Sybil 2007 Download Free
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Sybil 2007 Download Free

Top 10 Dissociative Identity Disorder/ Multiple Personality Movies These movies have been chosen based on their entertainment value, popularity, and realism in representing (Multiple Personality Disorder, sometimes incorrectly called ' Split Personality'). Half these movies are based on the real lives of people with multiple personalities, the others entirely are fictional. Based on a True Story Fictional Plots Reviews comment on the movie's accuracy in showing Dissociative Identity Disorder - is what is shown likely, possible, or simply not DID at all? Which leave out key symptoms or invent nonsense? Do the movies entertain, and avoid stigmatizing mental illness?

Find out little known facts about the movies, famous quotes, and which movies you'll want to watch again, and again. Lists which can be watched freely online. All movies have been reviewed by at least one person with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Our top choice for psychology students, professionals or psychology buffs, and the only movie with a script written with very close involvement with a person with multiple personalities (DID): Truddi Chase, New York Times best-selling author of When Rabbit Howls.

Watch Sybil (2007) movie online at free of cost. You can also download this movie in HD quality. So get ready for entertainment.

Voices Within, starring Shelley Long and Tom Conti, tackles many of the common stereotypes and misunderstandings. Truddi's script shows what it's like to be, and have polyfragmented Dissociative Identity Disorder, meaning she has a large number of alter personalities, 92 in fact. She also has a sense of humor, which shows throughout the film. She explains life with so many alter personalities: 'We're a lot of people in one package. Not five, or twenty, but we had a roll call and there's enough to cover our front, our rear and our flank.

We are the Troops and we have our marching orders tonight.' DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 10 Psychology broadly correct Very well explained Avoids mental illness stigma? Based on real person with DID Truddi Chase (and the Troops) Triggers Substance use (alcohol, tobacco), child sexual abuse, animal abuse and more.

Comments Tackles key misunderstandings of DID. Does not show the severity of abuse that causes polyfragmented DID (read her book), or include suicidal alter in the original book. Watch or for an alternative view of DID. In a very short introduction we get to know and hear from some of Truddi's alter personalities, known as The Troops, including Mean Joe, Lady Catherine, Black Katherine, Sister Mary Katherine, Catherine, and a businesswoman called Ten-Four. This challenges the common of Dissociative Identity Disorder - which says everyone with DID must have no memory at all of the actions of their alter personalities (only recurrent amnesia is required for DID: amnesia for alters' actions isn't necessary).[3,4,7] The main film begins with Truddi in a payphone: saying she's found 'him' and tells her therapist she plans to kill 'him' this feels like one of the fictional events that the movie warns you about at the start. During the journey to get to 'him' the movie travels back in time to events earlier in her life.

Truddi's early, adult life is happy, despite the untreatable blackouts, but then her daughter brings a dog home, triggering a memory. Stability is replaced with outbursts of odd behavior, flashbacks, panic attacks, and memories of child abuse. Finally she calls a child abuse helpline, and the journey into her mind truly begins. A major strength of the movie is in explaining how the creation of each of her alters helps rather than hinders, and actually allows her to function better, and to survive with her sanity. Some people with DID might find the movie too far from their experiences, but including a range of very different experiences in the movies helps show the variety within DID. Others may like (or hate) the very strong views expressed against integration into a single personality - they decide to but not merge.

Sybil 2007 Download Free

If this is the only source of information you have about Dissociative Identity Disorder you might get the impression it's easily manageable - but the movie left out a lot, including Truddi's suicidal alter, so watch another real life movie for a more balanced view. The movie has some fictional events and drama added - but not in a sensationalized way.

Where to Watch It It's available on youtube and linked to from for watching online, or try Amazon to buy it on video. The UK video is called Shattered (1990). Truddi's interviews with Oprah are on youtube. DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 9.5 Psychology broadly correct Avoids mental illness stigma? 2007 version suggests Schizophrenia made Sybil's mother abusive Based on real person with DID Shirley Ardell Mason Triggers original ( 2007 version) Self harm, sudden violent death, severe sexual abuse (not directly shown), religious abuse, suicide attempt and more.

