Setup Unrealircd Windows
012118by admin

Setup Unrealircd Windows

Sep 16, 2010. In this article I am going to go through how to set up an IRC server within the Windows environment. I will give you some tips and tricks and show you how to configure it according to the UnrealIRCd standards. I will also show you how to set up Anope IRC services which means you can get nickserv,. If you are unsure of how to make a link block, please Click Here (Opens in New Window) for a Link Maker First thing, is to open the IRCD Configuration file, to do this, type: pico unrealircd.conf - Or another suitable text editor (nano/vi/vim/joe/emacs/mcedit etc.) You will now need to place YOUR link blocks, which should look.

This tutorial will cover the basic setup of an Unreal IRC server with Anope services. At this time, the latest version of Unreal is 3.2.5, while Anope has last released version 1.7.17 of IRC services. Before continuing, you should check whether newer versions of these packages are available, because - in most of the cases - newer = better. Let's get started. NOTE: Before you start: - You should first change dir (cd) to the location you want them to be installed in (/opt for example) - You should create a subdomain which will be accessible from the Internet (eg:

If you don't have a, feel free to use a DNS subdomain service such as, which is free. There, create what ever subdomain you want, but keep in mind to use the IP address for the Linux box you are installing IRCD on. Moreover, the IP address used there MUST be accessible from the Internet (so don't use the LAN IPs as the subdomain address). - If you intent to enable SSL support, you will need to have OpenSSL and Kerberos5 installed correctly. - Unfortunately, the CODE boxes don't show spaces which are crucial to both unrealircd and services config files. You will have to pay a little bit more attention.

Setup Unrealircd WindowsSetup Unrealircd Windows

The Goat In The Chile Patch Lessons more. - Download the latest source packages:? Click for UnrealIRCD? Click for Anope Services.

- Decompress them (x.x.x is the latest version number). Anti-spoof protection? No directory with configuration files?

Hit enter path to ircd binary? Hit enter hub or leaf? Hub hostname?

Type the subdomain created earlier default permissions? 0600 SSL support? No (or Yes if you are a security addict) IPv6 support? No enable ziplinks?

No (unless you're linking with another IRCD) enable remote includes? No (again, unless you're linking) enable prefixes? Yes (totally up to you) listen backlog? 5 is fine, hit enter nickname history? 2000 is fine, hit enter max SendQ length?

Hit enter buffer pools? Hit enter file descriptors? Hit enter more parameters? Worcester 30cdi Combi Boiler User Manual. Hit enter - Type make to complete the compile process - Copy the example configuration file. About UnrealIRCd UnrealIRCd is an Open Source IRC Server, serving thousands of networks since 1999. It runs on Linux, OS X and Windows and is currently the most widely deployed IRCd with a market share of over 50%. UnrealIRCd is a highly advanced IRCd with a strong focus on modularity, an advanced and highly configurable configuration file. Key features include SSL, cloaking, its advanced anti-flood and anti-spam systems, swear filtering and module support. We are also particularly proud on our extensive online documentation.

How to get started Please consult our excellent online documentation at when setting up the IRCd! Step 1: Installation Windows Simply download the UnrealIRCd Windows version from Alternatively you can compile UnrealIRCd for Windows yourself. However this is not straightforward and thus not recommended. *BSD/Linux/OS X First you must compile the IRCd: • Run./Config • Run make • Run make install • Now change to the directory where you installed UnrealIRCd, e.g. Cd /home/xxxx/unrealircd Step 2: Configuration Configuration files are stored in the conf/ folder by default (eg: /home/xxxx/unrealircd/conf) Create a configuration file If you are new, then you need to create your own configuration file: Copy conf/examples/example.conf to conf/ and call it unrealircd.conf. Then open it in an editor and carefully modify it using the documentation and FAQ as a guide (see below).

Step 3: Booting Linux/*BSD/OS X Run./unrealircd start in the directory where you installed UnrealIRCd. Windows Start ->All Programs ->UnrealIRCd ->UnrealIRCd Documentation & FAQ You can find the documentation online at: We also have a good FAQ: Website, support, and other links • - Our main website • - Support • - Bug tracker • ircs:// - IRC support.