the PyQt4.sip files will be installed. It can be overridden by the option. Pyuic_interpreter is the name of the Python interpreter (as it would be called from the target system) that will be used to run pyuic4.

It can be overridden by the option.