Comments 1976 rating shown. A dissociative fugue within DID is shown in 2007 version. Shows a limited/stereotyped view of DID, watch for an alternative.

Sybil 1976 (original) starring Sally Field, Part 1. English with French subtitles Some scenes may cause distress. You may need to after turning off the age restriction. Watch Sybil (1976) Overall Rating 9.5 'Sybil' is the best known case of a person with multiple personalities/Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Sybil Dorsett's life is completely unmanageable: her regular flashbacks make her dissociate and 'lose time', then she ends in a different place with no idea what happened. Life is falling apart, she can't manage to study, and she's finding herself in increasingly dangerous situations. Sybil gets referred to Dr Wilbur, then slowly begins healing from her childhood trauma and severe child abuse, particularly her mother's horrific acts of sexual abuse and emotional abuse. Of the two movies, the original (1976) and newest (2007, made 9 years after Sybil's death), the original is far superior, with a better script, better portrayal of trauma therapy, and Sally Field in the lead role as Sybil. Sybil has strange reactions (triggers) caused by everyday things: dishcloths, walking canes, and even the color green - will she ever make sense of it? Will she ever be able to manage her life?

The movie keeps your attention and is far from predictable, with the last scene being particularly moving. Sybil (2007) Overall Rating 8.5 Year: 2007 Genre: Drama Country: USA Director: Joseph Sargent Rated: No US rating (TV movie). Actors: Jessica Lange, Tammy Blanchard, Ron White, JoBeth Williams Major awards: 1 win & 2 nominations. After her mother's death, Sybil, a young art student, becomes so unstable she experiences a, when she 'comes to' it's 6 days later, and she discovers she's in Philadelphia, in the snow. The New York art college setting adds interest, with boyfriends in art school, and her alter's art being brought into therapy. Even for a movie the switches to alter personalities are very obvious and melodramatic - but in real life Sybil, like over 95% of people with Dissociative Identity Disorder, hid her diagnosis well;[4] nobody guessed her real identity while she was alive.

The switches between alter personalities get more subtle - and more realistic - later, but are still easy to keep track of. One of the male alters, Sid, is unaware he is in a female body but has noticed that something is missing, and uses the classic 'trance logic' style of thinking that alters have to reassure himself that it will grow when he's older.

Moments like this might be extremely familiar to those who know people with DID. The film is difficult to watch at times because of the graphic imagery and described abuse, but it holds your attention until the very end. Two main negatives: – Sybil's doctor's childhood medical records are left out, it then feebly attempts to cast doubt on Dr Wilbur, showing uninteresting arguments with a colleague – It's misleading to hear Multiple Personality Disorder was not a diagnosis, it just wasn't yet a separate diagnosis - and the first psychiatric manual was less than 10 years old and did include it. MPD was 'dissociative personality' in 1952 (DSM-I); by 1968, it was named 'hysterical neurosis, multiple personality type' - in the same 'hysteria' category as amnesia and fugue.

Sybil's DID diagnosis has been confirmed as accurate by psychiatrists Dr Colin Ross & PM Coons, and by her closest relative Naomi Rhodes. Controversy, false claims in Sybil Exposed and trial by media The doubting of Sybil's diagnosis came to public attention many years after her death, largely as a result of interviews and writing by journalist Debbie Nathan, author of the book Sybil Exposed, and someone known to doubt the very existence of all Dissociative Disorders (Ross, 2012). One article including such an interview boldly claims Real 'Sybil' Admits Multiple Personalities were Fake, reproducing part of a letter in which 'Sybil' renounced having multiple personalities, while simultaneously claiming 'I am all of them.' The article omits Sybil's follow up letter, which was written just 2 days later, in which she renounces the content of the previous letter, and explains she wrote it because she was having difficulty in admitting that she didn't have control over her 'selves'.

'Sybil' then writes that denying her diagnosis was a way to try to prove to herself that she did not need her psychiatrist. In the interview, Debbie Nathan fails to mention this second letter, or even the fact the letter that the interview is based on was in the original book, Sybil. Dr Suraci, a retired psychiatrist who was a friend of Sybil's proved that journalist Debbie Nathan's book, Sybil Exposed, included a number of false statements, and forced the publisher to. Many sources given in the book were 'phone conversations' without transcripts, Debbie Nathan also appears to have also left out key medical evidence confirming the abuse, and waited until the deaths of 'Sybil', her psychiatrist Dr Wilbur, and author Flora Schreiber to write what amounts to a character assassinations of them all. This is hardly a surprise given Nathan's past defending of child abusers, including her book 'Are these women child molesters?: The making of a modern witch trial (1987). She's also a board member of the 'National Center of Reason and Justice' which helps people who claim to be 'innocent' of sexual abusing/harming/killing kids, but does not help victims who have had crimes committed against them.

Journalist Debbie Nathan's assertion in Sybil Exposed that Dissociative Identity Disorder symptoms - including amnesia and fugues caused by pernicious anaemia (which is caused by vitamin deficiency) are absurd. Psychiatrist and medical doctor Colin Ross refers to her pernicious anaemia theory as 'medically implausible', and 'self-contradictory', noting that the dates of Sybil's documented dissociative symptoms and improvements do not correlate with either anaemia or her psychiatrist 'iatrogenically' creating Sybil's multiple personalities (Ross, 2012). Does Debbie Nathan find a medical doctor or psychiatrist who does agree with her 'pernicious anaemia' theory as the cause of Sybil's symptoms? No, she does not, and nor does she include in Sybil Exposed the opinion of Herbert Sybil on Sybil's diagnosis in her account of her interviews with him; Spiegel knew Sybil and she participated in research and clinical demonstrations with him for 3 years, and he was also consulted by Connie Wilbur on the case.

Spiegel's view was that Sybil had a Dissociative Disorder (DDNOS), which he stated in his book Trance and Treatment (2008) - which also includes his detailed account of Sybil's case. He also called her a 'grade 5 hysteric', which isn't a psychiatric diagnosis but his own term, the highly stigmatized term 'hysteric' actually refers to someone with hysteria, which was later renamed to Dissociative Disorders - another fact Debbie Nathan does not mention. At the very start of Sybil Exposed Debbie Nathan claims - without any source - that both the popular book Sybil and the televised drama - 'were instrumental in creating a new psychiatric diagnosis: multiple personality disorder, or 'MPD' - but the DSM-III does not list the book Sybil or any paper based on the real-life Sybil in its references, but it does list Sybil's psychiatrist, Dr C.B.

Wilbur, as joint author of a multiple personality case study (of someone with 4 personalities) from a year before the book Sybil was published - 'The objective study of a multiple personality' by Ludwig, Brandsma, Wilbur and Bendeldt (1972). In fact, contrary to Debbie Nathan's claim, 'multiple personality' was already in the DSM psychiatric manual, it was described within 'hysterical neurosis dissociative type' (code 300.14), as 'multiple personality type'; alongside 'amnesia', and 'fugue', symptoms 'Sybil' also had. When Multiple Personality became a separate diagnosis in 1980, it even kept the diagnostic code: 300.14. On page 73, of Sybil Exposed, Nathan fabricates details of the sex life of Flora Schreiber (the author of 1973's Sybil) by adding the words 'penis' and 'finger' - Schreiber's' sex life is certainly crossing a major boundary, 'sexing up' and inventing non-existent details, and so the book Sybil Expsoed continues.

The original scans from page 73's source are on Dr Patrick Suraci's website - proving there's no references to a penis, or fingers. Debbie Nathan even calls 'Sybil,' a victim of severe child abuse, a 'perpetrator' of fraud. But Nathan only wrote this after the death of 'Sybil'. Perhaps the only thing exposed in Sybil Exposed is the fabrications within the book itself. • — You're never ready for what you have to do.

You just do it. That makes you ready. • — You survived it when it happened, and you'll survive remembering it. • — There is no past.

Past is present when you carry you. • — How long have you been around, Vicki? — Oh, since Sybil was [inaudible]. I was the first, and the others came after. — What others? — Sid and Maddie and Peggy and [inaudible]. Oh, [laughs] you don't know about them, do you?

— I've met Peggy. — How many are there?

There are 16 of us. Free Fonts Download For Coreldraw X3. • —Feeling is as inescapable as breathing, Mr Dorsett.

• — People say I do things that I haven't done. — Well, sometimes I'll meet people I've never seen before who say they know me, and sometimes I'll find clothes I don't remember buying hanging in my closet. Or a painting I've started.

I'll come home and find it finished, only in a completely different style. Passes Dr Wilbur a black and white drawing signed Peggy Lou Baldwin — Who is Peggy Lou Baldwin? — I never heard of her. — My mother used to call me Peggy Louisiana when I was a little girl, and Mrs. Baldwin was my favorite teacher in school. — But I didn't draw that.

— Where did it come from? — I‐‐I found it in my room in Philadelphia when I-‐ — What were you doing in Philadelphia? — I don't know. • Sybil is the best known biographical account of a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder • Eight years after Sybil's case, the multiple personality diagnosis, a subtype of hysterical neurosis, was moved to a separate diagnosis of multiple personality disorder. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder became a separate diagnosis in the same year: 1980. [DSM-III] • A year before the book Sybil was published, Dr Wilbur jointly published a research paper about another case called The objective study of a multiple personality: Or, are four heads better than one? DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 9 Psychology broadly correct DID no longer treated using hypnosis or drugs to recover memories [4] Avoids mental illness stigma?

Based on real person with DID Francine L. Murdoch Triggers Substance use (alcohol, drugs), sexual scenes & dancing, racism, self-harm and more.

Comments violence is not linked to DID, child alters are very common, doesn't explain why alter Genius was created From the title, you would expect that Frankie and Alice would be a movie about a couple called Frankie and Alice, or one person (Frankie), who has one alter personality, or alter, called Alice. Neither is quite right: the movie is young woman called Francine, or Frankie, with very posh, racist alter called Alice and a highly intelligent child alter called Genius. Frankie's life is a disaster, and she isn't looking for help. She's busy trying to avoid her problems as she drifts from one alcohol and drug-induced haze to another, and getting fired from one shady 'exotic' dancing job after another.

Help finally comes when she is arrested for a minor offense, and enters treatment for substance abuse then alter Alice starts talking to the psychiatrist. DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 9 Psychology broadly correct David (a patient) calls Lisa 'Schizophrenic', at the time DID was called: dissociated personality, dissociative reaction, hysteria [DSM-I] for 1962 movie Avoids mental illness stigma? Based on real person with DID Real person, diagnosis uncertain Triggers Violent nightmares and emotional abuse. Comments No scenes involving treatment of dissociation/DID/DDNOS.

Child alter personality appears to shown. A 1998 remake also exists. A drama about two patients, David and Lisa, in a residental school for 'disturbed' teens (those with psychiatric problems). If you dislike the labelling kids with mental disorders or traditional psychiatric approaches then this movie might just appeal to you. While the movie has been tagged Dissociative Identity Disorder by many people online, it's much broader and more interesting than focusing on one person with one specific disorder; it's a fascinating look at the inner thoughts and actions of different people, and how they connect and heal while changing those around them. Both David and Lisa are seen as 'odd' by both society, and their peers.

David is exceptionally smart, normally hostile and fears being touched. Lisa only speaks in rhymes - if she speaks at all. Hardly anyone likes David, yet he befriends the friendless Lisa, who sometimes - when she has switched to her alter Muriel - runs and jumps around like young child, asks him to 'play,' and terrifies him by keep trying to touch him. It is the character of David, rather than Lisa, who is the most intriguing, with his anti-psychiatry views and combative manner. 'You've won,' he tells the psychiatrist when he finally sets foot in his office the office that David has secretly been battling to avoid. The movie doesn't really reveal Lisa's past, but David's dysfunctional family are horrified by the changes in him when he starts getting better.

Adapted from a book by a psychiatrist who doesn't appear interested the 'medical/biological' model of mental illness, the original 1962 movie reviewed here is a black and white indie movie, and reported to be. A diagnostic puzzle? Descriptions on movie websites refer to David as having psychosis (really??? He doesn't show any breaks with reality in the movie), and refer to Lisa as having Dissociative Identity Disorder. Confusingly the 1962 movie cover says nothing about any diagnosis, but the remake says Lisa has Schizophrenia, a psychotic disorder. Lisa's drawing appeared to show she understands she has either Dissociative Identity Disorder (or a similar form of - with a child alter personality, Muriel, but amnesia didn't seem apparent in the 1962 version.

It seemed more interesting to think about whether a mental diagnosis could be appropriate for David's mother, and if so, what would it be? Is there really a clear line between mentally healthy and a consistently diagnosable disorder? Triggers: This may be the only film about DID that is in any way close to being family-friendly: no crisis, self-harm, suicidality, drug use, violence or sexual scenes. David's violent nightmares involving are disturbing but he wakes up before anyone is hurt.

Schizophrenia originally meant a 'split mind' but not split or multiple personalities - it is a psychotic disorder, not a dissociative disorder.[3] It remains a common misdiagnosis for DID.[4]. DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 7.5 Psychology broadly correct Good for fiction.

Alters are not imaginary friends,[3],[4] can integrate (merge) but not die, threats to 'kill' alters are against treatment guidelines,[4] hallcinations of alters not typical [2,4] Avoids mental illness stigma? Most Based on real person with DID Triggers Many, includes sexual assault in present, injecting drugs, psychiatrist using marijuana, religious abuse, self-harm Comments Best fictional movie about Dissociative Identity Disorder, and one of the very few with an original plot. Suicide threat and self injury in trailer. One of the newest movies, and in our view the best based non-biographical movie about Dissociative Identity Disorder. Madison Walker decides to lock herself in her home for 30 days until she 'figures herself out', the odds are not in her exactly favor: people with Dissociative Identity Disorder symptoms often don't get diagnosed for around 7 years.[7] Wisely, she decides to keep a video diary to remind herself why she's there.

Ezdrummer Authorization Keygen. The trailer and first few minutes are intense - the surreal but beautiful hospital corridor scene immediately after Madison's suicide attempt is the most striking scene in the movie; the mix of distorted reality and grisly images may trigger, but most of the film has a lighter tone. Events jump between the psychiatric ward, and its other residents, and the 30 days before Madison's suicide attempt. Madison's brief visit to her parents, with her mother's emotional and religious abuse, referred to as part of her untreated 'sickness', opens the door to her past, but could have been done without blaming mental illness for abuse. Dissociative Identity Disorder is portrayed fairly well for a movie not based on real experiences, but doesn't show signs of the symptoms which are typical in DID, and any self-injury seemed healed by the next scene! Watching from an entertainment point of view this doesn't matter, and it is a very good film.

The twist at the end was unexpected, and of course unrealistic, but definitely improved the movie. Happy endings leave behind good feelings - even if in real life things are not so easy.

Books: The Three Faces of Eve by Corbett H. Thigpen and Hervey M. Cleckley ( 1957), journal article A case of multiple personality by Thigpen and Cleckley (The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol 49(1), Jan 1954, pp.135-151). Autobiographies: Strangers in My Body: The Final Face of Eve by Evelyn Lancaster (pseud.) and James Poling ( 1958 ), I'm Eve by Chris Costner Sizemore with Elen Sain Pittillo ( 1977 ), Eve by Chris Costner Sizemore ( 1978 ), A mind of my own by Chris Costner Sizemore ( 1989 ).

DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 7.5 Psychology broadly correct 40 years before treatment guidelines but excellent. Alter personalities are now known to integrate (merge) or become inactive, not 'die' Avoids mental illness stigma? The introduction refers to a fictional killer, the rest is fine Based on real person with DID Chris Costner Sizemore Triggers Brief abuse of child, suicide, alcohol use, domestic violence Comments Shows a limited/stereotyped view of DID, watch for an alternative. Headaches and total amnesia for hours at a time are common before treatment. More than 20 alter personalities - and more early trauma - emerged over time, as 'Eve' described in her later books.

This Oscar-winning movie is the true story of 'Eve', based on the clinical notes and book written by her psychiatrists, Cleckley & Thigpen. Joanne Woodward won an Oscar for Best Actress in the roles of ' Eve White', 'Eve Black' and 'Jane'. Eve White is a very reserved housewife, unhappily married to an angry, and sometimes violent, man. She gradually begins having 'spells' of amnesia during which her fun-loving alter personality, Eve Black, goes on shopping sprees, neglects her daughter, and acts irresponsibly. Eve Black knows everything about Eve White, but Eve White doesn't even know there is another 'Eve'!

Her psychiatrist is so stunned when Eve Black introduces herself that he immediately seeks a second opinion. Joanne Woodward is a joy to watch, acting the part of Eve Black: playful, flirtatious and causing no end of minor mischief. At first, Eve Black appears the exact opposite of the reserved and restrained Eve White, but as the movie goes on she seems increasingly like a teenager. Things become even more puzzling when another alter, Jane, suddenly appears: does she hold the trauma memories that neither of the others seem to? Does she remember the missing pieces of Eve's childhood? Overall, a great explanation of one-way amnesia including the alter personality who gets drunk and leaves the host personality with the hangover then laughs about it it's good to know you aren't the only person with Dissociative Identity Disorder that's had that happen! Joanne Woodward really makes this a fun movie.

The study of Eve's case was very influential in improving understanding of Dissociative Identity Disorder in early psychiatry and psychology (the first psychiatric manual was published only a few years before the film's release). 'Eve' wrote several books on her experiences of DID, which revealed that further alters existed than those integrated in the movie.

Surprisingly, this black and white movie has never been remade. Note: Integrating into a single identity is no longer seen as the main way to heal, most people achieve co-operation between their personalities and considerably reduced amnesia instead, often choosing not to integrate.

• — the fact that you might be having spells of amnesia doesn't mean you are losing your mind doesn't mean that at all — it's no use, you just don't want to tell me but I know it. —How do you know it, Mrs White?

—Because now I'm hearing voices too —What kind of voices? —Just one voice, but that's what that means, doesn't it? • — Well then, is it fair to say you love me but can't marry me, without telling me why not? — I just can't.

I know it isn't fair. I just can't.

— What is it honey? I'm not going to let you get away with anything like this. This means too much to me.

You've got to tell me. — Please, Earl. Just don't ask me anymore. — I'm sorry, Janie, I've got to. I can't give you up without even knowing what's the matter. — (sighs) Alright then.

I'll tell you. Did you read in the newspaper about a month ago (sighs) about a multiple personality case? A woman who has three personalities? — In the Chronicle? — Yes, that's the one. — Yeah, I read it. — I'm that woman.

— You're the — That's right. — But you sound all right. — You sound fine. — Maybe I do.

But not the other two. There are two others, you know, and they're very different from me. And I don't even ever know when they're coming out. — Holy Moses!

• — Does she know all about what I do? Does she tell you? — If I ask her. — Like about that sergeant? — Yes, she told me about that. — See, that's what I mean. Someone around all the time telling on you.

— You tell me about Mrs White, don't you? — Yeah, but she don't do anything! DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 7 Psychology broadly correct None included Avoids mental illness stigma? Based on real person with DID Triggers Suicide, bloody fight scenes, guns, death, sex, crime and more. Comments DID isn't associated with random violence. Shows an 'alter ego', who may have anti-social personality disorder (be a sociopath), which is very rare with DID.

The main character, known only as 'the Narrator', has chronic insomnia and a well-paid corporate job but appears to have no friends, a very mundane life and has become emotionally numb. As he seeks for solutions to his insomnia, he meets and connects with the troubled Marla Singler, and charismatic, unconventional soap salesman Tyler Durden, who quickly becomes the dominant influence in his life. He joins in with Tyler's elaborate, anti-establishment and often amusing mischief, and before long they setup an underground bare-knuckle 'fight club'. His life has begun its rapid descent into violence, chaos and outright rebellion against his former way of living. Something this movie does well is portray modern society's very dissociative (disconnected) way of life; with disorienting flights into different time zones, corporations that put profits before consumer safety, and attachment to possessions rather than people - things that have barely changed in the 20 years since the movie's release.

In the secretive 'fight club' it is not just the Narrator, but all the men, who are forced to live parallel lives, something known in psychology as 'doubling'.[2]:26 This film isn't informative or helpful in understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder,[1] which it represents as a Split Personality, but it is captivating, and you'll want to watch it more than once. It is no accident that 'alter ego' is the term used in the film rather than alter personality; for Tyler is the Narrator's shadow side: his exact opposite,[2]:25 a non-conforming side that counters the Narrator's submission to society's norms. His alter ego is everything that the Narrator is not, and the Narrator gradually embraces this side of himself as the movie progresses. DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 6.5 Psychology broadly correct Explained well, but no signs of PTSD, or distress. DID never officially diagnosed. Avoids mental illness stigma? Mental illness/crime plot, plot suggests there's no formal way to diagnosis DID Based on real person with DID Triggers Gruesome violence (at the start), sexual abuse/rape shown, abuse of power, and more Comments DID isn't associated with committing random violence.

This fictional film focuses on events surrounding the brutal killing of an Archbishop, the following murder trial, and sexual abuse by clergy. The movie is as much about the legal defense of 'not guilty by reason of insanity', and the defendant's life, as it is about the murder.

Edward Norton is outstanding in the role of defendant Aaron Stampler: a shy, passive, and baby-faced altar boy who is facing the death penalty for murder. During the trial it emerges that Aaron may - or may not - have Dissociative Identity Disorder The plot conveniently ignores the fact that I'm innocent, it was my alter personality! Is not, on its own, enough for an insanity defense: a person with DID (or their alter personality) is not automatically considered 'insane', e.g., incapable of knowing right from wrong/incapable of refraining from crime. [9]:345, [10]:352 There's also no attempt to use assessment tools to check for either Dissociative Identity Disorder, or attempts to fake mental illness to avoid a conviction,[8]:86 - but the uncertainty over the suspect's diagnosis definitely improves the story. The plot twists and turns, making it a real psychological thriller - as soon as you feel sure you know what really happened, another shocking revelation occurs. Edward Norton won a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Oscar for this movie, and Richard Gere is superb as his ambitious lawyer, who takes on the seemingly hopeless case free of charge hoping the publicity will enhance his reputation.

Although the movie repeats the limited media stereotype of multiple or split personalities - a man with two personalities, one good and the other possibly a violent killer, with total amnesia for the time during killing (of course!) - don't let this put you off watching it; it really is an unusual, and intriguing movie. A diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder is not associated with killing people or committing random violence (but it is strongly linked to self-inflicted violence/ self-injury), and the plot is.

After watching the movie a second time (it really is the kind of movie to watch more than once) I did notice how unemotional Aaron Stampler was. Facing a murder charge would make most people scared, frightened, depressed, and possibly angry or defiant. Was he too numb to feel anything, which a type of dissociation? Was he so overwhelmed emotionally that it didn't feel real? Did he just not care what happened to him, something fairly common in survivors of severe childhood trauma? Watching the movie again gives you chance to look for subtle signs and indicators of how it will turn out in the end.

You do not speak. Your job is to just sit there and look innocent. — I am innocent. • — Why gamble with money when you can gamble with people's lives?

That was a joke. All right, I'll tell you. I believe in the notion, that people are innocent until proven guilty. I believe in that notion because i choose to believe in that basic goodness of people.

I choose to believe that not all crimes are committed by bad people. And I try to understand that some very, very good people do some very bad things. DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 6.5 Psychology broadly correct None included Avoids mental illness stigma? Based on real person with DID Triggers Suicide, death, self-harm, emotional abuse, guilt, ghosts/supernatural and more Comments Amnesia for past trauma. Psychosis seems very likely.

This is the only foreign language film to make this top ten. Subtitled in English (with DVDs subtitled in many languages), this drama/horror/mystery is based on a Korean folk story.

The two girls, Soo-mi and Soo-yeon, are a puzzle: are they two sisters as they seem: or both part of the same person? The film begins with a very brief scene in a psychiatric institution hospital after their mother's death. Soon after they return home the creepy music starts, and the terrifying nightmares which might be real. The cruel step-mother adds to the family conflict, and then there's the ghost and it's not just the sisters who see the ghost and fear the things that make strange noises at night. It is everything you would hope for in a traditional horror/mystery, but with hallucinations, and post-traumatic flashbacks as well. The directing is excellent, especially the use of the color red. Fantasy and reality are increasingly blurred, and it becomes harder and harder to work out what is really happening rather than what is just the mind, but things become clearer once the horror of their mother's death is shown.

Indian film Anniyan (2005), in Tamil and subtitled in many languages, is also fairly recent. DID Portrayal Rating Overall Rating 5.5 Psychology broadly correct Nothing is correct. Malpractice: treatment goes against treatment guidelines,[4] dual psychiatrist/ defense lawyer role is unethical Avoids mental illness stigma?

Based on real person with DID Triggers Multiple murders, crime, aggression, and more. Comments DID isn't associated with being a serial killer, delusions, or complex hallucinations. DID is not treated by 'killing off' alters. The worst movie reviewed here. Usually it's not worth watching movies with the classic stereotype 'person with multiple personalities is a serial killer but doesn't even know it' because you know how they are going to end. This film is a bit different, but a disappointment all the same. It's also one of the highest rated films tagged as both 'Multiple Personality Disorder' and 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' (DID) which is the key reason for reviewing it.

It sounds like a very familiar plot for a horror: a group of people are stuck in a cheap motel waiting out a storm, and they are murdered one by one. The strange mix of people stuck in the motel are collectively very, very angry, and surprisingly lacking in fear given the presence of a serial killer among them: arguments abound. Given how many people with Dissociative Identity Disorder have avoidant behaviors,[3] many people with DID may struggle to watch so much anger and aggression.

The movie is 'not educational,'[1] to say the least, with no sign of an attempt to research Dissociative Identity Disorder. The psychology is a horrible mess, with non-existent terms used like diss associaties and Multiple Personality Syndrome (rather than Disorder) giving a tiny hint at the gross misunderstandings that this movie includes. Any psychiatrist who, like the psychiatrist in the movie, states 'I knew there would be violence' as a result of 'treatment' or that identities should be 'killed off' is clearly unfit to practice, and is working against the Dissociative Identity Disorder treatment guidelines.[4] As horror films go, the first half was entertaining, and some scenes seemed to be shot in a way that made them amusing. The second half, which included the psychiatric assessment, was far less engaging, dealt with legal rather than psychiatric decisions, and increasingly seemed to showed a psychotic disorder (breaks with reality) rather than Dissociative Identity Disorder. The end was very easy to predict from early on in the movie. Verdict: Misunderstanding rather than metaphor, and much that you've seen before.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is associated with being the victim, rather than the perpetrator of violence: except in the movies where it is typically portrayed as a 'Serial Killer with Amnesia Disorder'.